I'm white and I hate white people.
I'm white and I hate white people
Other urls found in this thread:
how bold and original
You must kill yourself to atone for the sins of your race
very edgy position to have in 2011+7
remember to sage
I`m high functionalitatin` autismo and I have myself.
Here's my three step program to resolve this.
Step 1) Open your window.
Step 2) Take in the fresh air, deeeep breath.
Step 3) Jump out.
im white and i hate myself
Hundreds of blue checkmarks on twitter feel that way retard
I'd post a graphic but r9k only allows 2mb images
I think he was being sarcastic, user
Nice. Now why? (Save for all those extremist faggots)
I'm a mutt and I hate you people
me too, assuming you really hate your own people for failing to stand up for themselves and aren't advocating white guilt.
No I hate whites for being so insecure about their whiteness
I'm glad I'll have biracial babies with my brown gf
>I hate white people because they hate themselves
no you are proverbially skull fucked by white guilt my dude.
extraordinary measures for extraordinary times.
>Let me tell you what you feel
I used to think I was racist because I hate minorities but then I realized I hate white people too and I'm just a cynical asshole.
has anyone noticed that all white people are like walking rule books? I go on forums and its just a bunch of crackers "read the rules" "you violated the rules!! you better read the proper documents"
like how or why tf do you even care
Don't lie user. I know you love white people. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Fuck off, wh*Toid. You're part of the problem.
White people disgust me.
>over regulate everything
>acts smug and pompous
>"hangs" at starbucks with their mac
>wear khakis and polo shirts
>tries to make you join their cult of jesus
>needs to be your savior if you're not white
>every friday needs to hang out at da club/bar like in muh sitcoms
>kicks their kids out at 18 because fuck your family
>can't stop talking about the weather
I really want to move.
You disgust me for generalizing entire race you massive fucking faggot. Kill yourself.
Understandable, but a normie that hates normies? Now THAT is weird...
>"I hate everything that was given by whites"
I love the fact capitalistic whites laugh at this shit. I hate it exists but glad it exists to shut cucks up.
Yeah i hear you fren
Looks like a good hire for some Main stream news outlet how about a verified twitter journo?
>I'm white and I hate white people.
Ask me how I know you're Jewish
and /thread. The only reason to ever hate whites is jealousy and insecurity, and it wouldn't make sense for a white to be jealous of whites. ergo, only the lower races hate whites. never fails
You have the typical opinions of a normalfag on twitter
Kys op
>white people generalize nonwhites
>"lmao dude generalizations are true what are averages muh statistics"
>anyone generalizes white people
>"wow fuck you asshole this is REAL RACISM see what i mean white people are LITERALLY the most oppressed group in society white people rise up"
Well, there is always the legitimate possibility that they're simply brainwashed by media and popular culture, or the much less likely but still plausible only ever interacted with white people who were shitty so he extrapolates" but yeah.
Don't hate yourself, OP. And don't hate your own. Because no one else will take you in. The others hate you more than you know. Hope you find peace with yourself if you truly are white.
>blue checkmarks on twitter
see and also, when you get a chance. You'll learn.
Uh, yeah. The difference is that "racism" against shitskins is justified, and racism against whites is not. How is that hard to understand?
Shut the fuck up Jow Forumsdditor. Jow Forums has been on the decline since 2014. They used to raid this board.
>attacking whites for literally just defending their group, whereas no one would bat an eye at any other group defending themselves
This is why you're all going in the fucking oven.
actually never thought of it that way. it does seem that every other race gets to defend themselves and stand up for themselves, but when whites do it, they did something wrong... why is that?
Same here.
As long as I can remember, I never had white friends. I mostly hung out with middle easterners, spaniards and niggers. White people always felt so incredibly stuck up, no humor and so super entitled. I also noticed how white people tend to earn a lot of money, despite being really lazy and stupid. Also they have fucking weird hobbies and it seems the only fun they know is when they get trashed drunk. I could list many more things, but I'm not ashamed to be a race traitor. I'll probably marry some shitskin girl down the road and racemix the shit out of her.
>No goy!! Whites must all be peaceful pacifists!!! Don't criticize the savages, it's their culture to rape! But you must always remain peaceful goy! Remember, whites must always turn the other cheek!
Pacifism, but only for whites. You must accept everything that the nigger hordes shit out on your plate. Remember colonialism, goy. Hundreds of years ago, people who looked sorta similar to you were successful at doing what literally everyone else was trying to do at that time, so now you must destroy yourself for the sake of your inferiors. It's fair! It's equal!!
>has anyone noticed that all white people are like walking rule books?
>over regulate everything
This 100%. White people need a governmental permit or notary contract for every little shit like tying your shoes, wiping your ass or opening a bottle.
"Before you wipe your ass, have you paid your toilet paper tax yet?"
"Before you open that bottle, have you gotten permit A38 from your district water office yet? If not, you better not twist that cap my friend!"
>niggers equate rape and murder to wiping their ass
This explains a lot, actually. Being a parasitizing, robbing, raping nuisance is as natural for them as breathing. Fuckin white man with all deese laws n shieet, shit a nigga just tryna rape some keedz up in hea!
Lol as types on 4chins after literally doing it every single day
White fragility is the most annoying thing of all
Dis, god daym, caint a nigga just slang some dope without dem mufuggin pigskins tryna get all up in my grill? Shiet I just want to destroy the dayum world, the fuck yall want from me??? I's a nigga I gotta FUCK SHIT UPP YOO!
dude no hes right. I feel every time I have to go do something thats not fun and some official shit I go into an office and it's a bunch of white people sitting in a fluorescent lit hell hole just pushing papers drinking coffe. "sir you have to fill out form A-5bd subsection A the defendant here that thee shall....precariously read section 8A and 8B and sign here then read the aforementioned here shall state that he and the blah blah blah"
like holy fuck dude why wont any of you just smoke a joint and chill the hell out HOLY FUCK
Because we're trying to fly to space my little-brained monkey friend, and we can't do that with you going around raping children all the time, so we have to put you in a cage. You understand lil nigger?
How fucking new can you be? It's polack, not poldditor, that's clearly for red_it.
Furthermore, way back when, both pol and r9k were deleted by m00t and became brothers in the struggle. They may have deviated down their separate paths, but friends they remain.
Not sure if you're begging the question, but it's simple. Jewish people. Allow me to explain. The jewish diaspora historically lackeda homeland, and thus were everywhere else. If they people there contained a unified solidarity, there wouldn't be many places for the jewish people to lay down roots. So there needed to be cracks made. Division. If group A is fighting group B, they're not paying attention to group C. You see there's no mentioning "Arab solidarity" in saudia arabia, or asian solidarity in china / japan? That's because it's supposed to be normal.
Enter western countries. Allow solidarity for everyone except the (previously, no longer) majority, because reasons. What are those reasons? Stop asking, what are you a racist?
There are black only dating websites, jewish only meet ups, but not a hair nor trace of whites only... anything. It will become worse before it gets better.
9/10 odds you're not really an innocent user asking questions, but on the off chance you are, please. Open your eyes. Look around. Take a good, hard look at what you see.
im white but all the fucking rules are making my life hell and making me want to kill myself
I've observed this for all my life and I finally came to the conclusion that it must be a form of fetish. I bet they get off on that shit. Imagine them fucking in the marital bed and the wife screaming: "YES! OOOOH FILL OUT THAT FORM! FILL IT ALL THE WAY UP!" UUH YEAH BABY, DON'T FORGET TO PAY THE CUM TAX! GIMME THAT FEE EXTRA HOT! FEE ME HARD!"
I mean look how aggravated he's getting:
He's probably super embarrassed because we found out about his sick fetish.
My sick fetish is indeed killing niggers.
they feel unsafe without their rules and they see fun or anything like that unnecessary and they want to be as close to robots as they can with rules and manuals literally. they want everything to be as mechanical and robotic as possible.
You better fill out the official nigger killing form then and don't forget to pay your nigger killing tax!
>they see fun or anything like that unnecessary
This. Contrary to nigger belief, the world is not supposed to be about how many bananas you can eat in the sunshine, or about how kooky you can make your voodoo dance look around the campfire. White culture is Faustian in nature. Faustian culture is characterized by a strong feeling for the infinite and a tragic striving for the unattainable. Pic related resonates with any white man on the planet.
I don't think Africans should conform to white culture, nor do I think they can. We are masochistic as fuck, we left the comfy jungles of Africa to go live in fucking frozen wastelands. Why? Because fuck it, we can handle that. Just so you know, it's worth noting that Europeans force (or should force) their own culture upon themselves, too. It's the greatest burden of the world, carrying the light of mankind. It isn't fun and it isn't easy. But life or the universe is not about having the most fun, or most comfort, or eating the most bananas in the sunshine. That's much too small of a goal in our opinion and we strive towards greater heights despite the pain and difficulty of it. Despite the great struggle. We do it not because it is easy, but because it is difficult.
Nignogs have a thing or two to learn from us, I'd think. But that is up to them to decide.
It really depends on what rules you're talking about, you know. Do you detest the rules about food safety, keeping you from getting sick when you eat out? Do you detest laws such as "don't steal from others", or "don't murder people" ?
bonus points if you hate rules but also support gun control because lol, but I won't touch that right now.
Laws are to a large degree what keeps society functioning. It is a pain in the ass to drive in the bay area or new york due to civilians jay walking on the road. It should be illegal, and is, but no one cares so they simply do whatever and traffic sucks.
Now, before you go off on me, I agree that sometimes there is such a thing as too many rules. That's not really in doubt. But I can show you a lathe machine in canada where a guy's arm gets trapped, and it's automatically shut off in a few seconds/minutes because of safety laws, and the *same* (functional) machine in china where the guy gets rekt over,what was it, half an hour, because the machine has no safe-guards.
If laws and rules aren't for you in particular, that's fine. Go rural, hiking, pick up a hobby where you're directing your self, etc. That's all possible in the western world. But by and large modern society, with all of its ills, and there are many, is better in the white west than the yellow east or the black... whatever africa is. Lesser of two evils.
it should be noted that the whites died in literal troves just by trying to discover America and live in these hellish climates
I hate how everything is a fucking lecture or a book and making appointments and meetings and doing boring unnecessary shit for no reason
there's not just rules anymore theres rules to the rules to the rules
It would be inhumane to hold a chihuahua up to the standards of a german shepard. To use a less poking fun example, it would be inhumane to expect a border collie to function as well as a rat terrier in ratting exercises. Different breeds are bred differently. There's nothing wrong with that.
I agree. I am not against the existence of niggers, but they are not equal to us, and they do not belong in white countries. It is unfair to everyone involved.
it's funny how white dudes tricked the world for so long that they were benevolent when in reality they were always oppressive autists
now nobody is under the delusion white males are good guys
This post is suspicious. Orignoli
Holy fuck. White men really are gods
blacks are superior to whites. just because you got to the money first doesn't mean you're better
white man are fatter, softer, go bald 90% of the time earlier in life, smaller penises, less muscles, less social and human skills
you guys got book smarts and money. thats it. and blacks are slowly becoming rich so
Oh great white man, light of our civilization, in your infinite wisdom, can you please answer me this question: Why do white people on average earn a lot of money for doing very little work or just acting as if they're working and being lazy and stupid, while hard working intelligent people of other races barely earn enough to survive?
>got to the money first
>had to build civilization, fashion impressive vessels to cross fucking oceans, had to subdue an entire continent
>you were sitting on it all along
>got there first
Nigger logic.
life could be fun retard if the white devil didn't rip away weed and steal all the money
if we distributed the wealth more and based who has wealth based off intelligence and work ethic instead of just oh whitey is born into money so he's going to take 80,000 golf trips every year or he gets cranky
>if we distributed the wealth more and based who has wealth based off intelligence and work ethic instead
Then EVERY black in America would starve to death, instead of receive ridiculous amounts of welfare paid for by hardworking whites. You do realize that, yes?
If you're just talking about school, whether it's middle / highschool / university... well, welcome to the wonderful world of academia. You'll find that that's actually no different in Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, etc. Hell, it's worse in brazil because the government isn't functioning half of the time, and it's worse in the asian countries because... holy fuck how did I miss this before. You think *white* countries are anal about rules? Do you legitimately not know anything about almost any asian country? Japan goes balls to the wall crazy with their schooling and work environment, to the fact that sudden subway death syndrome is a thing, and high school students leave high school to go to another preparatory school so that they can study and do more homework so that they can go to a better college later. It's crazy. Singapore police will cane (whip) you and fine you if you spit gum on the street. Mexico only has laws so that the police can extort you for not following the laws. Etc. etc. I could give literally dozens of examples from various separate countries right now.
It sounds like your bigger problem is not liking being told what to do, which is normal for a teenager. Just don't take it out on your own race, as I promise you it could be worse off. Seriously, look into asian schooling if you think you have it bad.
Just because you do not understand the work they do doesn't mean it isn't difficult. It is beyond you. No, a nigger mammy walking 5000000 miles to the well to carry a bucket of water isn't working hard and doesn't deserve a billion dollars. She is just stupid.
imagine life if our ancestors didn't rape africa
>Oh great white man, light of our civilization, in your infinite wisdom
Stopped reading right there. Do not address me so casually, subhuman. You will refer to me as Great White God.
you're thinking of southern blacks not urban blacks. they work like fucking crazy and seem to always find a way to make money
not school I mean just all the legal procedure shit to everything but you do have a point with everything else. what else about asia is shit like that? work conditions or normal life or anything? I heard they bust balls over drugs hard
>they work like fucking crazy and seem to always find a way to make money
They work hard at robbing and selling drugs, yes. That's still not acceptable and they need execution.
god damn i hate niggers so fucking much
not original obvi
also im not finding anything on "subway death syndrome"
another thing I fucking hate about all the rules is that pot the natural herb that cures 300 diseases and is natural and healthy is deemed illegal and were whipped to death over it but alcohol cigarettes and pills are allowed. we cant have painkillers because we "might have fun with them" so we have to take liver killing less effective aspirin
guess what...getting high and curing diseases goes hand in hand. stop trying to make everyone worker ant robots working themselves to death until they die of cancer
I literally met a dude yesterday who was dying with tubes in his heart while he chain smoked cigarettes and drank every night staring death in the eyes and he scoffed at the idea of weed. if he smoked weed he wouldn't even be doing that dumb shit and wouldn't be dying. hes literally just accepting his own death because of the rules
my moms doing the same shit
>got to the money first
knowing that out of africa was debunked, I wanted to say "let's pretend that all races started out equally" but you know, let's go with out of africa anyway because it means that blacks got a few tens of thousands of years headstart. what happened? Multiple generations to start the "money".
The strongman olympics are usually white males, and the world record holder for largest penis is also a white male (Jonah Falcon). I'll give you the balding thing, but that's due to genetic factors that you probably never bothered researching, ironically the same genetic factors that allow white males to dominate the strong man competitions. Now, to be fair here, the africans dominate the sprinting portion of the olympics due to the way the body is proportioned.
Fatter isn't really a race thing as much as a food thing, more access to resources = more food = fatter. But they are taller on average so maybe you meant that.
Of course this is a loaded question but I'll answer anyway. Do you mean within the US, or across the world? Because if you mean globally, that would involve getting into exchange rates of independent countries and that's a messy subject. If you mean within the US, it's a combination of skills, networking, and supply and demand. A doctor goes to school for many years, and the AMA also artificially limits the supply of doctors, so cost of doctors are kept high by both logical reasons (time needed to learn skillset) and stupid reasons (artificial market fuckery).
I can assure you that two individuals working the same job at the same company earn the same amount, because it's illegal otherwise. But that's just one of those rules that you (or the other poster if you're not him) hate and probably don't see the point of.
this. everything the white man has, every comfort and "privilege," is a result of this behavior and attitude. go hard, get big rewards. laze around, get africa.
no man white people are fatter because they sit around in suburbs playing video games all day another thing is that native americans were living all natural really chill as fuck doing everything right and then you guys were just racing to make the biggest strongest guns possible to rule this shit world with an iron fist while they were just living peacefully
came here raped killed and fucking ENSLAVED everything until you forced all your bull shit rules on us too. literally any other race could have done what you did except maybe africans its just they were all peaceful while you guys sat in your shit hole Europe trying to invent a gun and ruin society with it
I might be wrong Europe might have just always lead the world in technology and guns came natural but still
>so I'z da Big Brain Tribe Leadah Mbunge. I zay , da white man be Inferior, Becuz You zee, while We Africanz iz starvin, Da White Man is Very Well-Fed And Very fat
>So we iz superiah, becuz we dyin And Ouah Lil Babbies got Flies livin inside Dey Eyes N eatin Dem Alive As They Starve
>Das rite, racists BTFO
Legal procedures are shit, I agree, and I also have little knowledge so can't really comment too much there. Not sure if that's good or not. But alas.
>what else about asia is shit like that
I'm gonna pretend you said china, okay?
Now then. OH LORDY WHERE DO I BEGIN. The vast majority of the oceanic pollution is from china. Have you ever heard of the great pacific garbage patch? If not, look it up. So much garbage that it created a floating island in the ocean, and 8 / 10 of the top sources for that come from chinese rivers. There's also cultural stuff I could go on and on about, but man. You know good samaritan laws here? It's the reverse there. If you see someone in trouble and attempt to help them, they can sue you for it. Like, person A runs over person B, person C sees it and tries to help, person B can sue person C even though he had nothing to do with it. I could really fill up the rest of the thread and stay up all night talking about the random stuff that comes into my head about china, from their ghost towns, to the effects the 1 child policy had on their country's psyche as a whole, to the fact that the ENTIRE country's SAT test was cancelled due to widespread cheating, etc. etc. Attached an image about chinese business practices, this should be a fun read. And I shit on china, because they deserve it, but Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Taipei, Lao, they all their "oh god wtf" that you would react to as a westerner because as much as you may not like it, you are white, you have the sensibilities of a white man, etc. etc.
>they were all peaceful
I fucking promise you, nigger, the rest of the world is far more brutal and ruthless than anything the white man EVERY did to you. You were fucking eating each other.
The ONE AND SOLE REASON that you are not CURRENTLY being geoncided, is because of white superiority. Do you know what Pax Britannica was, and what Pax Americana is? It means that no one can fuck with whitey, so everyone behaves.
Remove whitey, and YOU ALL FUCKING DIE.
Huh. I guess I'm behind on the times. It's called Karoshi, and the more proper translation is "death from overwork". I guess I thought of subway because that's when it often times happened, to or from work. Here's an article on it:
It's one of the reasons that Japan's birthrate is so low, because there's no time for romance when you're working.
>they were all peaceful
do niggers really believe this? do niggers really not know that their various tribes were cannibalizing each other and genociding each other as best they could? same goes for native american tribes, they were fucking vicious to each other. no part of the world has had peace, not until white supremacy.
you gotta admit sitting in the suburbs and playing video games will make you fatter then living in the inner city and playing sports...
I admit niggers are inferior subhumans that deserve death, and nothing else.
they were nice and living off nature and you came and raped them with your guns and killed them all dude and then told everyone how to live
dude they are scammers those fake shoe replica stores in china tell everyone they want like 200 bucks for something and people haggle them down to 20 dollars and then sell it
they try to oversell all their fake products and they sell shit that looks and sounds amazing and then you get some useless shit product or they do anything to run off and get your money and wont return it
Blackbots, pay attention to this picture. These are your people. You aren't doing SHIT to help them. Why won't you save your tribe? Why won't you go to Africa and create a functioning society? Why do you let your children suffer like this? Why can you not be like whitey who has secured a comfortable life for hundreds of generations, to the point that our children are plump and satisfied? Why do you want your children to die? Why can't you stop raping and robbing white people for TWO SECONDS and go and help your own? Why is destruction so much more important to you?
I'm not a fan of the rules too much either, but weed does have it's downsides as well. Of course, cigarettes are worse, and alcohol is bad too, but you need to remember that cigarettes are largely bad because of commercialization, the same thing that would happen to weed if legalized. The fields are spray with radioactive fertilizer. That's what causes the cancer. Tobacco on its own can actually be good for you... situationally at least. And alcohol entered our culture from a long line of being the only thing that kept drinks safe from germs, bacteria, etc. Aside from being, among other things, a social lubricant, it became quickly established in our culture. Yes, people go overboard, but people would go overboard on just about anything. Also your mom sounds like an idiot. Aspirin is a pain killer, and tylenol is non addicting. But then again you're not a bastion of knowledge yourself, as those more effective pain killers are equally, if not more so, damaging to your liver. I mean, tylenol actually has warnings on the label about damaging the liver. Anyway, it sounds like you're just complaining, and that's fine. Vent away your frustrations. But every once in a while stop, and think about how things got to the point they are. It didn't just happen spontaneously.
>natives were peaceful
lel. You know that some of the natives actually tried to hire the spaniards who first came over to fight the other tribes for/with them, right? Native Americans were -constantly- killing each other. I can bring up articles if you'd be bothered to read them, but I'm running out of space in this post. Let me know though.
>you came and raped them with your guns and killed them all dude
No, but we certainly should have. You're living proof of that.
no good deed goes unpunished. as
>living in the inner city
Location has nothing to do with it. But you know what? I agree with you to a degree. People play too many games nowadays, video or otherwise. Sports aren't necessarily the answer, merely that people (of all races) have gotten fairly weak.
You... *really* need to read the picture. It's so much worse than you could possibly know.
just fyi everything you say makes white people want to kill you.
This. "Blaming whitey" obviously isn't working out. It's time for plan B.
Fucking do something.
I hate my fellow whites because we are the weakest, most pathetic race on the planet. The white race is the only race that actively is trying to breed itself out of existence. I used to be a White Nationalist, but how can you save a race that doesn't want to save itself. Fuck white people.
niggers have no plan b, there is only "blame whitey"
thats it
thats the extent of their problem-solving abilities
>its ok if i do but if someone else does it im gonna throw a fit
>>its ok if i do but if someone else does it im gonna throw a fit
This. Yes I will always defend whites, yes I will always attack other races. What the fuck are you going to do about it, nigger?
It is ok for whites to be racist.
It is not ok for others to be racist against whites.
Fucking deal with it you god damn nigger scum.
>its ok for whites to defend themselves but not for other races
this is what you're saying
>They're just jealous of us
This reminds of when my teachers use to tell me your bullies are just jealous of you
This. Other races can go fuck themselves and eat shit. I am white and I care about whites. That is all.
Die, scum.
>this is somehow a controversial opinion in 2018
>no one would ever have a problem with asians protecting asian interests
>no one would ever have a problem with blacks protecting black interests
the Jews really did a number on yall