Who /penismaxx/ing here? Post your exercises and routines

Who /penismaxx/ing here? Post your exercises and routines.

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Anyone have any decent gains with the Angion method? I'm 7.5 x 5.3 but want to hit 8 x 6.

>Be black
>Have big penis
>lol at insecure whitebois while fucking different 9/10 snowbunny every day

blowjobs 5xfailure

I don't know if I'm having any gains specifically from AM, but I have AM2 in my routine. Another user here was saying that his erection quality is insane after some weeks of AM3.

Everyone knows this is a troll kike

>Everyone knows this is a troll kike
Ask your wife or gf is it troll. Pretend you want open relationship and she will instantly mention her NEED for black dick.

>Be white
>Have big penis
>lol and insecure blackbois while fucking different 10/10 snow bunny every day

The difference between the average black/white penis isn't statistically significant. Its a myth lol
t. "whiteboi" with 9"

>The difference between the average black/white penis isn't statistically significant. Its a myth lol
>t. "whiteboi" with 9"
COPE. Look around you, every hot girl fucks or dates real men - BLACK!

Anglo Adonis >>>> Black Men >>>> White "men".

Based and redpilled

Ashkenazi Master race >>>>>>>>>>>> Mixed race goyms >>>>>>>>>>>> Black goyms >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dirty white goyms.

Too bad it doesn't work until I'm very comfortable with a girl despite rarely watching porn and having 980ng/dL test

That's intelligence, I was talking about attractiveness.

>That's intelligence, I was talking about attractiveness.
Money = Attractiveness

Only damaged women want niggers, blackcel.

>Only damaged women want niggers, blackcel.
Then 90% women are "damaged", pathetic whity.

Can we get this back on topic?

There was a topic?

Ok, fatass

Attached: 200px-Cleveland_Brown_Jr.png (200x272, 42K)

Can you kill yourself?

>be black
>be dumb and think the few black pornstars with big dicks prove bbc
>be dumb and self-measure your penis to be big
>its actually smaller than the average white penis

>Ok, fatass
Cope more incel while i fuck girl you masturbate to. P A T H E T I C

Open your eyes whitoids.

You are DONE. White women no longer want your pathetic, small dicks.

Attached: salty whities.jpg (320x157, 6K)

insecurity: the post

you're cherry picking. i can show a million pictures of white men with black women, it doesnt change that you have a small penis that is even more embarrassing as a black man

This isn't /b/, move on with this shit bait

stay mad pathetic white.

Attached: HCK8.png (597x689, 428K)

lmao, stop living in denial, open your eyes. Your white women are all over black cock.

Attached: white cucked by real man.jpg (673x579, 72K)

What the hell is am2 am3 etc etc? Tell me plis

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no they arent, but black women and men are sure into marrying whites.

Attached: B.png (667x444, 121K)

>no they arent, but black women and men are sure into marrying whites.
Do i really need to show you more images to open your eyes? Just go to Instagram and you will see 90% of young and pretty white girls dating black men.

>Be nigger
>Ugliest race on earth
>Gets shot by the pigs
>99,9% of nigs are born with every single STD known to man
>80 IQ If pure breed and -90 IQ if mixed with white
>Gorillas and cockroaches are more intelligent than negroes
>Even mixing with whites doesn't help the coons
>Muh black dick
>We stealin your women white bois

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COPE. White women get wet at the though of being fucked by real black cock.

this counts asia which heavily skews the chart

Angion Method 2, Angion Method 3. Look up Janus Bifrons on Youtube and ThundersPlace. The thread on the latter is called "Growing your own blood vessels"

I hope you retards know there's never any actual black people trolling in these threads. Just white kids larping

>if i cherrypick my websites i see more black males with white females
that is anecdotal, there are plenty of webssites i could cherry pick with white females and asian males. that doesnt prove anything.

studies on dating sites show that white males are usually preferred by women of most races, with the exception of black women who prefer black men. too bad black men hate them and want their children/wives to be white. yall gotta stay in your lane


went from

6x5 to 7.75x6.25

takes along ass time and still trying to get gains.

do jpop's 90 day challenge. now im doing side-to-side for length and bathmate for girth.

yes it works.

yes people notice the bulge

no shit retard

I started at 5.5x4.4 and I'm now at 6.2x4.7 with a no-jelq routine. Shooting for the coveted 8x6 (and maybe more?)

These charts seem a little skewed

>Have 6.75-7X5.5-5.75 (upper end if I haven't fapped in a while and I'm really into it)
>Logically know that i'm above average and have had plenty of girls tell me
>Still have severe performance anxiety to the point that I can't get properly erect with a girl until we've tried to have sex at least 10 times and I'm really comfortable

My test levels are in the 95th percentile for a 22 year old. I'm 11-12% body fat with a healthy diet and plenty of vitamin D. Literally tried viagra/cialis and still nothing as it's from nerves and unable to just "let go" and get out of my head rather than physical

How the fuck do I stop this pls

>How the fuck do I stop this pls


no jelq routine is great. love the side-to-side. I do around 800. 100 rep sets then 30 second break to do 30 kegels and a few helicopters.

im not seeing anymore really good gains tho. I've been stuck at 7.75 ish for a long time. although side-to-side helped me get from 7.15 to 7.5.

might try hanging weights on my dick desu. i think i can get to 8.5 bone pressed. so i can have a solid 8 inches.

no jelq routine ?

HCG 3x week 2k iu

Come at me bros. Look it up

>might try hanging weights on my dick desu.

I've been hanging for a bit and it definitely works. Got me the bump from 6.0 to 6.2, and it still seems to be working (I measure once or twice per month). Helicopters work great, too.

If I could suggest a few things you might like to add to your routine:
- bundled stretch
- fowfer/bed fowfer
- sadsak hand-clamp/horse 440

Honestly, you can't go wrong by mixing it up with some exercises. If you really want to get the length, you could get a tube that's roughly the same diameter as you are erect so that 99% of the pumping force will be exerted on the tunica in a forward direction.

Yeah he started some cuck fantasy thread. Ignore him.

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I've done lots of different stretches but I find this routine works. The only problem I see is.
After side-to-side I see 7.75 in length. before my routine I'm at 7.55 ish. This is usually a good sign for me cause eventually 7.75 is the new normal.

The problem I'm seeing is after awhile it stops going to 7.75. its just 7.5 after my routine. not sure if I'm over training? I'm only 1 day on 1 day off.

I'm also doing about 25min in the bathemate at full suction after my length routine. Which I find is working. but again these .25 growth then it doesn't go beyond that.

its getting frustrating.

>real men

Your race can't even take care of their own kids.

No asian studies were included in this meta-analysis at all. It's from the BJUI, entitled 'am i normal?'

You have to keep the faith, my man. If things aren't working, try to mix up your routine a bit. You can try taking a week or two off as a decon break and then getting back to it.

yeah def. I just feel like im so close. you know?

Trust me, I know. It's been a hard journey from where I started to where I am now, and I know it's a long one until I get where I want to be. Don't give up.

>studies on dating sites
>only one study done was on okcupid
>a site where only the most mentally deranged fatties of all races go to
>this is what nu-Jow Forums brags about

Imagine being so pathetic you actually think you are """CHAD""" because subhuman leftovers prefer you to beta bux them. Holy shit.

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7.25 x 5 here
I think i'm fine.

I go to uni with a bunch of black people and whenever I am forced to group up with them they can't even do basic algebra/calculus despite being in a Junior level course. What's up with that?

>Anglo Adonis

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Imagine being so insecure that you go on the internet and larp about being a nigger that had sex with a drugged out white girl once

No need to speak about your mother like that

Imagine letting every cuck troll thread explode to dozens of replies because you idiots still haven't learned to just ignore those posts. All it takes is one "muh dik" post or picture of a roastie with an interracial baby and everyone loses their shit like it's the first time

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Pretty natural for people to react with disgust to something that's disgusting, imo.

Nope. The majority of people living in this world today could not give a fuck about an interracial relationship or mixed baby. It's not something that even warrants a second glance these days. For someone to become overly obsessed and triggered over it, makes you the weird one. You guys think about black dicks more often than black men themselves

>The majority of people living in this world today could not give a fuck about an interracial relationship or mixed baby.

lmao wrong

Been about 3 weeks since I’ve payed attention to my dick.

Think I’ll do some dick-worshipping when I get off work today

lol the delusions

Mirin' her front teeth. How to achieve rodentmode?

What does it mean if a girl plays with your dick while making out but doesn’t fuck?

It was the first date, so maybe she didnt want to be fast. I’m 8x6 and assumed she didn’t want something that big

I used to live in a redneck town in Alabama, the number one place you'd expect to find racists. And I know tons of college aged white girls who say they're actively looking for a black boyfriend so they can "be like Kylie Jenner." You might think of her as some dumb celebrity roastie, but those Kardashian sluts have a huge influence on youth culture. Between Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian, they have almost 300 million followers who bend to their every whim. Of course none of you guys would know any of this, because you don't talk to girls.

Once you actually leave Jow Forums and get laid, you stop caring about this. I'm white and I've fucked plenty of white, black, latina, and asian girls. Talking to a hot indian girl now. I have black friends who have fucked plenty of races as well. The only people mad are the ones not getting laid. And that has nothing to do with Jamal, you just have no game.

shut the fuck up nigger lmao

That's different. It's natural for the white man to conquer the lesser races.

Yet you're still a virgin

No shit the south is full of race mixing 'whites'. The South is stereotyped as being racist, and the opposite effect occurs where everyone shows how 'not racist' they are by letting their sisters fuck niggers and posting blacks with confederate flags on their facebook.

Lol, and do you think it's any better up north? Or on the west coast? California is basically coalburn city. Face it, kid. Outside of Jow Forums, interracial dating is completely normalized. Blame it on the media, or Jews, or whatever, but the fact remains the same. Hell you people can't even talk about your racist beliefs on any website other than this one, or else someone will contact your employer and get you fired. Never forget that this community is a small, niche subculture. Your values don't align with the majority. It's no surprise that the autists and permavirgins flock here.

Wrong sweetie. I'm laying pipe on niggers, chinks, and poo-in-loos with my massive aryan dong.

That’s right - there’s no difference in average, but there is a difference in variation. Meaning the averages are the same, but there are more BBCs than BWCs.

Same thing with men and women and IQ. There’s 3 times as many men with genius IQ compared to women, even though the average is the same

>there are more BBCs than BWCs.

post proofs

Push bbc, post arab. Guess its true what they say about IQ

Actual black guy here, I'm gonna chime in on this. Unironically, you should lurk amateur black porn sites. Obviously professional porn shoots use angles and find the worlds biggest dicks to star in their films. But most amateur stuff is shot by random people on an iPhone. I can't put the link here, but I can give a great example of a site. Go to Google and search "shes freaky." It'll be the first result. Just browse that site and look around. Random black dudes posting mostly POV shots. I haven't even checked the site in a while, but I can guarantee if you go on there, just about every dick you'll see looks to be 7 inches minimum. And these are all amateur, user-uploaded videos with guys banging random neighborhood sluts.

You white guys are lucky, actually. My dick is about 7.3 x 5.2. If I was white that'd be pretty impressive but as a 6ft muscular black man, I get the feeling people expect more. I know roasties who have been with guys legitimately packing 8-9. Personally I think if I got to 8x6 I'd be solid, don't even want it to be bigger than that honestly.

It's also worth noting that I've hit the cervix on every girl I've ever slept with. Tallest chick I've been with was a 5'9 black chick and I had to be careful not to fuck her too deep or else it hurt her. After 7 inches, it's all about a man's ego at that point, doesn't really do anything for the girl. I'm sure a good 6 incher can hit the cervix on most girls from the right positions.

Bullshit. Women don't care about dixk size.

Heres my routine
>Dicking your mum till failiure
>Dicking your sister till failiure
>Dicking your girlfriend till failiure
Try It out for a week and tell us how It went op :^)

is 7 inches length and 6 inches girth good im trying to lose weight to make my penis bigger

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I go on homegrownfreaks to watch the videos of black chicks getting pounded by white dudes with massive dicks. Seems like there's plenty of them.

Anyway, on the second part, I think 8x6 is an optimal size to shoot for. It's my long-term goal.

The side to side stretch hurts my dong. So I just do jelqs and girth stuff.

I just found out I have 5" girth and not 4" :D

I wonder if I can post this lmao

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A little bit of ligament ache is normal when you're doing PE.

Nice bebis, my dude. But how long is it?

No I mean it hurts where I grab it. Idk if it's because I'm uncut or what.

Aaaaalmost 7" if i "flex" the dick. I'm not sure what muscle that is, but you know what I mean.

Try wrapping right below the glans with a wash-cloth and doing the stretch with a bit less force. This gives you good friction so you don't have to tug as hard.

Pelvic floor muscle, the one you kegel with.

that's just his wrist, don't encourage the mods to come sniffing around here. i'm sure they've got more important things to do than worry about searching for dicks on blue boards.

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>that's just his wrist

oh so he's a wristlet

19cm penis
Literally have the smallest penis in the changing room
This graph is wrong or there's something (or rather nothing) in the water

Have to 100% stop watching porn. Avoid even accidentally seeing women naked. Turn on your filters. Avoid Red boards here. Seriously.

When you're truly horny enough you should get randoms all the time.

If you take even a small dose of viagra in that situation you'll be diamonds

I tried it, still hurts. But it's okay, I started pe mostly for girth anyway.