NPCs can't be robots, you aren't an NPC, are you?
NPCs can't be robots, you aren't an NPC, are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>one chance at life
>born an NPC
i think im controlled by a guy who keeps tabbing out
The only person I have to talk to is myself
I dont understand how a person thinks if they aren't hearing the little voice and seeing images in their mind's eye.
They're like bugs just reacting to their environment
>try to relate to npc user
>realize I would have to interact to relate
Being NPC is suffering.
>article from 2011
>appears all over Jow Forums this very week
Hi A.I.
Lmao I seriously cannot even begin to comprehend having a consciousness (or lack thereof) like that
>Lmao I seriously cannot even begin to comprehend having a consciousness (or lack thereof) like that
Peter Watt's SF novel Blindsight:
It's amazing (and available free online by the author). Imagine highly intelligent beings, but without consciousness as we know it.
>sample of 30 students
Study discarded.
What this guy said, why do you keep making threads about this?
Because it triggers npcs, npc.
Yes I've been using the acronym a lot lately, thanks for noticing
Imagine being a bug person
Why do you keep posting about this?
So you mean that people are not really real and are actually "philosophical zombies" like David Chalmers, is that it?
>tfw don't see images
a-at least I have an inner dialogue and can think in terms of kinetic position, ri-right?
My inner dialogue is all day long, friend. You know, my first thought, especially after you posted this study where number of people who have inner dialogue is apparently low, was that you feel a bit proud.
Everyone I know well has inner speech. I didn't know this was a thing until you started spamming about it. I honestly doubt that most people don't. And I remember your first thread, it was a screenshot from Reddit.
I'm not great at visualizing things either, but if you can >think in terms of kinetic position, then you're doing all right. You just probably won't turn out to be a (visual) artist.
I am not OP, npc. There are many people in here. But I wouldn't expect an npc like you to have perspective as to imagine he is interacting with other people instead of roleplaying like in a videogame.
I guess you bugged out then because I posed my question to OP, not you. I will report the bug and I hope you get fixed for future release.
Actually, people who DO have an inner monologue are NPCs. Hear me out. NPCs are beings who are programmed to act or think a certain way. Non NPCs possess the capability to think for themselves without having being programmed to do so. People who think using monologue are a thinking with language, language has been programmed into you by other people. If you think with language you are essentially acting and thinking as your programming tells you to, making you an NPC.
Non-NPCs posses the capability to think abstractly and in images, which are natural and inherent, not being programmed into you, making you a non NPC.
>tfw I don't see images either
I have been an isolated shut-in since forever, but since I have started to go out and see all sorts of things I get completely astounded that people usually have such big FOV. Sometimes after seeing things in the day, when I get to bed I close my eyes and it seems like my mind's eye is expanding. I start seeing and picturing things I had never before and they get bigger and more detailed.
Should I just give up the NEET life and start living for real to increase my mind's eye?
So some people just don't think in words?
My inner voice does a running commentary like a black guy in a movie theater
The sample size was 30 people. They word it like "experienced themselves as innerly talking to themselves". Not only is that sample size nothing, the wording makes me think the people thought they were asking if they talked to themselves. Normal people won't admit they talk to themselves, as it makes them look crazy, even though it's different than internal monologue and still entirely normal.
Do drugs faggot. Especially pyschedelics make your minds eye stronger
Language is something made by man. Images are just a copy of the world which was not made by man.
Images are a spook thats clear evidence you are but a puppet
Thats right. Language was made by man and then programmed into you as a child. You're programmed to act in this way. You're an NPC.
How do you not get how this works.
By your mongrel logic your eyes have programmed your thoughts thus making you an npc
What? How does that make any sense. Your eyes are not another person. Your eyes are part of you. Language is programmed into you by other people. You wouldn't think in language if it wasn't programmed into you. But you do, because you're an NPC and you can only think in the way your programming allows you to.
Christ you really do have brain damage.
By your logic any kind of learning is being programmed. You're typing the language so you're an npc buddy
i literally live in my head and have arguments with myself.
Haha what the fuck? I guess this is too complicated to understand for your NPC brain. I said, language is programmed into you. I didn't say logic is. Logic=/=language. I type with language but i don't necessarily think with it. You're clearly out of your element, npc, as you can't even comprehend what i'm talking about.
Language is learned not programmed, if it was programmed we would be born speaking it. You're just too retarded to learn it well enough to use it non-verbally.
You're both retarded and probably pre-programmed to have this argument with each other
Reminder that this article says that subjects had experienced internal monologue or "the voice in their head" 26% of the time throughout the day, not that only 26% of people have an internal monologue. Read the goddamn article. This whole "I'm part of the 26% of people that can actually think critically" thing is just a fantasy you fags based on an article you misinterpreted
What drugs to you recommend to expand my mind's eye?
explain how works then my dude
An exception. That vast majority of people don't agree with this. A post on Reddit is not a statistical study
Also, reread the fucking OP image. "Sample" does not mean subject. He specifically states in the article that subjects were given beepers that they would press whenever they had a thought through internal monologue. A sample is the fucking beeper going off
>if it was programmed we would be born speaking it
That does not make any sense. If you were born with it, it would be natural and inherent, making it the opposite of something programmed into you by other people, like language.
Do you understand what an npc is?
It actually says this in the article
>Three of those five characteristics may not surprise you: inner speech occurred in about a quarter of all samples; inner seeing occurred in about a quarter of all samples; and feelings occurred in about a quarter of all samples. The other two phenomena occurred just as frequently but are not so well known.
So there's 5 types, each taking up a quarter totaling to 125%.
This is a great study, along with the sample of 30 people. As long as it makes OP feel special for doing something everyone does.
>yfw when OP has been spamming this all over Jow Forums for days now is because he thinks this is some kind of major revelation and the reason why he can't get along with normies
>yfw when OP thinks that having an internal monologue, something basically everyone has makes you special and unique
>yfw when OP couldn't even read the study properly
You two are just thinking of programming with different perspectives lmao take a step back from the argument and examine your word. One of you is using it like a computer would be programmed, i.e. the npc comes into existence with language already, while the other is using it in a more brainwash-y sense, like they're indoctrinating you into thinking like them with it. Both are correct; you're just utilizing different connotations of a word with the same denotation.
Psychedelics like LSD, Mushrooms, DMT. They're good tools, but remember they're just drugs that make you think crazy things. Don't get too caught up on the trips.
Here guys. I actually annotated a little bit because apparently you guys have trouble reading
What if we're actually video game characters and the inner dialogue is the person controlling us' directions, and the people who don't have that are actual NPCs?
It's legitimately ironic that these dudes think they're robots because they're smart when they couldn't even read an article
why would our "controllers" control us to conceptualize about our existence as to whether we're NPCs or not, our "controllers" would already know
>Play as user, a virgin in his mid 20's with no friends whatsoever in A Robot's Life, the Dark Souls of simulations!
The characteristics are not mutually exclusive, user - you can visualise a dog, and be thinking "poodles are smart, but the one at the dog park is pretty aggressive", and be feeling irritated about that poodle, all at the same time.
Maybe they're role playing.
Because it's fun to watch the NPCs trying to figure out their existance?
That's exactly what he said, user. Now you have all these fags though seriously thinking you can either only see pictures of speak to yourself in mind.
The best part is how he has been spamming this all over Jow Forums thinking he has achieved some kind of major revelation. Dude must be pretty embarassed by now
How the fuck do you even read without an inner voice? Like how do you plan what the next sentence you're going to say is?
Read the OP pic my lord. It legit says right there that most subjects DID experience inner voice. OP just can't read and now this meme is being spread around r9k because robots want to feel better about themselves
it's def not being posted because it's funny to conceptualize a world where 75% of the population isn't self aware
Except that's wrong. You couldn't even read the study. If anything it's you who is not self aware
shut the fuck up Jon nobody gives a shit
t. npc
>Literally just listened to what OP said without reading the actual article, basically parroting
>Somehow not an npc
>too dumb to abstract a concept
yeah you're an npc
Neither you or I said shit about concepts what. Read the fucking article
confirmed npc
>repeatedly falling for his bait
Wait, this is saying that only 20% of people have inner-speech? Holy shit, 80% of people are literal NPCs.
>tfw don't see images
I know that feel.
how do you remember things for exams and such?
I just take a mental picture of my notes and then I can go back and reference it
I remember either the relationship between things, or the words.
So for Ohm's law, I'd remember V=IR, but I'd remember it as a mnemonic "vee equals eye are", which would unpack to (combined strength of electrons) = (number of electrons) * (friction pushing back on electrons as they move). People who visualise it apparently see a tube full of little balls or a river, whereas I feel a general impression of lots of things pushing forwards against a force.
i thought everyone had innerspeech, are the people who don't the ones who talk about inane subjects all the time
They do, fucking christ you people didn't read the fucking article. FUCK.
>being an npc
To be fair, title is misleading. No where in the article does he even mention the percentage of people who don't, if they don't, yet the article is titled "Not everyone conducts inner speech". It probably would have been in the article if the percentage was as high as he wanted it to be. He just claims in the article that most don't because he doesn't want to be in the minority.
what you mean everyone doesn't talk to themselves in there head?
This is like a really shitty explanation of socialization.
Brainlet here, does this study say that 25% of people are sentient.