Lift in the morning before work

>lift in the morning before work
>too tired to do my job properly

>lift after i come home from work
>too tired to lift and push myself properly

NEETfags are NOT allowed in my thread

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>be neet
>wake up after 12 hours of sleep fully ready to lift
>drink a comfortable cup of coffee under no pressure for work.
>do fill 1.5-2 hour workout at 100% effort without becoming exhausted.
>eat huge meal full of protein
>take nice warm shower
>slip back into comfy clothes
>shitpost or watch anime while also eating more food until sleepy again
>get another 12 hours of sleep maximizing muscle gains

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It's tricky but working out before is preferable for me for a few reasons.

>It wakes me up and by the time I've done my warmup I'm wide awake and can concentrate fully on the workout
>More energy means typically fewer reps missed on heavy sets
>Get a really juicy pump on for the rest of the working day so look my absolute best by the time I get to work
>It's out of the way so I'm not thinking about the workout all day at work as one more thing I've got to do before I can relax in the evening.

The downsides are that sometimes, especially in winter, getting out of my bed extra early into the freezing cold and forcing myself straight into the garage to workout takes a fair bit of willpower and as I'm in construction, if I have a really heavy workout and then get unlucky and have a really busy day I'm totally wiped out by the time I get home.
Still, it's preferable to struggle a little towards the end of the working day rather than finish work and come home too tired to put the effort in.

Eat carbs after your workout

No brainer do it before work who cares if you do a half assed job stacking shelves for shekelberg

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I work from home and go to college. Always find time to lift around 11.

>most hopped up on caffeine
>after good breakfast with some carbs
>Eat large lunch right after
>nice pump the rest of the day

>the girls with raptor arms

In the morning is the best. After work training is shit. Also this

Are these all prostitutes? I don't understand

Eat more. Sleep more. Felt the same way now I can fully recover and feel stronger then ever. Also if you drink you're a faggot that's letting the gains goblin in

>be neet
Why don’t they just call it “loser”, like they used to?

>work physical blue collar job
>still warm up with your maxes and make decent progress
Stop making excuses pussy. Strongest guy in my gym does HVAC and squats 900, deadlifts 800 and benches 550 at ~250lbs.

>gorgeous women wearing fancy ass dresses
>dude in white tshirt and camo shorts fits in effortlessly
/fa/ btfo

I find the opposite. After a morning lift I’m jacked to the fucking tits at work. I love just being at 100 when all the lazy cucks roll in tired

You need to sleep more OP, perhaps you need 10 hs to recover.

While living in NYC due to job this was my schedule:
>05:40 wake up, drink short coffee, get outside
>06:00 starting gym schedule
>07:40 finishing gym schedule
>08:00 taking shower (at home)
>08:15 breakfast
>08:50 heading to the office
>09:00 - 18:00 OFFICE
>dinner at 21:00
>in bed at 22:00 to sleep like a baby.

Note that I was alone no family around.

Those are his sisters, silly.

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Are you doing full body workouts or something? I lift in the mornings and it helps me get through my workday more focused and I don't crash mid afternoon. My job isn't physically demanding though

Hes a multi millionaire who gambles and parties 24/7

this is me except i add in martial arts too. Get to work out 7 days a week with 12 hour sleeps and all the time in the world to eat and train is the best

Because that would mean that if I made so much money with bitcoin that I must never work again I would be a loser even tho I'm objectively better than any wageslave who wastes his best years for somebody else.

dont be upset, wagie

>wake up 8 am
>brew coffee and read for an hour
> 9 am to 11 am write
>11 am to 12:15 workout
>12:15 to 1:05 shower, eat, get ready, relax
>1:05-1:30 walk to work
>1:30 to 2 pm lesson prep
>2- 3 pm read
>3-9 teach
>9-9:30 end of day shit
>9:30- Midnight Go home, eat dinner, chat with my girlfriend, fuck around on Jow Forums

lmfaoing @ ur lyfe

Same brother.

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Lift before work, then eat or drink caffeine like crazy to stay awake

you told me two thing with this shit thread
1-you eat like shit
2-you a are a wageslave
lmaoing at your no income and gains

I definitely prefer lifting after work, especially in the winter. Get home a little later but it's dark after work anyway. You just gotta eat well during the work day, drink water, and don't drink too much coffee

>Get up at 05:30
>Have breakfeast and head to gym
>Shower and get to work
>Comfy it up in my office with some coffe/tea and a proteinbar
>Chill for 45 mins, fucking around and "preparing" to work
>Usually working lead on a project so put in the time I feel necessary
>Most colleagues are dumb as rocks, half never even got a bachelor degree
>Could probably get away with working 1 hour per day if I felt like it
>Swedish government takes away half I earn anyways and tax me more the harder I work so why bother
>Feel relaxed after work and do cardio 2-3 times per week
>Cook some shit or order food with gf and relax before bed

Only thing that blows is that weekends of staying up late fucks my sleep schedule. Got a really hard time getting up at 05:30 Monday when up to 03:00 on a Saturday.