I like the aesthetic of Baldur but he's pretty thin, and honestly kratos is peak bear. What does fit think looks better, and est. Time to reach either?
Kratos or Baldur mode?
Go back to /v/, we can't tell you if its even possible if you don't post a picture of yourself.
Kratos looks like the butt babby of Lenny and Al kavaldo and Id have to lose muscle to look like the dude on the left
baldur has superior cheekbones
and he still lost.
If Baldur can't be hurt by anything, how did he get those tattoos?
can you post the link regarding the pic?
>elder god tier fighting success
>get tattoos
>gee that didnt hurt at all
Cage tattoos pierce your skin user
Magic tats
baldur only looks cool b/c of his tats
I won't post a picture, but I'm 160 at 6'.
Somewhere in between average and superior, can I just count myself as high success?
Baldur because hes not voiced by a nig.
They're probably those ones you put on with a damp wash cloth
I smell potatoes and white sips...
I can't unsee that now user, thank you.
Kratos was better in 1-3. He was an 8 foot tall fucking god with aesthetic proportions.
Baldur is /fa/ as fuck. Kratos' aesthetic in the game bothered me honestly he looks like a ripped Eric Wareheim.
the only tattoos back then were stick and poke but Baldur's tattoos translate to curses and phrases like I am death, and he's a God so they're probably magic tattoos.
Baldur's aesthetic is more appealing to be honest
Stop please