post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier
Post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier
Hmm that's probably a guy, the index is larger than pointer which usually means a man
sure, be nice tho please
yeah im a man and theyre my hands. didnt mean to say i was a girl i just saw some really nice hands in a past thread
i would post my hand but i have vitiligo and i look like a burn victim
H-here you go you hand p-pervert!
hand threads are the gayest things in the world
then how do you explain your existence?
t. tranny
i know em i sees em
eh sure dont see why not
what can you guess about my life from my hand?
This is my hand originally lol
that you're a fucking faggot
you have a yellow tint
also tranny with shaved knuckles and man hands
that makes your hand more interesting desu p-post it
Are you a fucking aye-aye?
That's like the third time someone has said that. And I do have some gender dysphoria. What is it about my hands that makes you say that. Is it the long nails?
This is my hand while outside on a hammock
i can see where the hair was on your knuckles
also.. takes one to know one
Your hands are all so soft and smooth.
Oh, I didn't realize it was that noticeable in the picture.
>only male hands itt
>you're at the club and this hand slaps your gf's ass
what do
Your fingernails are kind of gross, anons. Might be time to clean them and give them a trim.
Your thumb is interesting. Did something happen to it?
OwO whats this
Mostly just a build up of minor injuries at work.
I think the nail matrix got damaged at some point, it grow weird.
youre probably really into history or something but only got C or B level grades in that subject
I see. Are you in the culinary industry?
There's a scar that's been there since May, cause I punched a mirror. Also I bite my nails pretty often, but I'm sure you can tell.
It's fuckin palm time boys
>well thought out, quality post
What's up with the skin on your fingers dude?
guess my ethnicity anons
I bite my nails a lot but the lighting makes it look worse than it actually is
mine are pretty bad. this is the last thing you will see on the mothership.
That makes sense, but they kinda look like dried sausages lmao
Please cut your fingernails, Nosferatu.
You need to eat a burger
double jointed so they bend a bit strange sometimes.
That's terrifying lmao
holy fuck end yourself
wow so pretty
I want to suck on your fingers
sandnigger desu
No, construction.
This is extremely spooky
Just because I can
>not very original though
you are way far off user
Not a tranny fuck off just a twink
rate /10 pls
Severely jaundiced/10
sexiest hands itt
would hold/10
the supreme satisfaction I would get out of breaking off the teeth everytime they grew in
>tfw my hands are particularly ugly and too self conscious to post
Agreed. They're definitely the loveliest.
The lighting makes my arm hair look really dark.
I'm taking a shit so have a shower curtain background
>tfw I would post my hand but I can't cut my fingernails down to nothing because of large nail beds and so even at the shortest I can trim without bleeding and pain people always tell be to cut my fucking nails
Are you a redhead?v
Why do I find this so beautiful and hypnotizing?
I didn't want to show my wristlet's wrist.
I posted my hands in another thread awhile ago.
Ignore my XL size nails, I've cut them since then.
>post your hands i saw some pretty fembot hands earlier
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums. Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users. >All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.
>all these people with soft girlish hands with no calcus' or anything
you know this is a turn off right?
A girl told me if she even touches your hand and its smooth she doesnt even consider you a man kek
I do hope this is the case, as my hands are quite rough.
I thought for a long time that women wouldn't like rough hands, since women are soft and my hands are to the point they're almost abrasive.
Masturbating feels like fucking a cheese grater
I'm and no woman will fuck me anyway so it's all good.
I have stubby thumbs :(
Lothric, please kindle the first flame or we all are gonna die
How is anyone falling for this pic that they got from tumblr?
I really need to work out
Scanning for fingerprints.
Best hands itt
Also filename
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I bet you guys can't do this with your fingers.
Bloody hell! Slenderman is real!
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
I like a lot of the hands in here tbqh
I have long nails
Sure, here you go m8.
I don't recall who asked me for this originally
But can you boys bend your finggies like this?
8/10 Spanish nigger hand
Would look great wrapped around my penis
You just wait. I just have to sell all my shit to Belethor then I will come to smite you.
how much was that rock?
They were gifts I didn't ask the price
no bully pls. Or do so in spanish por favor
here is my big hand
The only female hands in the thread..well that super pale one was probably a girl as well
white power
los originalio
fucking based bro
Sad thing that i can't do it on left hand on 1 finger because i got a pretty deep cut that took away the power of doing it.
my virgin hand
who are you kidding that looks like one hella redpill hand
Take your gloves off then post again please
I'm ransacking rn I guess can spare some time