Who /mouthtape/ here

I have been trying this for a few nights
the first night was awesome, i woke up very refreshed which is unusual for me
the next two nights were as shit as usual
I am suffering with a cold right now so maybe I will only feel the benefits when it has gone

Attached: BLOG-tape.jpg (700x500, 150K)

i do that too, it kind of sucks because you wake up with the tape glue on your lips but overall it helps a lot if you suffer from sleep apnea

is this a fetish of yours? go back to 4cuck fag

This looks like a thing for people with a kidnapping fetish or military training to learn how to sleep if you get captured.
Either way it’s fucking stupid and if I ever see someone doing it I’m going to tape their nose shut.

thanks for your input... i guess

I tryd this my nose got ful in the midle of the nigt and I almost died. The doctors sayd my lungs did not get air for 5 minits and my brain died before i got air. I still cant think rite

Yeah sounds extremely dangerous if you actually have sleep apnea with root issues in your physiology besides your mouth opens when you sleep. There's a reason why it is studied by actual scientists, and when you have sleep apnea, you can go seconds/minutes without breathing until you are able to (usually through the mouth). You're just asking for a quiet death during slrep

my brother died doing this

Answer: to keep the spiders out

>You're just asking for a quiet death during slrep
sweet gonna give this a shot then

>You're just asking for a quiet death during sleep
For the last ten years I've made a conscious effort to not keep anything in my house that would be convenient for suicide, from guns to rope to sleep medication, because I experience chronic suicidal ideation.
And now I have to go throw out my duct tape.

>get fit
>wide shoulders
>uncomfortable to sleep on my side now
>guess I'll sleep on my back
>jaw drops, mouth open
>mouth dry, throat sore
>try taping, you actually need a lot of tape to keep your mouth shut.
>pic related is best alternative
>put mask only on mouth, no need to occlude your nose.
>keeps moisture so your mouth isn't dry, but you can still breath through it

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So you don't have an oven? Kitchen knives? A toaster and a bath? Painkillers? Bleach? Ammonia? Oven cleaner, drain cleaner? Belts, shoelaces, rope? Powertools?

Just fucking stop sleeping with a fucking pillow bro


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I don't have the willpower required to make a concentrated, sustained effort, so what is "convenient" for me is something that I can put into motion without much effort/though, and I cannot stop once it is underway. Shooting myself only take as much mental effort as pulling a trigger, which I can disconnect from the consequence, mentally, long enough to do. Hanging is similar - once I'm suspended, there's nothing I can do about it, assuming my wrists are bound. Sleeping medication is for plastic-bag asphyxiation, which is normally a shit method because once asphyxiation starts you WILL thrash, even while unconscious, and may break the seal (which can result in survival but with brain damage, depending on how long it took).

>Kitchen knives
Wrist/arm cutting has a 6% success rate for reported suicide attempts, and I can't muster the will required to cut myself, so this is a non-issue.
>toaster and bath
No, I do not own a toaster.
Only time I was ever on painkillers was when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I had a roommate at that time (this was during Army training, so not separate rooms with a shared suite - his bed was five feet away from me).
>Bleach, Ammonia
Household cleaners are on the edge of my comfort zone. They're risky enough (~75% success rate), but also extremely painful to the point where if I don't vomit involuntarily anyway, I may induce vomiting before it's too late (~25 minutes).
>Oven, oven cleaner
I use an electric range top. It's also the only electrical device that can output enough voltage to electrocute me in the bath, but the cord is too short.
>Belt, shoelaces, rope
Nothing long enough or substantial enough to hang myself with. I used to keep paracord, because it's too too thin, but when I was depressed I would find myself absent-mindedly braiding it to a thickness appropriate for a noose so I stopped keeping it around.
I have a shitty electric screwdriver (14$).

Let's be honest, you're not allowed to sleep next to anyone else due to either social stigma or court order.

Get a grip seriously goddamn!

There's not much to do about it, desu. It's not like people typically think of suicide; it's more like suicidal thoughts are constant background noise in my life. My emotional state cycles from low to high over a longer period of time (six to ten months) and one or twice a year I'll be weeping in my shitty apartment and look through all of my belongings for an easy out. I'll be like that for a few nights to a week, and then slowly recover my emotional state.
When I see this situation approach, I make a lot of short-term commitments. The idea being that once I'm in that position, if I have some kind of event that I need to be present for in a couple of days then I'll put off suicide so that I don't disappoint someone who expected me to show up. And I repeat that until I'm stable enough to be alone.
At least, until the crushing burden of total emotional isolation overwhelms me a few seasons later and I have to do it all over again.

Sound like a good way to die in my sleep, gonna try it thanks.

Do you drive? I always want to swerve my car into a wall or incoming traffic.