Convince me to delete all my porn/sexy images and do nofap please

convince me to delete all my porn/sexy images and do nofap please

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For the bucko's had cleaned their rooms, with not a dirty sock left unwashed, and they had slayed their dragons, with no inner demon left unconqued. Now, they were ready at last to take to the streets

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Depends on how serious your problem is.
If you're addicted to porn and masturbating withdrawal is the only thing that can help you.

you're just using word games, of course addiction to anything is bad, but what constitutes addiction to porn and masturbating?

If you become dependent on the fix of cumming and it controls you by stopping you from doing other things

slaying your dragons and inner demons sounds impossible, if it wasn't you would have already done it and the demons wouldn't bee there in the first place. It's like being sent on a wild goose chase because they can't admit genetics is everything, stacie wants tall and attractive men she isn't concerned with dragons and demons.


I could use all the references I can get in my pursuit of drawing.

where would I upload it?

it's not a good collection just things i collected over time on Jow Forums

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Mega, mediafire, zippyshare, google drive. It's up to you where you upload it.

Stacey is your dragon.

i have many dragons if stacie is my dragon

yes poast moar

i need to organize them first

i guess i could do that, then upload them to r9k and delete them and do nofap and kms if it doesn't work out I hope your art goes well

Nice, thanks man. Also nofap is gonna be rough. First two weeks are hell then it kinda smooths out but you will absolutely start noticing anything women do as sexual.

how long have you lasted?

It makes real sex better

I lasted a month once. I've tried to do it again off and on but it's so difficult when porn is everywhere and women weae so little out in public. It was fucking torture being on nofap and all the ladies outside wearing short shorts and flipflops.

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upload them on mega, I'll download them and keep them for you

ask if you want them back later

oh no i hit a wall, one of these is really sexy, but in it goes. :;(

i did nofap for about 2 weeks and it was hell, literally getting erections out of nowhere when i thought i had ed and the women at work wore yoga pants all the time and i lusted so bad

mega gave me error
idk if it's worth the effort

Eh, if it's gonna take too much effort you don't have to bother. It's only porn.

Don't delete it you gonna regret it, just forget about it for a while,also you seem to have superior tastes when it comes to the opposite sex so cont posting

As far as nofap it's a meme, If you have any will you can do however long you set your mind to, but it won't improve your life at all by itself, If anything it might actually just get a bit worse
If you are doing nofap to fix something in your life you just need to start taking responsibility and just do whatever you are slacking at

One day you'll wake up and you'll realize all the porn in the world won't get you off. At this point you have ED and your cock is a misshapen mess. It's kinda like obesity. Sure you can be a fat ass, and for now you might be okay. But one day you're gonna have a heart attack.

Look, you'll delete your porn, and you'll either redownload it or just start finding it online. I've purged hundreds of gigabytes multiple times and this is at least how it has always gone for me. Porn is not the problem. I'll repeat: porn is not the problem.

You have to make yourself busy. You have to find other ways to use your time, ways that are more satisfying than porn.

>that porn folder
lmao user

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If you stay on the path you're headed:
>ywn get a qt3.14 gf to marry
>ywn have kids to raise
>ywn ascend
>ywn get laid
>ywn be a man

i have to try anons, i hate being a cuck fapping to porn

What's with it
Also more braphog pls

Im struggling with chronic substance abuse. After learning how addiction works on your brain I deceided to nofap, then suddenly I was able to stay off of drugs untill I fapped again :S

Itll be fun to resave all the porn a second time

where did you learn about addiction? that info might help me

guess i'll only use nsfw boards now robots

goodbye, i'm just an aging failed normie anyway and something has to give, i can't take all this despair.

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I meant sfw


i need a job and stuff

based BRAPPER. Post more pls

Do it for the future of the white race
Porn directors are mainly Jewish and they would want you to be weak and dependent on porn

Using mental willpower to try and beat your caveman sex drive is a losing fight. Don't sit around and try to out-think your desire for women, it just doesn't work (as it biologically should). You need to constantly occupy yourself with activity, and if that activity is sedentary, like studying, try to do it in a public space so you won't be tempted.

You have to outrun your libido, essentially. Idle hands are the most vulnerable

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You can throw your life away with one bad decision caused by your peepee hard. Muh dick. Oh hey so you got sexually inappropriate and are now fired and also dishonored from everyone else in our tight nit industry. Oh hey you were horny and now have an STD that will slowly ruin your life with medical bills and eventually kill you. Broken condom welcome to creating more misery in the world and a 5-12 year hiatus from whatever you were doing. Sexual assault, masturbating in public, big dick around school zone WELCOME TO JAIL- you will either be stabbed or molested for years and no one will help you and you will have an extremely difficult time re-entering society in any capacity at all. Buy an onahole, fap twice a day for 30 minutes, once before bed, once as soon as you wake up. Handle that shit. Everyone else is. Don't fall for these creepy naturalists that end up staring at their coworkers butts.

Try praying to god op

I didn't masturbate for six days. I broke on the sixth, and ended up masturbating five times in one day. I masturbated yesterday and today too.

You don't have to delete your folder. Just keep it out of sight. Make it hidden, or hard to access.

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If you need to be convinced, then you are not ready. It needs to come from within.

you should do it only to see that you can, because if you can't you are a loser

GFs await you.

If disrupt your social/work life is an addiction.

>You don't have to delete your folder. Just keep it out of sight. Make it hidden, or hard to access.
This works. My fap folder was on an 4TB external and one day I realized it was getting out of hand so I just straight up disconnected the drive in the case. I'm way too fucking lazy to open it an reconnect it again.

Doesn't work as a nofap method as now I have a tumblr account that follows like 150 porn blogs and I just go to that to get warmed up then head over to Pornhub to finish off. However that's a 15-45 minute process whereas before I was downloading porn for hours, so I guess that's improvement.

Have nofap for a month. Then masturbate. You will have a thundering orgasm

Not true. Ended up homeless/couch surfing (don't ever get married) Went 3 months no fap. Had a wank when things were sorted out and i had my own place and it was incredibly disappointing. So disappointing i can still remember it now.

it sounds like you had a lot of stress from other factors which probably contributed to your disappointing fap

Just do it fgt.
Cmon original

Bro you're still going to come to this website and see hella porn regardless. Maybe you can reduce the frequency of jacking off to once every 2-3 days but it's going to happen. Only way around it is to stop frequenting sites where lewd shit is posted and/or fill your schedule with other activities till you don't have time or energy to fap.

>convince me to delete all my porn/sexy images and do nofap please

what if you have no opportunity to get laid?

nofap isn't a method to get laid, it would just be ejaculation avoidance. i'm not going to cum inside of any girl or have sex, so is there even a point ot NOFAP?

it kind of makes my life less miserable really

>at the store yesterday
>girl walking around in those tiny soccer shorts that half her ass cheeks were hanging out
Kept bumping into shit because I couldn't stop gawking.