Tfw IQ is legit 140

>tfw IQ is legit 140
>tfw has never done me any good
It's like having a computer with a really fast processor, but you can only run shit software on it and most of the time the CPU is sitting idle waiting for other shit to catch up.

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Other urls found in this thread:–95–99.7_rule

user with 120 IQ here. How does it feel up there? little man.

162 reporting in. Can confirm that god is not real and life has no meaning. Also it gets lonely up here.

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183 iq here
Just be yourself bro, it worked for me

Just like nothing. Everyone else reaches the same conclusions I do except five to ten seconds later. My life is constantly waiting for other people to process. If i actually "fed" my brain with better information I might be able to use that power for something, but I am actually too stupid and too physically ill in other ways to do it. I am addicted to the same old crap as everyone else, I just plow through it faster.

A couple psychologists I went to said I had a 140 IQ, too. I'm super anxious though, especially about this one girl (the Jow Forums in me is already showing through). I just started taking sertraline tonight, and I think I really need it (I didn't start taking it for months).

169 iq here, no wait that was my bowling average

What the fuck sort of situations are you stuck in where you're in a race with a bunch of normies to reach the most surface level conclusions and then have to wait around for them to reach it? Are you a frequent gameshow contestant?

What are you taking the fun fun drugs for? I hope you're not paying for them.

>love philosophy and literature
>IQ is more than likely in the double digits
You don't understand true pain. I will never truly understand the only thing that gives me joy in this life. Reading Kierkegaard makes my brain melt but I just can't put a book down.

>IQ more than likely in double digits
what makes you say that?

I'm taking sertraline for anti-anxiety. I didn't think I needed it for a long time, but this one girl is driving me fucking crazy with anxiety, and there's a good chance that everything is fine and it's all in my head.

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>this one girl is driving me fucking crazy with anxiety
in what way? Is she lurking outside your house with an axe?

I don't understand math past an 8th grade level, if that. Anything past basic algebra - trigonometry or whatever - just makes smoke come out of my ears unless I have a cheat sheet telling me what forumla to use and when. I also make bad decisions, self-destructive if you can stand the hyperbolic drama behind the phrase. A smart person isn't like me, I know that much. I've never had my IQ tested, nor do I even have an inkling of what posssessing whatever numerical value of such entails, but if 100 is close enough to average then I'm most certainly below it. Trying to parse through words on paper is a challenge, oftentimes I completely miss thematic elements or leitmotifs or whatever deeper meaning a body of work will hold. Whenever I read a book, no matter how many times I read and reread from paragraph to paragraph, cover to cover, I can't pick up much more than what's been plainly written. I don't see the symbolism, nor do I appreciate the allusions or metaphors. An obvious theme of paralysis and social malaise is just a collection of banal events occurring throughout Dublin to me. I will never read and appreciate books as they were meant to be, and it breaks my heart.

>tfw never have the attention span to sit through an iq test
but maybe i can try right now. anyone have a reliable site for it?

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what does it mean if i had an average, nearing low-average iq but won multiple awards and was accepted to two ivy leagues? my score was around 100 but i don't remember it exactly

We were kind of "going steady" for lack of a better phrase a couple months ago, and now everyday I see her I worry about body language to try and tell if she still is attracted to me and not put me in the "friend-zone" (she has a lot of guy friends). I'm also starting to worry she's starting to like this Chad-like guy, though that's purely body-language speculation and I might just be stressing myself out.

You're over thinking it. Double digiters are basically animals you should go get an IQ test I think you'd be pleasantly suprised by the result. If I knew better I'd accuse you of compliment fishing.

Nigga... But if you really want to:
Take this "giqtest", finish it and paste your own id on the following link to see the results.
Link related is my own score btw, I hope my irl IQ is at least 120 but you can never really trust that these tests are accurate. Also english isn't my first language so the score might be biased because of the verbal questions.

>What the fuck sort of situations are you stuck in where you're in a race with a bunch of normies to reach the most surface level conclusions and then have to wait around for them to reach it?
Any common conversation. Just today.
>family going out to eat
>suggest to use coupons
>seconds pass
>seconds pass
>yes, there are some in the living room! (i am already in there getting them)
>we're looking at the coupons
>I immediately point out the obvious best deal and tell them
>they agree nearly a minute later

Legit 138 here.
I feel like the way I was raised turned me into a tremendous cunt for a long time. I used to actually give a shit that people knew I was smart. Now I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck if people think I'm literally retarded.
Things are a lot less lonely when you learn to be patient with people. I had to learn that when my grandma started getting Alzheimer's and my dad had a stroke.
People are slow and it's easy to get lost in your own head, but it really is worth it to come out and slow down a bit for people. Sometimes it's the only way to hear people who are slower, and it's still worth hearing them.

>Everyone else reaches the same conclusions I do except five to ten seconds later. My life is constantly waiting for other people to process.
>I am addicted to the same old crap as everyone else, I just plow through it faster.
I can relate deeply to this.

>he has a high IQ but a low EQ
A gun with no bullets, fulfillment-wise.

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Was that recent or was that from when you were like 8?

How old are you? strictly originally speaking

Fuck off normalscum, eat your happy pills and gloat about your GF someplace else

There are no reliable sites. The real test is multi-sectional and long.

Is your IQ as an 8 year old the same as your IQ now?

It means you received a good education and are intelligent, which is not directly correlated with IQ.

That's just normal family behaviour. Are you literally a child?

i think it was from my last year in high school or late in my second to last year. i didn't end up going to any college though

So what does IQ measure then?
t. brainlet

>Are you literally a child?
>implying it isn't obvious

>claims to have an IQ of 162
>makes the affirmation that god is not real

Youre either 15 or not as smart a s you think

>inb4 how good you are at taking tests

>Tested highly gifted (145-159 iq range) as a kid
>Still not smart enough to figure out how to not get rejected by every girl I've asked out

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huh i never knew iq tests were something you have to take in person. where do i sign up for it or do i need someone's recommendation etc? sorry if my post seems dumb i always just assumed it was an internet quiz thing, like mbti

At what point did anyone in this thread say this wasn't normal?

Hmm, apparently everyone on this boards IQ is as high as Einsteins, which I highly doubt. My IQ is honestly 132, not the highest but I'm definitely more cunning than the average Joe. I feel as if I don't necessarily have anxiety, but I'm definitely anti social and introverted. It doesn't help that I find that most normies talk about nonsense, and almost seem brainwashed and robotic. They all act and do based off of the current norms in the media, and base all of their thinking on their biased ideologies. Can confirm it gets lonelier the higher up you get. Can't imagine what it's like for 150+ individuals.

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She's not my GF. I'm anxious as fuck worrying about if she no longer likes me, to the point where my body was fucking breaking down. I don't know how to feel about it. Nowhere near normalscum territory.

I'm 21 and it's obvious that he/she/it isn't. You can debate me if you'd like but there isn't much point.

When you implied that it was because you had an IQ of 140.

intelligence is overrated
t. brainlet

>high iq
>feel stupider than the average normalfag
>feel like an actual retard sometimes
anyone know this feel

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This. Either that or he simply hasn't realized it. The universe is a funny thing, the frequencies and energies you emit seem to be picked up on, and if you focus on what you want, you shall receive. Ask and thou shall receive. Classic law of attraction. If you send negative energies, bad shit's gonna come your way. IS this god? I'm not sure. All I know is if you believe, you can achieve

I believe most psychologists in your area could give you one. Else you could take the MENSA test, but I think a psychologist would be better.

It measures the range of your basic problem solving abilities, and the speed with which you can apply them. If you have a large range of abilities it will take you less time to solve each problem because you understand it on a fundamental level and perform the direct mental calculations to solve it. If you have a limited range of problem solving abilities you will have to spend time mentally translating the problem into something which you can then process. For some people this process can be too lengthy or overwhelming to the point it becomes illogical to expend the mental energy necessary to complete it within a reasonable time frame. These people have low IQs.

I understand the pain but i would prefer much more to have consistent productive interests and be dumb than to be smart and have no motivation to do anything.

Dude, you have a female that likes you enough to be worried about her not liking you anymore. That's normalscum territory

Don't bother with it.
People with sky-high IQs seem to do better than those in the 120-140 range. They are usually leaders in their fields of expertise with active social lives, families, and successful careers.

I think I'd feel even worse if it turned out that I had an average IQ but still lagged so far behind my peers. Am I so inadequate, or did I just happen to be raised alongside hypercompetent wunderkind? I'm still certain I'm below average, considering I apparently lack common sense as well. For example, if I had a case of pens and pencils, and someone without anything to write with made their situation known, I'd carry on without it ever occurring to me that I could share one of mine - until someone puts the idea in my head, of course. Or I'll constantly stub my toe on a piece of furniture, every day, and never think to move the furniture or walk around it or change anything to make sure it doesn't happen again. Small daily things like that. It's like I'm an animal with no higher reasoning, just trained well enough in daily norms to come off as a clumsy person instead of some sort of human-fashioned robot.
23. Maybe I'll get better with age, maybe I'll get worse. They say young people are stupid, but from what I've seen my peers have been a bunch with good heads on their shoulders, and graduation caps from fancy colleges on top of those heads and graduation tunics hanging from those shoulders. Meanwhile I'm still living at home, no job, few friends, and fewer future prospects brighter than a muzzle flash on my temple.

>have 105 IQ

I guess. I was starting to wonder if I was becoming more "normal" when she was liking me, but now I think I'm starting to reverse. Can a girl lose attraction to someone in like a week? I'm probably just over-stressing about this.

IQ is a bell curve of 100 with standard deviations of 15. You would be so rare that a person as smart as you would come around once every 72090 years (thrice as long as modern history)–95–99.7_rule
>68-95-99.7 rule

so theoretically one can really low iq and not actually be mentally retarded right? or can a doctor automatically diagnose a person with a 50 iq as mentally retarded without knowing anything else about them?

138bro here.
Einstein is honestly not that hard. I don't know why his name is apparently the gold standard for genius.
Like, he's clearly as competent mathematician and he's really imaginative and good at visualization, but it's not like God rolls a fucking INT check on you when you try to read Einstein's work. The published shit people usually read is actually dumbed-down for normalshits and skips a bunch, and it's not like any of the shit he draws upon is difficult math. Lorentz and Maxwell aren't even that hard.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I get the impression that a lot of people who assume this shit is hard literally haven't read it or just don't know what the squigglies mean.

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>if you go to college that means you're smart
Fucking NPC's.

Girls can lose attraction to someone as quickly as they can see a giant cock or big muscles. You're being perfectly reasonable about the situation, feeling anxious is not the same thing as having anxiety.

>iq test tells me i'm average
>take crayon and cross it out score
>write 300 over it

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Never mind I guess you're below average after all

>this is your brain on theism

Yeah, it's logical. It's a shame I didn't get this blessing of social prowess, but I am a good leader and am currently starting my career in aerospace engineering. I was gonna settle for being a simple electrician but it was to boring in my opinion. My family life isn't great because my siblings are normies and I couldn't be bothered. As for the whole social life situation, I have a few friends who I'd trust with my life, and I usually just fuck and dump. Honestly couldn't be bothered with the mental energy it takes to have a girlfriend. I also don't really seem to get emotionally attached to people unless they're very close to me. I lack empathy all around, which sucks but it is what it is I guess.

>What the fuck sort of situations are you stuck in where you're in a race with a bunch of normies to reach the most surface level conclusions and then have to wait around for them to reach it?
I should have never replied to you after you made this comment in the beginning of this conversation. Use your imagination for ten seconds and you can think of several scenarios in everyday conversation where a person with a high IQ will be waiting for the other person to catch up. This happens with bills, with driving directions, with processes of going about household chores, deciding what to do with the food in the kitchen, with everything. If you have not experienced these things yourself I have to call into question your own IQ.

I then provided an example for your of normal life for me, to which you replied
>That's just normal family behaviour.
The normal family behavior towards a person with an IQ higher than them. Which is exactly what i was describing in my greentext story.
And now here you are
>When you implied that it was because you had an IQ of 140.
But this is not what you are referring to in our earlier conversation, in fact you are referring to my relatives behavior in that post, not my own, so to move the subject to the OP post is an error.

As for whether or not having an IQ of 140 is abnormal? No, not really. The difference between 120 and 140 is about 30 seconds of test time. In real life it is negligible. When you count people between 120 and 140 you're probably going to find one in every large family.

>People with sky-high IQs seem to do better than those in the 120-140 range.
Only if have a good upbringing with people that know what to do with them. It's no coincidence that all the high IQ people you hear about are richfags or at least born with middle class parents that care.

>normie with job, friends and a sex life
>on Jow Forums
Back to baiting school, mate

Ah, another one of those threads where underage fags can claim to all have 150+ IQ, and then say shit like
>muh its so lonely
>muh can't relate to normies they all like stupid mainstream stuff look at me I like somewhat obscure stuff

You'll get better with age. Especially when it comes to absorbing dense texts. That's not even as much an issue of IQ, as it is getting experience. As you gain various perspectives throughout life you'll be able to understand the motivations of characters in ways you would not have guessed before, and it will just come naturally.

his name has become more of a figure of speech for me. Something to compare intelligence to, I know he isn't the smartest man ever born. It works because most normal folk often link high IQ and Einstein together, so yeah that's why I said that.

He was obviously joking you autist

Perhaps you're right. I think it could just be a crazy scenario my brain has created for itself in order to complete tasks at a high success rate, but it definitely works. I think one of the most dangerous things is a man who truly and utterly believes in himself

Yes, but that information is interesting enough to post about, silly goose >:3

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I certainly hope so. I've been trying to break into Focault lately, but I understand even less of what he's putting forward than Kierkegaard's parables. And no matter how long I wait, or how much I experience, I'm certain I'll never grasp analytical philosophy by any measure. I skimmed a page of Wittgenstein and felt like my brain was about to shut down.

Fuck off, I'm anything but normal. Just because I figured out a way to function in the normal world doesn't mean I'm not a robot at heart. I feel like a robot and that's why I like coming here, especially threads like this. I enjoy speaking to my fellow bots

It's all pretty arbitrary, and has more to do with what you can practically accomplish in your life. There are some men who would be classified as mentally handicapped if they took an IQ test who happily progress through life doing menial labor jobs and no one would ever suspect them as being anything other than normal. And some are doing jobs that are not so menial. I've met people working in banks who I would bet have IQs less than 100. It takes them ages to get something, and they require written instructions to go through it many times after, but they are very diligent and get work done. They're not prone to slack off or get bored with their work so some managers may even prefer them.

A man who truly and utterly believes in himself is a man with retard level IQ. You are correct that they are dangerous, but that is because of their incredible stupidity, not because "muh I can do anything if I believe in myself"

Make sure you keep up your social connections to people outside the aerospace industry. Surrounding yourself with actual autists and people with very high IQs can create a feeling of inferiority that leads to depression. Make sure you "get out" sometimes. I used to work in astrophysics and I far down in that hole.

user you're just gargling at this point. It's normal family behaviour in every family, do you expect them to just accept your suggestion immediately and give you a blowjob afterwards? Have you ever considered you might just be poor at communicating?

No, you're missing my point. We'd have to disagree on them being "retard level IQ's" though, because a man of any IQ can believe in himself

What part of not believeing in god implies you utterly believe in yourself?

You've actively chosen to ignore the entire premise of this thread in order to be hostile. What message are you actually trying to communicate? If you want a better example then just ask for it, but so far you have proven to be another person who quibbles endlessly and can't just say what they want with their words.

You've also missed my point, completely actually.

What on earth was the point then?

There is no debate here. You cant prove me either that he exists or that he doesnt exist. I'll even let you choose the side of the debate, i dont care

Ive seen a lot of shitty people get lucky and vice versa. I would say that the only reason your relation is more probable is because of will power and the fact that doing good things makes your enviroment like you and doing bad thinks makes your enviroment hate you, which can have a weight on future events. Im agnostic, but if i had to choose, i would say god is real. But if he is real, i think he is simply the creator and observer. Either that or we are all god experiencing ourselves through subjective consciousness, when in reality there is only one consciousness and that is god. One of those two

A man of any IQ can believe in himself, but the only kind of man who doesn't have a single shred of self doubt is a man who is too stupid to understand the situation he is in, "ignorance is bliss" "sometimes its better to not know" and so forth. Self doubt (within reasonable levels) is a sign of intelligence.

A lot of my peers do seems to "rook" me if you will, but I try not to let it get to me, age is not a prerequisite for maturity or vice versa. They can and often do, exist asynchronously. The same can't be said for their greater experience, so I guess I can see where their coming from

>You've actively chosen to ignore the entire premise of this thread in order to be hostile. What message are you actually trying to communicate?
Ugh. Bad writing. Try again:
You've chosen to ignore the entire premise of this thread in order to be hostile. What message are you trying to communicate?

I am more aggravated at my own writing than anything here, along with the torturous captchas.

You're probably a smart guy, maybe smarter than me even. Just go back and read my posts from the beginning and I'm sure it'll make more sense. I think you picked up on the wrong post and it's causing some confusion. Or you're just beyond me, or maybe I'm beyond you. I don't know some of the things I say can be kind of outlandish sometimes

I could of worded it better I suppose. I obviously have self doubt, what I meant by self belief was a drive to achieve your goals and not giving up, unless giving up is the logical thing to do in the current situation you find yourself in

I actually agree, user.

Ok, yeah I agree with that. I just misunderstood your post I guess.

Do you happen to smoke a lot of weed?

Just buy a pass my dude, my point was that it was a bad example that's about it. Not to mention your family probably has a similar IQ to yourself.

The whole premise of God is that God is an inscrutable figure beyond comprehension of any man. If God were able to be comprehended then it would not be God. If you could comprehend God you could prove God's existence. But you can't. You have to have faith in his existence. This is the basis of religion.
This poster way back here
>Can confirm that god is not real and life has no meaning.
Silly talk. And apples to oranges comparison. "God is not real" is about as relevant as saying "Golf is not a book", it's an argument about whether something possesses a quality that is unrelated to it.

No I don't. Everyone else in this thread seems to understand me, expect you. What's you iQ? honest question, I'm not accusing you of having a low IQ or anything

It's 162.

>If you send negative energies, bad shit's gonna come your way
Everything I've seen so far has shown the opposite of this. The people who create chaos and ill will end up ahead.

So what your saying here is that God isn't real?

I have no idea what my IQ is but I have a few suggestions for my bretheren:
Challenging yourself is fun. You should consider getting into programming and making big bucks in the financial sector. Then use the proceeds to fund the robot ranch idea.
Also normies are slower but patience is a virtue.

I am saying the definition of God as an inscrutable all-powerful figure says we cannot answer that question. And it is unrelated because God is beyond such concepts.

Don't mind me I'm just a humble 135 perusing the thread

Pretty sure he means positive as in encouraging and believing in yourself.

You're aware that's the same thing as not real right?

programming is boring though and I'm dyslexic and shit at typing

Huh, interesting.

Did you pay for the test or how did you get your results?