Forty-eight hours until you go back in the cage

Forty-eight hours until you go back in the cage.

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whats it like going thru life knowing that you never did anything significant? that you never positively impacted anyone elses life? that you were a disappointment? that you couldnt make anyone happy, not even yourself?? is that how you envisioned your 30's when you were 8 years old?

what the fuck is this, a feelsaday cage?

>tfw i envisioned my 30s as a garbage man poet who lives above a chinese food store feeding dogs
>tfw 23 and play college football and finishing uni

feels good

>he thinks being a cashier is significant

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Underrated post by an user right here.

It's designed to keep assembly line workers from leaving their posts.

I've always wanted to die before middle age, even at a young teenager. So I really couldn't give less of a fuck how i impact others. Though oddly enough several of the normies are in long term relationships with people they intend to marry because of me giving them advice. So there's something

>being a NEETcuck is fine user....

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hope you get brain damage desu

What's it like having a life so empty it is defined entirely by what you do?

He might not be changing the world; but if I want to go to the store and buy something, he's definitely not insignificant.

what does any of that have to do with being a wageslave vs a NEET?

>not using the self checkout line
get out normalfag

What is this and how I can use it to destroy the ruling class.

I do; they still require employees.

working isn't that hard you fucking pussies, I work a shitty manual labor job lifting heavy shit none stop for 10 hours a day and don't make shit, I guarantee whatever job you get would be easier than this yet I still enjoy my hobbies and the free time I get despite the "endless suffering" that comes from a thing called responsibility, working sucks, everyone knows that, get the fuck over it, you're all beta as fuck, kill yourselves

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>You're a beta if you don't want to spend hours a week making someone much richer than you money! Get the fuck over it and work, or kill yourselves!!!
Wagie groupthink always amuses me

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Posts like this make me think these threads are just burnt out wagies stuck in shit tier jobs roleplaying as NEETS to vent. Anyone who posts strawman quentin ripoffs is either falseflagging or doing it ironically. Or retarded.

it's basic capitalism. if you don't like it, move to a socialist shithole, they'll love your mentality

Your weekend just started, wagie. Are you really going to spend it all shitposting on Jow Forums? Or has your life become nothing but work, work, work, rest?
What a shame. I'll leave you to it while I engage in one of my many hobbies, including improving my creative skills, refining my body, and admiring great works of art. Remember to rest up; Mr Sheklestein will need you nice and focused come Monday morning.

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im not a wagie i just think you're a retard. if you don't want to contribute to western society, fucking MOVE.

I'm a NEET though. It's ok that you're burnt out from your job roleplay-user. If pretending to be a smug NEET reminds you of your carefree childhood before you became a full time burger flipper, all the more power to you.

could you come off as more pretentious and deluded in such a short post? I seriously doubt your reason for not working is because you cant bear the fact that you're making someone else money, or because you are wasting your precious time, it's because you're a lazy piece of shit who wants a free ride but can't find the justification to do so, admit it to yourself and get it over with. You're also implying that I give a fuck about society and find fulfillment from working, this isn't the case for almost anyone with a job so where the fuck did you even get that idea, everyone I have ever seen talk about work says they hate it and would rather sit on their ass all day, unless they are an ultra normie, what kind of shitty life do you live to have this mindset anyway? You realize most people wouldn't be working if they didn't have to right? we used to have to hunt to survive, now we have to work to make useless paper to buy the things that let us survive. You're the equivalent of a useless hunter gatherer who sits in his shelter all day questioning why he should go out and hunt for the tribe and ridiculing those who do because they could be doing so much more with their free time, just as they had to hunt, we have to work. they were forced to hunt to survive, we are forced to work. it's the same concept but different actions, if you're going to be literally worthless stop making it apparent to everyone and enjoy it quietly you entitled bitch.

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What the fuck? Your life IS defined by what you do. What else would it be defined by? By what you "think" you'll do? A life where you do nothing is the definition of an empty life

>a life is defined by what you do
So you're a McDonald's worker? An office drone? A janitor? A man's life amounts to nothing except how he earns a paycheck? What a truly absolutely cucked view. Do you work to live, like a free man, or live to work, like a slave?

It's not capitalims when your money supply is controlled by a small group of private members who don't give a fuck about you or your wages and have been continuously driving them down for decades because it makes THEM more money. Want to see a capitalistic economy? Remove the federal reserve. Back currency with metals. Not only would the spending power of the dollar increase, but you would see far far less instabilities in the market. Oh well not that it matters, the American petrodollar is already on it's deathbed anyway.

what is being portrayed in this image? I have an autistic desire to know what the numbers mean.

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If all you do is work your wagecuck job, then yeah, that's all you are. You should be working that job and using the money for a further purpose.

Yeah you're really free living out of your mom's basement eating tendies and shitposting on a chingchong nipnong forum. Really clever Mr. Philosopher.

>chides someone for freeriding
>ignoring the fact that you really are ending up making someone else money
Why the fuck are you pretending that someone earning a lot means that they deserve it? You really think those rich people at the top rightfully earned every dollar they have? Even at my goddamn job my bosses just delegate entire projects out and rarely give a fuck about them but still take the cut nonetheless and that's completely fine by your logic. It's not a fucking issue of morality since there's bloody none in this world to begin with, people do whatever they can get away with and that's all (if someone can and is okay with being a neet then all the power to them). Fuck out of here with your bullshit.

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Jokes on you. I'm here right now, get off in 4 hours then come back Monday at 3pm EST.

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>TFW you have a job that gives you a living wage, that involves little to no human interaction and gives me 8 hours a day to listen to Audio books and lectures (with reading time inbetween)

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ignoring the fact? pretending? where user? I never said or claimed anything like that, I'm fully aware that me breaking my back for 10 hours a day does more good for boss-man than it will ever do for me, that's how the world is though, and for the record I have no problem with neets, I have a problem with neets who try to patronize someone for their way of life to justify their own, if neets were really happy with their situations we wouldn't see any threads like this, you living in your moms basement to stick it to the man does absolutely nothing but give you less of a chance at surviving, so why exactly should I care, it's such a stupid thing to worry about, I'd rather be doing what the neets claim they do then sit and cry about my boss getting richer, it makes no difference to me, I work the same hours at the same wage regardless of how many yachts my boss has, and it's none of my business how or why someone has the money they do, why should I care? I get paid the same amount no matter what so user tell me, what do you want then? would you rather boss-man share his money with you instead? whats the solution, because I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to argue?

actually I'm confused by your whole post in general, where did 90% of all of what you said even come from?

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>ignoring the fact? pretending? where user? I never said or claimed anything like that
Because you used the word "free ride" only to refer to the neets' behavior and using that as an argument for why they should be working? Obviously you didn't say or claim anything because that's precisely what feigning ignorance is, omission of the fact that free riding isn't just limited to neets.

>I work the same hours at the same wage regardless of how many yachts my boss has, and it's none of my business how or why someone has the money they do, why should I care? I get paid the same amount no matter what so user tell me, what do you want then?
Except that isn't true because resources are limited. I hope I shouldn't have to explain something so basic to you.

>would you rather boss-man share his money with you instead? whats the solution, because I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to argue?
Why does there need to be a solution? Not like there can be one anyway because people will forever be trying to maximize their gain at the expense of others. What I do have a problem with is that you're here on Jow Forums preaching about people needing to work because of a moral obligation (don't fucking pretend again that isn't the case you cretin, you said it yourself here along with telling people to kill themselves because you're oh so superior for working). The gall you have to say that you don't care when you clearly do. I'm done with you since you're just going to keep lying and warping the truth.

Your post reminded me of a classic image

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I'm very lucky in that I can NEET at my parents house without paying rent. I can't work because I have terrible back, foot and hand pain that stops me doing 80% of jobs.
If I could get back into wagecuckery I would though because I need the money.

>Because you used the word "free ride" only to refer to the neets' behavior and using that as an argument for why they should be working?
I think you misinterpreted the whole free ride thing there user,I never used that an as an argument on why they SHOULD be working, I used it as a reason that they ARENT working, because they are lazy and want everything handed to them, now, am I implying here that you should work or trying make you get a job? nope. I'm simply criticizing your excuse for not working, I'm being realistic user, they don't work because they are lazy, if you can really give me a good reason why they aren't working besides a smug neet meme please do.
>Except that isn't true because resources are limited. I hope I shouldn't have to explain something so basic to you.
user you really need to start thinking here, think about your replies so you don't say something so stupid again, stop taking everything I say at face value, its obovius to literally anyone that my boss can't actually go out and buy as many yachts as he wants, becasue like you said, resources are limited, including his stack of useless money.
>you're here on Jow Forums preaching about people needing to work because of a moral obligation (don't fucking pretend again that isn't the case you cretin, you said it yourself here (You) along with telling people to kill themselves because you're oh so superior for working).
preaching? hm, I wouldn't call it that, I saw a thread, decided to give my thoughts, also, I haven't suggested anyone should get a job, I have only stated that neets need to stop complaining about something that's really not that bad, neets over dramatize a 9-5 retail job acting like its hell on earth, it's pathetic, find where I explicitly said something like that and I'll admit defeat, I have mearly been calling neets lazy and entitled and stating why I think those things with admittedly vulgar language but I still stand by what I say, neets are lazy/entitled

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>whats it like not being a workercuck???? gosh must suck not working your ass of for minimum wage for mr goldberg, youre such a loser

Is 420 the weed feed?

Yoooo the this is kinda hot you dig?