I am an actual vampire ask me anything comments about larping will be ignored
I am an actual vampire ask me anything comments about larping will be ignored
do you still want to fuck?
What defines a "vampire"? There are so many different versions recorded in literature
what defines them?
it depends on what type of vampire
How old are you?
Well that's what I meant, really. If you're a vampire, I assume you'd be in the know about which types exist, or at the very least which traits you personally possess.
Are you a boy or a girl vampire
What type of vampire are you? Gender? Would you vampire up on this dick?
I'm a sanguine vampire
basically i need to feed off blood to survive.
Okay, but are you also on an unrelated note autistic? It's obvious that I'm asking for a lot more detail. Are you just a delusional human who thinks he needs to live off of blood, or is your body somehow measurably different? If so, in what ways is it different? When/how did you realize you were/become a vampire? What happens if you go without blood? Do you drink liquids other than blood? What about food? Do you age normally? Do you sleep? There are a million obvious questions, so starting off by doing anything other than just answering those is silly.
Have you taken your schizophrenia pills yet?
Have you seen the movie Scab?
my body is measurably different one example of this being a severe lack of iron and heat sensitivity i drink liquids other then blood but i basically need blood the same way you need water aging process? it depends some Vampires age very slowly but they definitely aren't immortal i do sleep yes lol
My hemocrit levels are so high as to be on the verge of dangerous to my health - am I an anti-vampire, or just especially delicious? The question is kind of joke-y, but I'm serious about the iron levels
I am a Woman user.
not even r9k accepts these types ouch
sucking a body fluid out of a man in the alleyway behind a gay bar doesn't make you a vampire.
You're just a larping faggot. but just incase.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
would you want to suck my blood? im qt and into femdom
what are you talking about user? lol
>being a christ cuck
At least find a good Latin exorcism if you're going to do it. My personal favorite:
Crux sacra sit mihi lux. Non draco sit mihi dux. Vade retro satana. Numquam suade mihi vana. Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas.
I have it memorized, obviously, or else what would even be the point.
Would you infect me with vampirism?
>billlions of people for ~2000 years are autistic
I would say you're autistic but an autist would know math better than that. you're just retarded
Post address so I can come kill you, you bloodsucking fiend.
Tokimeki Tonight subs fucking where?
i sure could try user
why do you ignore me and not want to suck my blood and femdom me?
Where do you live? What are the perks and drawbacks of becoming a vampire?
how am i ignoring you lol i responded didn't i?
This "vampire" claims to be a vampire but then doesnt want to suck my blood and femdom me?
no you didnt respond to me, you responded to someone else
how do i meet you and become your qt slave-pet-bloodbag?
I live in ohio user the perks and drawbacks? hmmph well you do live longer but you aren't immortal though you just live longer then most people do and age very slowly
How did you come to be one? Do you know other vampires? How long does your kind usually live? Are there common mental issues/habits for vampires?
Would you be interested in coming to Australia to infect me? Or would I need to come to you?
Are you a wealthy vampire?
you might be a vampire but you cant turn into a bat or other things so you're just a generic joe
Address, DOB, SSID, geo coords?
not so wealthy lol im an autistic neet
Do you want to be friends online? I have skype and steam.