Post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier

post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier

Attached: IMG_0069.jpg (1472x2016, 540K)

Hmm that's probably a guy, the index is larger than pointer which usually means a man

sure, be nice tho please

Attached: myhand.jpg (538x289, 22K)

yeah im a man and theyre my hands. didnt mean to say i was a girl i just saw some really nice hands in a past thread

i would post my hand but i have vitiligo and i look like a burn victim

H-here you go you hand p-pervert!

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hand threads are the gayest things in the world

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then how do you explain your existence?

t. tranny
i know em i sees em

eh sure dont see why not

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what can you guess about my life from my hand?

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This is my hand originally lol

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that you're a fucking faggot

you have a yellow tint

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg (750x1000, 37K)

also tranny with shaved knuckles and man hands

that makes your hand more interesting desu p-post it

Are you a fucking aye-aye?

That's like the third time someone has said that. And I do have some gender dysphoria. What is it about my hands that makes you say that. Is it the long nails?

This is my hand while outside on a hammock

Attached: Hand.jpg (1130x1004, 410K)

i can see where the hair was on your knuckles
also.. takes one to know one

Attached: evidence.jpg (802x430, 39K)

Your hands are all so soft and smooth.

Attached: hand2.jpg (1200x1332, 133K)

Oh, I didn't realize it was that noticeable in the picture.

>only male hands itt

Attached: shizuo eat.jpg (434x409, 48K)

>you're at the club and this hand slaps your gf's ass
what do

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Your fingernails are kind of gross, anons. Might be time to clean them and give them a trim.

Your thumb is interesting. Did something happen to it?

OwO whats this


Mostly just a build up of minor injuries at work.
I think the nail matrix got damaged at some point, it grow weird.

youre probably really into history or something but only got C or B level grades in that subject

I see. Are you in the culinary industry?

There's a scar that's been there since May, cause I punched a mirror. Also I bite my nails pretty often, but I'm sure you can tell.

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It's fuckin palm time boys

Attached: IMG_20180908_065054.jpg (1560x2080, 801K)

>well thought out, quality post

Attached: IMG_20180907_235502.jpg (3880x5184, 1.56M)

What's up with the skin on your fingers dude?

guess my ethnicity anons

Attached: IMG_4203.jpg (3264x2448, 1.44M)

I bite my nails a lot but the lighting makes it look worse than it actually is


Attached: 42.jpg (500x669, 45K)

mine are pretty bad. this is the last thing you will see on the mothership.

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That makes sense, but they kinda look like dried sausages lmao

Please cut your fingernails, Nosferatu.

You need to eat a burger

double jointed so they bend a bit strange sometimes.

Attached: uglyy.jpg (3024x4032, 1.95M)

That's terrifying lmao

holy fuck end yourself

wow so pretty
I want to suck on your fingers

sandnigger desu

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No, construction.

This is extremely spooky

Just because I can
>not very original though

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you are way far off user

Not a tranny fuck off just a twink

rate /10 pls

Attached: image.jpg (1280x960, 376K)

Severely jaundiced/10

sexiest hands itt

would hold/10

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the supreme satisfaction I would get out of breaking off the teeth everytime they grew in

Attached: 07.png (1080x1920, 1.4M)

>tfw my hands are particularly ugly and too self conscious to post

Agreed. They're definitely the loveliest.

The lighting makes my arm hair look really dark.

Attached: Hand.jpg (367x653, 16K)

I'm taking a shit so have a shower curtain background

Attached: 20180908_001430.jpg (4032x1960, 1.98M)

>tfw I would post my hand but I can't cut my fingernails down to nothing because of large nail beds and so even at the shortest I can trim without bleeding and pain people always tell be to cut my fucking nails

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Are you a redhead?v

Why do I find this so beautiful and hypnotizing?

I didn't want to show my wristlet's wrist.

Attached: hand.jpg (3264x2448, 1.51M)

I posted my hands in another thread awhile ago.
Ignore my XL size nails, I've cut them since then.

Attached: 1536384161466.jpg (4656x2328, 1.08M)

>post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier

>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums. Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users. >All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.

>all these people with soft girlish hands with no calcus' or anything

you know this is a turn off right?

A girl told me if she even touches your hand and its smooth she doesnt even consider you a man kek

I do hope this is the case, as my hands are quite rough.
I thought for a long time that women wouldn't like rough hands, since women are soft and my hands are to the point they're almost abrasive.

Masturbating feels like fucking a cheese grater

I'm and no woman will fuck me anyway so it's all good.

I have stubby thumbs :(

Attached: hand.jpg (1224x1191, 1.09M)

Lothric, please kindle the first flame or we all are gonna die

How is anyone falling for this pic that they got from tumblr?

I really need to work out

Attached: 20180908_022922.jpg (2560x1600, 1.38M)

Scanning for fingerprints.

Best hands itt
Also filename

Text may be used to bypass filters

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I bet you guys can't do this with your fingers.

Attached: funkyfinger.jpg (960x1280, 83K)

Bloody hell! Slenderman is real!

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

I like a lot of the hands in here tbqh

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I have long nails

Attached: 20180908_025754~2-1.jpg (2021x2474, 870K)

Sure, here you go m8.

Attached: IMG_20180908_180021.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I don't recall who asked me for this originally

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But can you boys bend your finggies like this?

Attached: IMG_20180908_180504.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

8/10 Spanish nigger hand

Would look great wrapped around my penis

You just wait. I just have to sell all my shit to Belethor then I will come to smite you.

Attached: latest.png (512x535, 290K)

how much was that rock?

They were gifts I didn't ask the price

no bully pls. Or do so in spanish por favor

here is my big hand

Attached: IMG_0383.jpg (717x956, 81K)

The only female hands in the thread..well that super pale one was probably a girl as well

white power

los originalio

Attached: WIN_20180908_10_08_19_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 118K)


fucking based bro

Sad thing that i can't do it on left hand on 1 finger because i got a pretty deep cut that took away the power of doing it.

Attached: funky more fingers.jpg (720x1280, 60K)

my virgin hand

Attached: IMG_20180905_0949517222.jpg (2376x2284, 566K)

who are you kidding that looks like one hella redpill hand

Take your gloves off then post again please

I'm ransacking rn I guess can spare some time

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