Tfw another friday night spent all alone in my room

>tfw another friday night spent all alone in my room

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did she just find a barely smoked cigarette and light it.... HO

>Septum piercing
What a waste, she was pretty hot back in the day.

>these are bad now

actually the criminal in this scenario is whoever lit it and then changed his mind. but it's probably also her.

she lit it and realized she didnt have her camera and probably put it out right after the video for the a e s t h e t i c or some gay shit

Of course they're bad. They look fucking hideous.

Alone on a friday night? oreginoos

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kinda reminded me of sanji from one piece

STFU Failed Normie. Real robots just want a woman to love them and don't need anything else.

This. I'd be happy if ANY woman wanted me.

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Most people haven't ever really liked those. It's just a trendy thing to do. Like bellbottom pants.

More proof women peak at 16

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Real robots don't want anyone to love them.

Wait, is that Lia? When did she go full slut?! I've been out of the loop. Also, is there more?

>Tattoo >Septum piercing
>What a waste, she was pretty hot back in the day.


I have heard of double think but that is just impressive!

that's not inherently true but ok. whatever you say.

>Knuckle tattoos
>Septum piercing
Jesus christ, wasn't she the cute girl from the teens react videos? What went wrong?

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>Real robots just want a woman to love them
Delusional failed normie detected
Real robots have realized women are worthless

no she re-did it because she realized her nipple wasn't visible the first time she did it

Join us sad bois 54jW82P

Easy there boomer. Just because you need viagra to take a piss, that doesnt mean the rest of us cant whack it to this slut.

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join here mUghYC

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>friday night
>go out
>buddy hits on weird girl
>you later actually kinda hit it off with weird girl later
>walk him home, he's still trying to get to fuck her
>she doesn't want to, goes with you
>buddy gets mad at you because she didn't fuck him
>just bring her home because you hate drunken sex
She's full blown autistic though, but a very nice ginger too, I'm kinda conflicted

>tfw no trashy gf

hmmm I'd disagree. I liked having a woman say she loves me, but her flaws eventually outweighed that

Lust is a sin

So is using the lord's name in vain

no sorry, that makes you a cuck.

Same as long as she's not fat or blow my brains out ugly - though even you can get her to work out, and put bleach in your eyes for the latter.

Closest thing to Lia nudes we gon get, Im happy with it.

She posted a video on her instagram, just a bunch of video clips set to a Lana Del Ray song, and for some reason it made me feel really lonely.

Dont know about nudes but her instagram is @lia and she posts pretty regularly.

Got that burnt out art hoe aesthetic that I honestly cant help but love

Thanks but I'm only interested in nudes. Where did she post the op webm?