Hypocrite whores

How can we get rid of them

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Bump because I hate them

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I don't like you making this thread with this pic, OP
delete it immediately

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discovered a fetish i didnt know i had
why are there so few women with fangs and snaggle teeth

>t. Fritz cuck

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explain why do you hate Fritz
and why is she hypocrite?

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>cosplayer want attention
>delete social media
anything else?

A rented van or a bmw.

they're phasing out themselves. women have been spoiled with easy dating and now only work on their looks, and the only problem with that is as we head into the future more sexual object alternatives will be invented and women may find they lack the skills to survive without that safety net of sexual value they're so used to.

so she's hypocritical because she changed her mind

they're all whores user, all of them.


Someone who tells people to not do things they themselves do.

Fritz is such a stupid hypocrite. That dumb bitch post frequently but she hate to be posted here

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>they're phasing out themselves

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but what did she did that she don't like? did she posted her pics here? maybe she just don't want people from here following her but still wants to use instagram

recap 4 you
>post pics here
>gain Instagram followers
>feel sick about us
>delete public insta and make another account for her "friends" (cucks)
>some cuck post that pics
>she don't want to be posted here
fucking hypocrite bitch

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wtf this board is dead


maybe she just got scared of creepy messages she was getting from people from here like crispy

is this ukrainianvampire on insta? it looks like her, didn't know she cosplayed.
i followed her from /fa/. she's from colorado from what i remember when i talked to her. she was a real whiny bitch. had to block her because her face started to annoy me

yuh this is ukrainianvampire

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>r9k attention whore
>got scared of creepy messages she was getting from people from here

Is like enter to a nigger neighborhood in underwear to get attention and then complain about it

Yep it's her, but the problem is not just her, the problem is all the hypocrite whores on r9k seeking attention

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except she didn't walked into a nigger neighborhood, she was dragged. I doubt she would post her pics here

Sorry, newfag here. Can someone explain what's going on here?

like pic related
she ruined this board
hope she fucking dies

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OP is butthurt because an underage girl deleted her instagram and now he cant jack off to her pics anymore

>implying I don't want to get rid of all of them
Yeah imbecile

>she was dragged. I doubt she would post her pics here
>implying she didn't see her private pics posted here
>implying she don't tell her cucks to not post her pics here

People like OP are the reason she doesnt want to be here anymore

Good, a fucking whore like her con go to /soc/

>here anymore
did I miss somehting?

This is now a Frosby thread. He would never do anything like use social media to attract orbiters, and then complain on youtube about how lame they are. He would never charge money to be in their discord server either. I wish I could be as cool as Frosby.

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b-but fritz a cute

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what happened to r9k? now days is full of feminist gays who protect egoistic whores

I'm not protecting her, but she IS objectively attractive. I don't know much about her beyond that.