what do you guys think of tattoos? Personally I used to hate them but came around and think they are nice. i got a couple and will be going back for some more
What do you guys think of tattoos? Personally I used to hate them but came around and think they are nice...
you mean pleb stamps?
What are your tattoos faggot? are they meaningful?
Tattoos are cool.
But "meaningful" tattoos are fucking gay.
I'm not talking about stuff that's directly referencing stuff.
I'm talking about tattooing something stupid like a pyramid on yoy and making up some bullshit excuse for it.
Just fucking admit you wanted a cool tattoo, you douchebag.
some writing on my neck and on my chest
I will be getting a sleeve I figured im a khhv so it doesent matter and i have my own company that I work at so i dont need to be worried about finding a job
yeah I did i just liked the design and the art. The only meaningful one i got Is my number tattoed i had when i played college football
I love tattoo's. Got 1 that means alot to me and another that just peaks alot of my interests.
You have to make sure you get a really unique tattoo that 95% of people don't have or else you fall into a meme.
Anybody can tell me why roasties love tattooes so much?
whats the one that means something to you about?
on men it shows better genetics and a bad boy it can also make someone look better with the right on. they like it on them because its a trend
It'll make you cringe because it's from a manga but I got a little Casca that represents a major plot point everyone was waiting for. It took over 20 years to hit the point and was an emotional ride.
Manga is Berserk. It's the little doll at the bottom.
Even if people don't know the context they like it because it's kinda like Tim burtons style.
as long as you like it and are happy with it. and can enjoy it. I am getting roses and a lion sleeve for myself . Where is it?
are you a qt grill
I had a job that didn't allow tattoos below the wrist bone so I got it about an inch above on my underside of my forearm. Would have put it there anyway because it's a great spot.
No my fellow robot. Feel free to adventure over to /soc/ though.
For retarded normies who live in the moment.
Either they think they'll always like the things they like now, or they don't think about the future at all. The worst of the bunch are the ones who care very little about something so aren't concerned about no longer liking it in future yet still got it permanently etched into their fucking skin just because they could.
anyones in the future? I got one my collar bone and it stung but i assume thats a meaty part so it wouldent hurt
what if its not for something they like but for a memory or just because it makes them look better
I used to think I wanted tattoos, but the older I get the more I feel like my tattoo ideas were stupid and I don't like how the majority of tattoos look on other people. Plus they are expensive to get and by the time I can reasonably afford to just drop $250 or more on a tattoo I will be a grown ass 30 yo Boomer and it won't be cool to get a tattoo anymore. None of the people I know who have tattoos are financially responsible. They are the type to blow money on other frivolous shit and stay lower class.
The collar bone does sound like it would hurt alot honestly.
I have endless ideas for tattoos but they are special to me so it takes alot of preparing to get one done and yes I plan to have alot instead of my two!
I always crave a new tattoo though. Such an experience.
>having good memories
>doodling on yourself to attract people
Normie, do I need to tell you to leave?
>khhv who works out and works night shift at walmart with no friends
If you were in toronto i would say lets meet up and go get some matching ones some small stuff though
i plan to get my arms done quickly, in 6 months or so. i wanna be a wild man.
Don't let a stereotype affect you if you want tattoos.
Your mind changes in maturity and understanding all the time so what you think is cool can be outdated in your mind soon.
That's where alot of personal exploring comes into place and you find things that affected your life alot or peaked your interest alot. If you liked something when you were 20 but now when you're 40 you don't like it; it dosen't matter. It was still you and memory of YOU.
what were you thinking of doing on your arms?
meaningful tattoos are for the real plebs and fedoras
real robots get meaningless shit scribbled all over them
Aha. I'm in shitty Maryland, USA. Nice shitty state that makes no sense in any laws my friend.
Getting small tattoos with a robot is something I would be down for. As long as it isn't some gay Jow Forums symbol kek.
Please tell us user. We would like to know.
>. As long as it isn't some gay Jow Forums symbol kek.
nah im not a fan of Jow Forums culture. I would just say a small black rose or something maybe a eyball crying idk
The sensation of the ink gun on my skin got my dick as hard as it's ever been and I don't know why
It's a unique sensation that nothing has compared to
i want some sacred geometry, a dagger with a shining jewel necklace around it, some spider webs, a dragon fly, bumblebee on a flower, "everything here is dead" somewhere, a grim reaper like pic related holding a goblet..
i have more ideas for my hands if i decide to go that far.
as far as "meaning" goes, i go no farther than i feel an affinity for it. it's intuitive.
i think there are things that are more concrete instantiations that i at least have sympathy for. i knew a girl who had her grandmother's handwriting tattooed on her wrist. it's a bit crude but i think it's indicative that she has a soft, more tender side.
for myself, i just think they look cool. maybe i've had some personal happening with it in real life but that's beside the point. i just like it, it looks like fun. it looks like what i want to turn my life into. so i just go with where the winds are blowing
A tattoo is literally the same feeling as cutting yourself on something user. Become user to get erect.
pretty cool like a full sleeve connected together? Plus im not bragging but the spiderweb on the elbow is a prison tat and you can have it now if you didnt but its just nice to know because my friend got called out for it by my other friend kek. I hope no colour though personally its not my thing but if its yours than thats cool
it was a strange feeling like being scraped with a razor but when it comes off the pain stops. sort of like eating salt and vinegar chips
You will regret edgy stuff like that when you're older user.
If you really want it go ahead and get it but before you make a choice on any tattoo remember it's permanent for the most part.
youre a slutty poster!
The worst tattoos are like pic related: a collection of random shit plastered all over your arm. there's no cohesion at all and it looks like you just put stickers all over your body. If you want to get a tattoo, then get an intricate sleeve design or something that cohesively works well together. they look a thousand times better.
user, if you're not larping I'm so, so sorry.
Just a cute poster silly.
more like a collage with each piece blurred at the edges, rather than one entity. for me, colour is tastefully done. i want most to be black and skin contrasting in intricate patterns
yeah its the new thing, neo traditional i dont like it all weird. ryan goslins look cool though
Yes I will take the advice of anonymous posts over my own judgement. No thank you
I prefer half sleeve's and full but that's me.
If you really love a style go for it, it only matters to you in the end honestly.
Do what you do user but remember this in 20 years.
You sicken me
boopity boop robot
Im getting half sleeve om my left lion/roses/crowns and some bible quotes on my right
Eye ball crying seems edgy to me but I could pass that off as a Tool - Jambi reference.
its hip to be edgy. Not that ostentatious tho
Good job user, make sure you really love it and be prepared if it's your first tat. Even though I'm 99% sure robits can handle any tat honestly.
nah I got some stuff on my chest. Ive been thinking alot about ti. especially when this fat tax return comes in $$ :)
That's pretty lewd user. You're gonna get arrested.
Do what you do user. Tattoos are an amazing experience and you should only worry about pleasing yourself with them. They aren't going on the people that complain about them.
Yeah you could be right. I usually define edgy on my younger views so it might be outdated compared to now. I haven't caught up on what can be seen easily as edgy.
>back tattoo
I honestly don't like gosling's design at all. the water goes off the edges of his back and it looks weird. I think pic related looks much cooler since it is a fully colored and self-contained design.
i think theyre supposed to have some shitty minimalist style which makes it better imho
>Inb4 this Victoria posting dies off
Keep it coming lads!
Thanks for posting a Seras than needs a hug user. I'm still here just refreshing and listening to music.