Gym hours

How much time do you spend at the gym on a typical lifting day?

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1:30-2 hours

hour if im fast


I always aim for 1.5 hours

Setup? 5 mins
Lifting? 35 mins
Cardio? 45 mins
Shower? 15 mins
So 1:40 I guess

I usually get about an hour in. I kinda lose the fire after that.

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usually 45 - 50 min. I stretch before coming in, walk to the place, life, then vacate immediately

My home gym college schedule is the tits.
I wake up, usually a little hungover, pop out a few sets of squats or bench or whatever I’m training that day, sipping some black coffee. Then I go to class and come home, do some sets of over head press or whatever while eating, go back to class, come home and do some more sets of whatever while eating, go to work, get home and finish workout while studying, go drinking and eating with the bros.

My workout is spread throughout the day because there’s no reason you have to do it all at once if you live in your gym, you just workout whenever you’re home. I never workout for more than 15 minutes at a time. I hope to workout this way forever.

Trips of glory user. I'm at school as well and my basement is primed for homegymming, but I have no idea if I'll be able to keep the shit with me after graduation. I'd love to save up and buy at least some equipment, though. Mostly I want a punching bag

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like 1.5 hours

>adjustable bench =$50
>2 squat stands =$150
>dumbbell handles =$14.00 for both of them
>barbell =$50

$264 is cheaper than most year long gym memberships, though the college gym is free with tuition which is $thousands, but you get to workout whenever you want in your underwear or naked, drinking with friends while lifting, and when college is over you have your own traveling gym.

Oh yeah, I forgot about buying some weights. You’re gonna need some of those too.

1.5 hours

2 hours daily.

Pretty addicted to the gym and i have a big routing with plenty of accessory lifts ontop of core.

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>30 minutes driving there
>30 minutes warmup
>2.5 hours lifting
>1 hour cooldown
>30 minutes bathroom/changing
>1 hour sauna/steam room
>30 minutes protein shake
>1 hour socializing
>30 minute drive home

This is the right way to do it

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about tree fiddy

1.5/2 hrs

2.5/3 hrs

About the same as most anos 1:30 to 2 hours plus 20 minutes walking from my house to the gym and viceversa, I honestly wish it was less time, I have so much shit to do, but even if I think of skipping a certain excercise, I start feeling dirty as fuck.

I also try to optimize my lifting sessions, but honestly, if I don't hit 2 muscle groups with 3 excercices of 10-12 sets for 4 reps i feel like I didn't do shit in the gym and wasted half the day in there.

Maybe i'll feel better if i get a bike.

I wake up, foam roll and warm-up a bit, get in the gym at 6am, warm up quickly with cables for 5 min, then lift. I try it leave by 7am, sometimes 7:05am. 5 times a week, 6 times a week if I'm not tired.

24hours. Homegym is the best.

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almost the entire week, i have a home gym
fucking hate the regulars tho

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Mark Wahlberg pls leave

30 minutes.

God bless SS.

>tfw workout takes about 45 minutes max

It's normal to be done quick when you're just starting out r-right?

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Are you doing SS?
Try adding some biceps siolaton on shoulder days and tricep on bench days. Also you could always train forearms/calves/abs.

1 hour without counting warming up and stretching

Nah, I'm doing this. Hopefully this program is good and you guys here didn't troll me.

I might add planks/leg raises for abs and calf work. Thanks user

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