Allowed older women to see me on tinder

>allowed older women to see me on tinder
>finally achieving success on this app

Attached: download (3).jpg (205x246, 6K)

they're all single moms or just got off the cock carousel after hitting The Wall

Age of you?
Age of these women/max age set?

Who cares? You're not marrying the bitch, just fucking. MILFs are patrician taste.

show us some examples op


There's no such thing as a wall,only attractive women and not attractive women

Why wouldn't you marry a milf goddess? I would

Wasted quads

>2-3 years is older
Lmaoooo nigga

You zoomers.. Is this how young people think really

not everyone is looking to live out your cuck fantasy.
old pussy is fun and a good learning experience.

OP here. 19 and 40-50.

share the pics of the milfs

Fuck really man? That's not old.

If I wanted just sex, I'd increase the age limit up to around 45. I like them MILFs

Perfect age range there goddamn.. Please share some ladies If u will


Benjamin Franklin was right about them

Attached: 22440_03big.jpg (600x900, 89K)

>Do the same as OP
>No more success and see a lot of post wall roasties

Sorry OP, that's a buzzkill.

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>old pussy is fun and a good learning experience.

>be 23
>hooking up/dating 31 year old

so cash

I feel you OP. Not on tinder but I'm 22 and have only had success with women in their 30s

>all these zoomers who think 20s/30s is MILF
Try 40s/50s.

38 is milf territory fagdrag


Was merely stating older womyn

MILF wood b kewl tho

Says the one posting about traps and HRT.

What? Nobody ITT has said anything about that shit but you, fagdrag