Let's find the oldest virgin on this board

Let's find the oldest virgin on this board.

I'm only 21, so surely someone can beat that

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21 here, gonna be 22 in 40 minutes

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24 here and still a virgin
bonus i've never held a girls hand or kissed a girl.

32 biatch. what now? My virginity is as pure as my autism.

Happy Birthday, user. I hope you have a nice day originally

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I'm 28, but if this board is even a shadow of what it once was there will easily be someone higher.

24. no woman has ever shown interest in me. i tried and got rejected once, since then the opportunity hasn't presented itself.

26 here I might actually have a chance with girls but I am a fat sperg

39 repping, going for wraith status

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31 here. I've given up.

Tell us about your life, boomer man

there isn't much to tell desu, I have fibromyalgia, EDS, and autism
I'm a car mechanic moonlighting as an usher for a nearby cinema and have been since '05
I have an irrational fear of stoves exploding or setting me on fire and severe social anxiety so I make do on TV dinners
not horribly ugly to most people but after 30 I just gave up trying and poured myself into my hobbies and jobs

That doesn't sound too bad I guess, except for the stove stuff

>I have an irrational fear of stoves exploding or setting me on fire and severe social anxiety so I make do on TV dinners
Have you tried alternative cooking methods such as induction stovetops or something? Surely there has to be a better solution that eating kike-processed TV food.

Or better yet you can get a slow cooker/crockpot/instant pot which is completely safe and can be used in a multifunction way to cook rice, soup, etc.

yeah I have a lot of friends who either went homeless or killed themselves so I'm kind of satisfied with just keeping a stable income
life has a way of helping you prioritize things and it's the basics that keep you grounded I think

I have a rice cooker but I'd need to find it, my kitchen is cluttered as fuck

Only 23. It's a long road ahead, to wizardhood, and I hope to maintain my purity and not fall for the women/family meme, but who could say what happens between now and 30

10 minutes to go! Do you usually celebrate birthdays or just normal day for you?

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Things will stay the same between now and 30 if you don't really want to put effort into courting someone you like. Either that or you get lucky like some kind of norman but that doesn't actually happen to people.

Rice cooker is a good start, although just eating plain rice is really bland and boring. Try making rice and lentil soup or something. Or try making some of the japanese rice dishes.

Happy birthday user!

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I'm twice your age, and haven't given up.

Just curious, how many hours per week do you work?

ok, 22 here
my parents will probably come here at night and we're going to eat on a restaurant or something like that, other than that its pretty much a regular day
thanks guys

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Happy birthday user. I'm just gonna add some text here to increase originality if that's alright with you. 8

30-40, it varies
I keep doing cinema although I could technically get enough from being a full-time mechanic since the manager gives me free passes after I've racked up employee points for films and snacks so it's win-win
plus my grandad used to help run it so there's a bit of sentiment in going