Clean diet, no estrogtenic shit

> Clean diet, no estrogtenic shit
> Zinc and vitamin D supplements
> Heavy lifting
> 5 onions and 5 eggs a day and butter
> Nofap
> Fasting
What other ways of increasing your testosterone are there?

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If your body has enough zinc and vitamin D, it won't help you raise your test. And nofap is bullshit.

look at this negative motherfucker

How is nofap bullshit? Maybe it is mostly bullshit, but you can't say fapping isn't bad.

> Clean diet, no estrogtenic shit

Depends on your idea of "estrogenic shit". I'd avoid söy, flaxseeds, and beef if it has hops in it. Also milk. Pretty much anything else is fine.

> Zinc and vitamin D supplements

Memes. If you eat clean you will get enough zinc from your diet anyway. Just spend 15 fucking minutes under the sun for vitamin D.

>Heavy lifting


>5 onions and 5 eggs a day and butter

5 fucking öniöns would be a bit of an overkill, but do it if you want to, they are great for you. Eggs are shit tier food. So is butter. You do not need cholesterol or saturated fats to produce test.


Which other cults are you a member of?

rather, you do not need dietary cholesterol to produce cholestorol, brainlet

>> 5 onions and 5 eggs a day and
>> fasting

What did he mean by this

Fuck outta here troll. You can't be serious

True. They will only boost your test while you are deficient in them. Once you hit optimal levels excess supplementation won't increase test. It's merely building a baseline. NoFap works for me, but everyone has to try on his own. Most only begin to realize they have a problem when they unable to do a single week of abstaining from porn and masturbation.

>You do not need cholesterol or saturated fats to produce test.

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Supplement adaptogens like ashwaganda. Will significantly lower your cortisol and thus indirectly increase your testosterone.

That goes without saying.

Shill your snake oil somewhere else rabbi.

All this shows is that low-fat diets are bad for test.

This. If you actually get enough from your diet it won't do jackshit. And NoFap is indeed a meme (for raising test), it's only good if you're addicted to pr0n.

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>oh its this thread again

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o n i o n s are also bullshit, but you should be eating them anyway basic they are a basic flavor component of savory dishes and they taste good and seriously who the fuck doesn’t use aliums in some capacity anyway

Ashwaganda (ksm66)
Lion's Mane

Lift heavy compounds
Fuck women, not your hand
7 hours sleep at least
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Onions, Garlic

The only way that counts is pinning. Pinning=winning and only losers think otherwise.

Fapping is literally good. Use it or lose it is accurate. If you “stoically” forego masturbation, and don’t get laid, and you’re not in puberty, you will not get erections.

Haha look at this graph. It thinks you can have grass-fed butter, like butter can eat grass or something haha.

Are you stoned?

Persistence, everything else is mentally.

Getting enough potassium is important too for general health. Most people don't get the 4g of potassium they should be getting on their diet, so eat more vegetables, organic and non-gmo if possible.

You should be sleeping 8 hours uninterrupted per day and living by the teachings of Jesus and Socrates.


>eating more vitamins doesnt do anything once you get to a point
>basedbean oil doesnt do anything that's just a meme
>nofap is a meme dont do it
>your body can only absorb 20 grams of protein at a time. anymore than that is a waste
reminder that jews hate healthy white males

>your body can only absorb 20 grams of protein at a time. anymore than that is a waste
its more around 30-40g of protein for meals

Literally only good post in thread

Soo, protein is bad?