Looking for part time work in the evening

>looking for part time work in the evening
>see a dishwashing position with potential to move up (you do prep as well)
>scroll down and see this

These niggers can't be serious.

Attached: areyoufuckingkiddingme.png (386x196, 12K)

I don't get it? you see the 'preferred' part? why wouldnt they prefer experience

>experience to wash fucking dishes
The absolute fucking state of you.

I once applied at a sawdwich place that said "at least 2 years experience sandwitch making". The rage stayed with me for years. Im still triggered about it.

Most people can be trained to do almost any job in 3 months except for highly specialized jobs. Experience and degrees are mostly just artificial filters

It's not about the experience itself, it's more about the proven track record of being able to stay in such a shitty job for so long.

You didn't explain why they shouldn't prefer experience.

I applied for furniture removal job and they said I would really need at least a year of experience to be competitive

You need to look him in the eyes and give a firm hand shake user. And let him know your the man for the job

They want some cuck who is willing to be abused and bossed around. That's the was low wage work is like now. And this time it's the niggers yelling at you.

What a time to be alive.

you've never been a dishwasher have you?

Fucking machines do most of the work.

you're supposed to apply anyway dipshit

just lie on your fucking resume. how are they gonna be able to tell? washing dishes is bare bonds physical tedium nothing less. you can get the hang of it in a matter of days. fuck those faggots. say you dishwashed for 3 years at wherever. fuck them

It says preferred, not necessary.
They'll probably still hire you anyway unless they got someone better and you aren't a total fucking retard in the interview, or there's someone better.
That being said, washing dishes was the shittiest job I ever worked, even my cashier job was preferable.

As as dish boy, I spent about 3 hours of my 5 hour shift just chatting with the cooks and the few cute waitresses
>spray the dish with hot ass water
>spray on soap
>spray with water again
>put in sanitizer
>>once sani is filled, slam it shut and blast the shit
>repeat the blasting til the shit is gone
>meawhile I let big pots soak in hot water and soap, occasionally adding more hot ass water and soap
literally piss easy. I could listen to music in my earbuds while everyone else listened to radio pop shit. I could smoke cigs back there because the room smelled like bone melting chemicals already
I miss it

I'm currently a dishwasher at a hotel. It isn't bad.

all it does is clean them. you still need to organize the endless amounts of plates,pots, utensils, containers and crap from the cooks. if you take any breaks at all you can get behind. then the whole place gets behind. theres a reason dish washing has a high turnover rate. They dont want to hire someone thats just going to leave or not do any work.

Anyways if you really want to be a dishwasher just apply anyway. Just fake your experience or put none at all, they never check your references anyway

Who the fuck would wash dishes for more than a year?

All low wage jobs have high turnover rate.
Shit jobs deserve shit employees.

I'm too much of a fuckup to be people facing, and I know I'd screw up anything more complex. Also I understand the difference between preferred and required, but it's the fucking principle of the matter. How much of a cunt can one HR person be?

Sounds pretty comfy. Would an aloof retard like me make it with all of this potential banter?

>Also I understand the difference between preferred
If it says "preferred" then basically those with that will be hired over those without, but you still have a chance. Required means they will toss ur resume in the trash with no further consideration if you don't have it

>literally says preferred

Apply you worthless nigger, those lists are a wishlist, not dealbreakers.