Fuck the world. Fuck immigrants. Why can't America just isolate itself and close its borders? Why does America have to "participate" in world events? We can feed ourselves just fine and produce every product we need right here at home. Fuck the world. You need us, we don't need you. America belongs to White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. God promised us this nation. Manifest destiny bitch.
Fuck the world. Fuck immigrants. Why can't America just isolate itself and close its borders...
>white man conquers NA
>white man gets conquered slowly but surely
it's your own fault
>produce every product we need right here at home
OMG, what are you, 12? Everything is made in the third world, meng.
It's the jews fault for co-opting us into giving subhumans rights.
Fuck off kike
I'm a Polish catholic immigrant. I like it here, I ain't leaving. Deal with it faggot.
Gee I wonder why. What could possibly be preventing people from just living their lives in peace with their people?
>Why can't America just isolate itself and close its borders?
Because America created multiculturalism in the beginning of time by genociding the natives, bringing in black slaves and conquering previously known non-white territories (Hawaii, California, Texas, basically all of the west coast was Mexican land).
Japan never did this shit that America did so of course they will be ethnically homogenous.
Stop fucking creating these retarded threads fucking Jow Forumsfaggots, go suck a dick you you cunts your all annoying.
Oh you don't the need the world hmm? Why do you have trillions of dollars in debt then? Because America decided to increase its military spending to exorbitant amounts during the cold war you will never be able to pay it all back. If America ever cuts trade ties and tries to isolate itself, other countries will call in the debt and America will go bankrupt.
>god promised uis this land
And yet he didn't deliver so clearly either he never did or you did something to piss him off and are now reaping your fate. kek
I agree with you. That's why I voted Trump. We need to pull back from world affairs, I do not give a single fuck what happens to any other country. If you don't want to get invaded by China or Russia, then build a kickass military like we did. It is a slow process, but we are starting to see our great nation move in a more isolationist direction (getting out of that shitty Pacific trade union, getting out of paris climate accord, telling Canada to suck a dick, etc.)
It shouldn't and doesn't have to be, niggerfaggot.
You can't go bankrupt if you don't rely on other nations. Just quit paying and get rid of the fucking military already.
I understand patriotism, but I personally don't see the point. We are one planet, this just seems sociopathic
Go huff some glue, zoomer.
The adults are talking.
Sociopathy is good to a certain extent. Chronic altruism is just as bad.
>we are one planet
But we are not one people. Different cultures do not mix well, and history has proven this time and time again.
>claims god gave some dudes some land
>the adults are talking
>Adults are incapable of religion
Dream on, meng. People want cheap shit at walmart, and lost jobs is the price of that. It's never EVER going to come back to our shores.
The disease of comfort will be cured after the race war renders America into a war torn shithole.
>muh sky daddy said so
>this is considered rational arguing.
what do you mean by this? when one country's leadership rules an outside country, the outside country's culture usually gets absorbed in the ruled country's culture. it happened with the brits, spanish, and french to all their ruled territories.
>the race war
OMG, stop it, I'm gonna pee...
>Adults are incapable of irrational argumentation
>White Anglo-Saxon
I was born in this country and I am not white. I am an American. This is my country as much as it is yours.
>act like a manchild
>still appeal to authority via seniority.
You are only an American if you are white. No kike (((legal documents))) are gonna change that, dirt child
No, man! I'm laughing at your ludicrous vision of "apocalyptic end-times"!
>is a zoomer
>calls others manchildren
And what happened to their once great empires? Where are those countries headed now? What happened to Rome? Large, multicultural empires ALWAYS fail eventually, it is just a matter of time.
You are literally too much - I love it!
>again with the deflection
lmao faggot, you got no argument.
you just posted this shit in /b/ and I'm sorry but this is Jow Forums material and you should go back there even though I agree with you.
Sounds like you have bullshit to back this up. I have citizenship. I don't see why you have to bad-mouth Jews or brown people.
People like you are why people think the right is full of racists. Please grow up.
My argument is that neither of your stipulations exclude people from being adults. You've yet to even try to refute that.
well agree for the most part anyway. Just finished reading the rest.
I am a republican and you and our president disgrace our party. you should be ashamed of yourself.
>my argument
Let's review this entire thing:
>muh sky daddy
>man that sure is retarded
>you're young, I'm old
>then act like it
that's it. This is all a deflection away from the opening argument.
> (You) #
>Sounds like you have bullshit to back this up.
Tribalism isn't bullshit.
>I have citizenship.
Kike (((legal documents)))
>I don't see why you have to bad-mouth Jews or brown people.
Because they're rival tribes.
>People like you are why people think the right is full of racists.
They should think that. The right should be completely co-opted by racism.
>Please grow up.
I'm 24. Not gonna happen.
God dosent exist and nothing is set in stone
>then act like it
So then I said that neither of your stipulations exclude people from being adults. You've yet to even try to refute that.
"Muh race" is not an argument.
Its enough that I have to deal with idiot liberals. You're just as hard as the sjws. You're just like them, they hate white people and turn that into a cult, you love white people and turn it into a cult.
There's no shame in being any race.
>So then I said
you said shit that does not pertain to your opening argument, do you fucking understand that you brainless subhuman?
I haven't studied Rome, but to say that they fell because it was multicultural is very lazy. If America ever falls, it won't be because of multiculturalism.
Your (((party))) should be lined up and shot.
Go find another country to sell out, you globalist piece of shit.
Is America your tribe or white people? Because it can't be both. We were raised in the same land and culture. Our bodies grew off the fruit of this land.
>let's see how long I can keep this idiot busy!
It does pertain to my argument because your stipulations detract from it. I corrected you. If you take issue with that, correct me.
Ok so you're like a communist for white people
>being loyal to a political party rather than loyal to your nation
The US should split up so isolationist conservatives can have their own states (Montana, Wyoming, etc.) to do whatever the fuck they want in.
Then the coasts are free to join together as a liberal globalist empire.
This thread is on /b/ as well and its a stinker there OP. 1 thumb down
My nation is the American nation. You know your ancestors in Europe spent thousands of years killing each other tribalism.
Is that really what you want? Cause they were smart enough to eventually stop.
>still deflecting
Kek. I guess you know your argument doesn't hold water.
Rome fell because of a bloated bureaucracy, excessive taxation, a massive welfare state, moral degradation, and large amounts of Gallic/Germanic immigrants that did not assimilate to Roman culture. Similar circumstances will lead to the fall of the USA. You're right, it isn't just multiculturalism, it is never just one thing. But multiculturalism is a major component, and makes these other issues worse.
>"Muh race" is not an argument.
It is totally in argument. It is the motive behind everything I do here.
>Its enough that I have to deal with idiot liberals.
You failed to deal with idiot liberals. We are the solution.
>You're just as hard as the sjws. You're just like them, they hate white people and turn that into a cult, you love white people and turn it into a cult.
And that's EXACTLY what we need. An opposing identitarian force to crush their racial arguments head on.
>There's no shame in being any race.
I agree, but I don't want shitskins in my homeland.
White people first.
Only in the sense that I want corporate globalists dead.
How do you define deflecting?
Fixating on something completely irrelevant instead of defending your "argument".
Okay, what's my argument according to you?
is this the part where you tell me you're really 6 different dudes and you totally made that original claim? lmao
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Answer my question and quit deflecting with inane gobbledegook.
>and quit deflecting with inane gobbledegook.
>literally no u
oh man this is rich
If you're not going to state the argument that I'm supposedly not defending I guess I'll consider this a victory by default.
And then what? America would become third world over night
I've been to third world countries and I would prefer a third world ethnostate to the alternative.
>Fuck the world.
Fuck you.
>Fuck immigrants.
>Why can't America just isolate itself and close its borders?
Isolationism leads to a stagnant and fucked up economy. We are massive consumers.
>Why does America have to "participate" in world events?
Nobody says we have to do anything. Our predecessors put us on stage front regardless of whether you like it or not.
>We can feed ourselves just fine and produce every product we need right here at home.
>Fuck the world. You need us, we don't need you.
>America belongs to White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
>God promised us this nation. Manifest destiny bitch.
Major cope.
>I have no idea what argument I should be defending
probably because you had none in the first place.
>can't defend his position
>thinks he's won
Man that's some next level cope.
This. I came here to get away from all the race b8 spam.
Mods can we nuke this entire thread please. Dont let these polfags ruin another board.
>God promised us this nation.
y i k e s
>you can't defend your position that you also don't hold
ITT dumbass zoomers who can't think of an argument and devolve into cancerposting, pathetic.
Because they not white.
>Isolationism leads to a stagnant and fucked up economy. We are massive consumers.
>Our predecessors put us on stage front regardless of whether you like it or not.
Time for that to change.
You're coping because you don't have an argument.
>I have no position at all
>I won anyway though
Yeah, winner of the "greatest dumbass on all Jow Forums" award
>we (can) produce every product we need
>factory requires steel and oil to produce cars or whatever
>there are not enough resources on US soil to fuel enough american industries to satisfy the current population's material needs in case of full isolationism
Unless you like living in a white trash trailer park where an average TV costs as much as a car and power cuts out at random throughout the day, go ahead.
I have many positions, none of which you refuted. Even within the context of the past several comments I posted two.
>believing in God doesn't exclude people from beinga adults
>thinking illogically doesn't exclude people from being adults
No argument has been presented in the first place. The only thing everyone is doing here is making declarative statements without substance to back them up. Stop trying to shift the burden on everyone else's shoulders. If any of you had a point, you would have established a premise and constructed an argument around it. You won't though. This is all "muh white race" has to offer. Sad!
I like how ethnostate supporters forget that "muh nordic Vikings" had no literature, no advanced culture, and made a living out of committing crime (raping, pillaging, and conquering.)
Pretty much all the negative stereotypes they have about black people apply to "the master race".
>Ethnostate America would have the same needs of the current united states
"Muh white race" is the substance to back up the declarative statements. If you don't share the same values as me, get the fuck out of America.
>ethnostate autists don't realize that the best food comes from anywhere else but America
White people PROVABLY have the worst taste in meals
I never rely on Vikings for anything but proof of historical effectiveness in raiding from whites.
Lmao I don't doubt that, do you have the source?
Your ethnostate will be 99.9% dudes because no woman is going to give up the creature comforts of the modern world to live in a drafty shack in rural Idaho.
The Mongols had the largest contiguous range of territory among any civilization in history
Keep it, nigger.
I'll enjoy my turkey and mashed potatoes.
actually though the us is very capable of being self sufficient. some say we could even wage war on the whole world and win.
What source do I need? Even among Europe, the best tasting meals come from Romance language countries (i.e. France, Italy and Spain)
Not willingly. We'll work out the kinks in reeducation.
Does that make vikings ineffective at raiding?
>If you don't share the same values as me, get the fuck out of America.
>doesn't explicitly state values
You're free to leave any time.
>I'll enjoy my turkey and mashed potatoes.
You can eat that, but you won't enjoy it
In order
>sky daddy gave us this land
Appeal to an imaginary dude
>believing in god doesn't exclude a person form being an adult
It does however show that they're irrational so claiming superiority by seniority becomes pointless.
>being irrational
If someone is irrational it means you can dismiss what they have to say, so once again, appealing to superiority by seniority is pointless
There, I spelled it out for your tiny baby brain
I explicitly stated my values as making an ethnostate for white people.
I've heard Italians aren't white before (absolute nonsense) but now not even the French are white?
Yes, because when you are done killing the niggers, the millions of impoverished in result of the war white trash will demand the near-utopian luxury that was promised to them in event of victory.
>t. AP social studies student