Hi, it's me, that catfishing fucker from like two months back

hi, it's me, that catfishing fucker from like two months back

im back at it, bitches, gimme ideas.

old thread

old youtube video from when i catfished the last kid and voice called him

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why does this kid sound like he half doesnt give a fuck

he seems too focused on shooting up a school, i need to fucking reverse search this kids picture. this can't be legit

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tfw he just asked for a picture of me doing peace sign, tim2ps

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Are you that guy who pretended to be raped/abused (Or something like that) by chad?

the fucking madman is at it again. lets go

YES I AM MY FRIEND y'all called me something like "Chadman"

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Dude that kid looks just that - like a kid. Make sure you aren't talking to underage b&s. Or at the very least don't solicit nudes from them lmfao

i keep feeling like that kid in the first video is fucking with you too

how slow he responds, and now hes just all "welp" about everything, and then at the end "NOO MADS", i just can't imagine him actually being emotionally engaged in the situation

that kid was fucking obsessed to hell and actually like, you don't understand, find the thread on an archive site, and read it.
ill keep everything -18 appropriate. i assume he's like 15 or some shit

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have you squeezed any money outta this kid yet?

nah, but i just locked this retard in lmaoo

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y'all already know im not holding back to keep this faggot in

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>this reads exactly like what my ex-online gf would say to me
Oh fuck did I get catfished

nah, im just passable as a female personality

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like they
fucked u
I remember ya op, glad to see you're at it again

Le epic troll xdddddd

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i feel so happy to know that people remember me

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do you actually get money from these people at all

i just like to kek at them, i could if i wanted to but that's too much work of needing to get a lot of pics of one girl, and i like using traps for the meme

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are you seriously "catfishing" a 14 year old girl?

really cool bro

yeah pretty fucking much, try it, it's fun, he came to me first tho

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I'm interested in your tactics, could you add me on discord catfishing bro?

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[email protected] email me ur name please

Also, this is just like that kid when i told him that i got raped and there was a video lmaooo

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inb4 this kid gets FUC C K I NG KEKED

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this is honestly a fucking blast

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nothing funny is happening though

i almost fucking cucked myself lol

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I give people all my real info and I get doxxed maliciously, dehumanized, and offered as a living sex toy to Jow Forums

I just wish people on here cared about people. its a cute funny joke to you guys, I think, why can't we interact normally.

I wish actual malicious people were locked up...

Am I sane and reasonable if i think stuff like this is disgusting? like just talk to people like normal people

I don't find it funny, I think it's repressed homosexuality to larp as a girl.

you're the asexual one? Stop fucking posting here
I didn't get it, what did he mean by "are you actually"

i agree with you on that, OP here btw,

I do this all for the jokes, nobody is harmed, literally everything "fucked up" i say is 100% just to manipulate the person that's being catfished. I understand that you've had stupid shit happen to you,

Sorry about you getting DOXed, I don't think I did that to you, but I'm not you, you should've made smarter decisions on the internet.

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people who catfish and doxx are mentally ill and repressed gaylords

"Are you actually" as in
are you actually a catholic lol

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What the fuck is this garbage thread? is the OP actually "catfishing" while actually cybering with a 14 year old? Saged, reported, permaban the retarded OP.

kys fucktard
it's not cybering u cuck

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No one gives a fuck faggot stop blogposting

Actually laughing out loud at this kid casually mentioning he has a big dick, saying ew to "her" face immediately after, and everything. He looks like a tard, but he has the confidence of a Chad.

ill post if shit gets interesting

Dude you are spending your free time talking to a 15 year old boy about how often he touches his weewee

when u say it like that, it sounds like cybering

I recognize that person
It's a trap that post on /soc/

im having fun reading these op! where do u find these weirdos lmao

they have a tumblr, if u know it please tell me
discord dating servers lmaooo

also, level 50 edgelord

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Oh my fucking God this kid fell for all of it, hook line and sinker - not just your b8, but basically all the b8 that exists in these online spaces

Please report this retarded thread and ban the creepy child predator OP

i A M M M M N O T A F U K C I N G

Cmon op don't be an attention seeker and post more

"i'm not a pedo" but asks a 14 year old for semi nude pictures... Kill yourself you fucking creep

never asked for it

reading these makes me feel like i could be a great catfish if i ever wanted to. op is literally terrible at it. he doesnt even type like a girl or have the personality of a girl. "ur really hot n cute and shit like that". lol, a girl would never say that. also, girls are usually pretty good with spelling and grammar. op is not.

seems like a lot of effort for something that makes nobody laugh besides op

What did that kid ever do to you? Seriously, why are you such an asshole

>Unironically want a trap gf

finish him, disgusting faggot

>he seems too focused on shooting up a school
Xd funni

I thought I was back in 2010 for a second after reading this thread. So cringy.

What is funny about this? It sounds like this is just some dude bullying some kid. Am I missing something?

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I was asking that too, but I didn't say anymore since society as a whole is getting more childish :/
Plus, its a waste of time if you don't talk to people normally as people so....

Question OP:
Why? Like, what do you accomplish from this? Want nudes? Go watch porn. Wanna bully a Kid? Kill some 12-year old in Fortnite. Wanna entertain Jow Forums? Become an hero.
I'm not saying I find this bad, or despicable, I just don't see the reason. Care to elaborate?

>manipulating people is not fucked up
I don't say this often but, geniunely kill yourself gaylord

Honestly sounds like OP is just a pedo faggot who wants an excuse to larp with 14 year old kids and pretend to be a girl

catfishers are cancer. You should all be rounded up and executed. Hitler had the right idea

this thread was an interesting and intimate look into a persons life but i think its kind of meanspirited

user, why are you giving someone who admitted they catfish maliciously the benefit of the doubt....? you worded it too neutrally.

Yeah, this is something that people shouldn't be proud of, I'm a adult and I try to be aware of this and ask people's ages to avoid talking to people under 17, [17 is a fair age, since they're likely going to college and already have adult experience]

>sorry for the blogpost, I wanted to prove
that I wasn't being lolrandom and saying things just to say them


Originally desu