Hear parents upstairs

>hear parents upstairs
>they're talking about sending me to a mental institution instead of evicting me
>"I looked online and the bill would be $4500. We don't have that money."

I have until the end of the month robots. How should I live it up until then?

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You should have gotten a job and started apartment hunting months ago my dude

You're sane enough to post on Jow Forums. Why would they put you in a mental institution and who would let them.

I got a haircut. That'll be enough for a few days.

What haircut did you get, my schizo friend?

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>Two people force someone into existence
>Life for that person, like the vast majority of people, turns out not to be that great
>The two people decide to abandon the person instead of helping them

The absolute state of western families in 2018.

no, but I did get like 4 inches cut off so now I am employable. I miss my shaggy drug hair already.

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Jow Forums is the best forum on the internet. Stomp on my faggot bones.


Don't assume, my friend. You haven't met op and his parents and you don't know what their situation is.
Good luck man, I'm looking for a job as well, it's a real bitch. I'm taking a break now because I was losing too much sleep

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Unless OP is adopted, then user described OP's situation entirely.

How have you obtained this information?

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take your parents out hiking and push them into a ravine.

>Parents mean that they gave to the person
>The person is having a shitty time or they wouldn't be posting on Jow Forums about getting kicked out
>Being kicked out/sent to a mental institution is abandoning the person

3/3, all from the OP. Maybe you need some reading comprehension you retarded toad.

No need for name calling. I mean they fucking tried for like 2 years. I do hate them as people, but not specifically their relationship with myself. They basically just floundered about yelling at me for years because they don't know what else to do to help. We are not a smart family all around.

I feel for you man, I'm not in great shape myself.
I don't know what your family is like, but maybe if you show that you're making a big effort they'll back off a little.

I worked an awful, awful job for a year while taking classes at a community college. I wanted to die every week on my day off. I quit, then it turned out the college I tried to transfer to denied me. Parents found out I was hiding in shame and gave me an eviction notice. I spent the first week in isolation without showering and such, standard stuff. since then I applied to 3 more colleges, made a resume and sent it out to 3 places. They are unaware of my efforts and are convinced I'm trying to kill myself again. Now it's now and I'm just waiting for things to happen? I don't know.

I don't mind the agony they're going through compared to the actual abuse they subjected me to in high school.

stop eavesdropping on people you creep

Espionage is a valid tactic

that being said I have no experience for any of the jobs and there's no way any of those colleges will take me. I keep thinking about alcohol, but I'm too afraid to leave my house and get more.

iktf so hard. I love having cute long hair. Hate that I'm gonna have to cut it soon since I'm job hunting.

im in a similar situation user. i got diagnosed with schizophrenia and my parents are panicking. even though i try to tell them im functional theyre still planning to send me to an institution in california. im probably gonna have to actually go soon. hopefully things turn up for you OP

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I somehow missed this post I'm sorry friend.

I wish you luck on the hunt. It makes you feel like utter garbage for sure.

Well, if it's that bad, you could buy a car to sleep in. $100-500 for a junked car, pop the passenger seat out and push it/tow it near a ymca or gym so you can shower.

Pretty sure they can't do that unless your therapist says that you're not well enough to decide