Yellow teeth > white teeth

Alrighth senpai, it's now been like 2 months since I stopped smoking and I have brushed my teeth with baking sodia frequently since then but I can still not see any progress in the whiteness of my teeth?

What is the next step? Should I intensify the brushing with baking soda or perhaps try something else?

Teeth whitening by doctor is not an option for me. Nor is whitening toothpastes since that's only a temporary effect.

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whitening strips. The motherfuckers work.

Those things harm your teeth more than whiten them.

Lol. Keep buying into bullshit. They're perfectly safe these days.

my teeth hurt even thinking about them. Weird. They do work though. Maybe not as fast as home methods ,but at least you will keep your teeth for longer

Teeth whiteness is genetic. You have to whiten them

Peroxide niger

They are actually supposed to have a slight yellow taint to them, that is your enamel

Seconding strips
>Nor is whitening toothpastes since that's only a temporary effect.
Anything you do is only temporary except replacing all of your teeth with implants. Your teeth are yellow, my teeth are yellow, teeth are yellow. The white appearance is not your teeth, and if you can see the yellow you're never getting the natural white back.

I've literally done a round of the high-quality ones every year for the past three years and my dentist says there has been zero negative effect on my enamel.

Just don't be a fucking scrooge about the quality of your products and you won't have any issues.

what do you recommend/what do you use?

just make your skin darker idiot

what are you saying? That i could have been born with yellow teeth?

Swish with hydrogen peroxide

Your teeth aren’t supposed to be pearly white moron. Anything you do to get them like that will be a guarantee huge damage to your teeth. You want strong healthy teeth or pretty teeth?
Oh I forgot this is Jow Forums and everyone here is so insecure they would sacrifice health and function for appearance.

My teeth like look the OP. Although you are right in that having pearly white teeth is not natural, claiming that you cannot get naturally whiter teeth than the blatantly stained OP teeth is ridiculous.

Just go to the dentist and say you want white teeth, it's not that expensive

When did I say you can’t? I said whatever you do to get them will surely be damaging your teeth in some way. A better solution would be for OP to stop being so insecure.

Nah mate, they work via demineralising the enamel using acids rather than breaking the carbon-carbon bonds in long chain molecules (which cause the discolouration) like carbamide peroxide/hydrogen peroxide does.

Look at the ingredients of any whitening strips and it’s xxx acid, yyy acid, zzz acid.

Sure it’s only a few micrometers of damage but it will build up and eventually won’t work as you get through to the dentine, which looks more yellow

t. Dentist

what is the best option to white them teeth and what is the price homie?

Whitening strips are cheap but the downside is the micrometers of damage, which builds up. It’s fine, but not harmless like was previously stated

16% Carbamide peroxide is the gold standard here in the UK, whitening trays and the bleaching solution costs £45 from the lab, but all dentists sell it here for £150-300 depending on where you are

It lasts for a good while but as you eat and drink the molecules will build up again and you’ll need to top it up.

Bleaching with proper trays and carbamide peroxide is likely the best and cheapest long term. Buy the trays once, then get the tubes to top it up for relatively cheap (£20 per tube, lasts 2-3 months if you top up weekly) from the dentist.

Cheapest solution would be to reconnect with your pal that got into dental school and getting them to make the trays for lab cost and give you a discount on the bleach, that’s what my friends do

Let's hear your opinion on baking soda.

What frequency of brushing do you need for it to have a visible whitening effect on your teeth?

It’s just an abrasive, but it’s really good for neutralising acids. It’s like whitening toothpaste without the fluoride.

It won’t help against any intrinsic stains (like how red curry leave stains you can’t get off in Tupperware)(eg red wine, smoking, curries, tea, coffee) but it helps agains extrinsic staining (like smoke or coffee stains)

Twice a day, if you brush more you’ll just roughen the enamel and it’s more likely to get extrinsic straining, and then the cycle will just continue

How do I know if I have extrinsic or intrinsic stains? My teeth are just as yellow as the OP.

how long do you brush your teeth? do you rinse your mouth out after you eat food and drink coffee?

Rinsing your mouth every time you eat food is not feasible. You don't always have access to water after every meal/snack. But I do brush twice a day very thoroughly.

It’s how clean your teeth look, if there’s brown/black patches that you can scrape off it’s extrinsic. General yellowing is intrinsic

Do keto. The whitest my teeth have been was when I was on keto.

Dentists use fucking peroxide for TEETH WHITENING, and the strips contain peroxide.

Nice meme. You just want people to come to you to pay $300-600 for teeth whitening instead of going to Costco and getting strips for $50.

Damn. What effect will there be if I brush with baking soda every day?
And preferably leave the paste on the teeth a few minutes before washing?