Eating twice as much to bulk

>eating twice as much to bulk
>now just shitting twice as much
>gained no weight

My metabolism is retarded. I could eat doughnuts all day in bed and never put on weight.
My typical day of food is:
>8am shake
>10am oats
>1pm chicken and rice
>5pm snacks then gym
>8pm big dinner and another shake

How do I fix this

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The calories, mate. How many god damn calories are you having. You can never ever complain about this if you're not counting your calories.

>8am shake 150kcals
>10am oats 300 kcals
>1pm chicken and rice 600kcals
>5pm snacks then gym 300kcal
>8pm big dinner and another shake 1000kcal
I rounded up.
congrats thats roughly 2500 kcal, you just made no gains.


Lmao, these starving Africans always think they "eat so much bro my metabolism is insane bro trust me bro"

That's not that much food mate, if you want to be a lard ass eat more frequently.
>t. have a fatass coworker who fills his face constantly.

You eat practically nothing op. 0 x 2 = 0

Count your fucking calories

>My metabolism is retarded
this is how i know you're a dumbass

You are retarded.

This bullshit has to stop, but it never will. YOU DO NOT EAT VERY MUCH. Period. I can put on 40 lbs in 3 or 4 months easy and do it every time i stop going to the gym because I'm a total glutton and i do it without even having breakfast. Quit worrying about the macros, focus on calories. You don't need a gram/lb BW in protein. Guys don't shrink because their protein intake goes down. It just doesn't happen.

The easy way to do this is to eat fast food or go to restaurants. Go to mcdonalds and get a large fry and 3 burgers for lunch.....bam 2k cals. Do something similar for dinner and add some snacks in and you'll gain weight. Smash a box of mac and cheese for a snack and you'll get 1100 no problem. Im trying not to say it's easy to do because i realize you have thr opposite problem a fatty does, but it's all your cals. Accept that you DO NOT have some magic metabolism burning 6k cals a day. Youd be dead if you did.

>My metabolism is retarded. I could eat doughnuts all day in bed and never put on weight.
lmao. just eat more

I don't know why its so fucking hard for people here to gain weight. I could let myself go right now and gain an easy 10 lbs. You don't even need to count calories like people here tell you to. Eat a certain amount. Did you gain weight? If no, eat more. If yes, keep eating that much.

reduce cortisol.
increase testosterone.
increase insulin.

sleep more and better (dark, chill room, melatonin, taurine and zma)

rest more. train less but more efficient. 3-4 times per week.

conditioning / cardio.

Yeah. My matabolism was also crazy high and I never gained weight.... until I actually started eating and counting calories, you idiot

you're stupid as fuck OP

>gained no weight

So you aren't in a calorie surplus. Eat more faggot.

People are skinny don't eat a lot by nature. Then when they think they're eating TONNES, they're actually eating minor calorie surplus, or even maintence.

When I try and bulk I find it miserable because my belly is telling me I'm full, but I have to eat more.

Well maybe change that shitty joke of a diet for start

>My metabolism is retarded. I could eat doughnuts all day in bed and never put on weight.
gee where have i heard this before

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>Be twenty seven years old and can't bulk
Nigga you are black pills exists

Drink a gallon of whole milk a day, faggot.


I am going to guess you eat until you feel full and think you ate more than enough. The fact that you said something about your metabolism, I am going to guess you weigh maybe around 135lbs. You are probably just eating 1200-1500kcals per day.

>add vegetables (for micronutrients)
>add eggs
>add fattier meats
>eat fucking more

>My typical day of food is:
>8am shake
>10am oats
>1pm chicken and rice
>5pm snacks then gym
>8pm big dinner and another shake

You gain no weight because your not eating enough.... Your only have 2 actual meals. I wouldn't class oats on their own as a meal... Obviously you have no problem eating boring food so swap the oats for Chicken Rice n a Shake @ 8am, 11am Have chicken rice agin, 2PM Chicken rice n Shake, Gym then eat something with another shake, Then dinner. If you don't sleep early try and add another snack in or meal.

Lanklet currently eating:
6am Mince n rice with cottage cheese and a shake
9am Chicken rice with cottage cheese
1pm Mince and rice with cottage cheese
4pm Mince or chicken rice with cottage cheese and a shake
7pm is dinner
9pm Is a snack like 300g of Greek Yoghurt with A shake.
Through out the day ill try and drink 4-5L of water.

I still feel I'm eating no where enough food. I always add a little more each time to "stretch" my stomach.

>3 shakes

How bad are your shits? Also, add veggies to your rice. Eat lentils and beans for more cals

Don't listen to these eat more shills. Think about it, if you start to eat 3 times as much, you will just shit 3 times as much. Some people's body just aren't meant to bulk

This. What you have to do is find the perfect amount of food which does not make you shit. Then you will gain weight

> Quit worrying about the macros

That's how you end up skinnyfat

t. Wasn't concerned with macros and now I have to spend 6 months undoing this

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U forgot to lift weights while gaining weight bro.

eat what is tasty and good to you despite the memes about "healthy bulk" calories is calories get them from wherever

>board for twinks to come together to learn and talk about gaining mass/muscle
>confused why everyone here isn't natural Chad

>150 cals

What kind of idiot doesn’t use milk? Bumps it up to 400cals easy

God help me I am trying lol

>dirty bulking

No, you ended up skinny fat because you have shit genetics, you were CLEARLY not a highschool athlete and stayed in shape year round, you have shit genetics, AND THEN you had a shit diet. I look absolutely nothing like that. The only way to get your body is to spend years sitting on your ass.

>8am shake 150kcals
What the fuck?

Do sit ups, crunches, push-ups, squats, lunges after eating. RIGHT after eating. If you wait to stretch yourself to your specified workout time you'll get shit results (Thus poop) (Oh look intestines something dropped in... Push it out) *instead of* (Oh shit! fuck! what's going on, glands, muscles, acid!! Pores!!!). The food absorbs into the wall of your body if you do readily available workouts.

Milk is a mental scam. So is soda's and energy drinks. For best results always depend on water.

Imagine being this stupid.

it's not about the weight but what your body composition ends up being

End is up. 10/22/18 Where did he go?
And what's your take?

>eat beans and lentils for more cals

So he can blow his whole digestive tract into the toilet you silly vegan count?

>being so beta you can’t digest legumes

Eat an entire chocolate cake every single day for a month straight and then tell me you didn’t gain weight.

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My shits are OK because I'm white and have no problem with way and dairy.

??? Eat bread. Water. (warriors 200-1800)

This is that basic bitch "oof I eat so much!" syndrome where in actuality they barely eat anything at all.
I bet your "shakes" are pathetic, oats in small bowl, chicken and rice in small plate, literal empty """snacks"""" and then the first actual meal of your day and yet another pathetic shake. I bet you used to be a skelly and now you're merely hitting your maintenance.
Eat more faggot

Yeah but the point is to turn it around. But yeah, just hurl insults rather than be supportive

Adding some OC content to the thread
>spooky skeleton of 6'1" and 135 american pounds
>"omg I eat so much I get sick, I can't gain weight, boohoo"
>shredded friend who has no real business being my friend gets me into lifting
>"Bro trust me track your calories or you're gonna be the most shredded twig ever"
>realize I only ate like 2,000 calories a day
>buy milk twice a week and mass gainer once a month
>slowly stomach accommodates up to 3,800 calories a day
>still not gaining weight but lifts go up
>muscles taking place of what little fat my body has left to give
>bump it up to 4,000 calories minimum per day, clean bulk like a madman and my shits are goliath in size
>spend 4 months doing this
>get extremely strong for my weight, guys I work with lose it when I carry a loveseat or dryer over my shoulders like Atlas
>literally never broke past 150 burgerweight
I still haven't went to the doctor to be checked for parasites or conditions relating to being unable to gain weight. I stopped working out last year and crept back down to exactly 135lbs no matter what I eat or do, and have dramatically lost strength

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Apologies for being a dick, but it wasn't your diet leaving you looking like that. that's what im saying. It was definitely a contributor but that's it. You can eat whatever the fuck you want within reason and put on lbm. You need to watch cals and get some protein and that's it. Obviously a smoking accurate diet will give you better results but that's not op's problem... he just needs to eat. Its just not reasonable for most people to nail macros, bulk, AND start out skelly/skinny fat with no muscle.

Ironically this would apply to you too. You have a gut and no muscle so guys here will tell you to cut first but i would tell you to eat at a surplus and lift like a demon, put on 25 or 30 lbs, then cut it back down. Who cares if you're fat for a while, the muscle will be there after you cut. This is me after 9 weeks back in the gym. Obviously still nice and fat for now but it's 100x easier having the muscle there, regardless how you got it, than building muscle in the first place on a diet where you're struggling to get the cals in through chicken and rice. Just my opinion.

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It's useful though. Am struggling with not liking what I see in the mirror. I may have a eating disorder cause I was 117. Been eating around 3k cal daily and it made me fat. I am changing so I get even more protein and less carbs/fat to try and get my lifts up. Also doing a 5x5 type thing.

One problem is I have a 4 hour window where I have to be on am empty stomach due to chemo, so I have to try and cram in shitloads of food most other hours

I would also add that I'd youve actually been in the gym and lifting, you need to really reconsider your program/ intensity level, and consistency. You don't look like you lift at all and that's likely your issue. Get on a split like chest/tris, back/bis/ shoulders legs. Aim to do 2 sets of 10 reps and fail on the 10th rep of your second set... once you get 10 reps on both sets, add 5 pounds and repeat. There's absolutely no way to do this and not get stronger and put on the mass. Eat enough food, bust ass in the gym, do the compound workouts and isolations, and you'll see results in 6 weeks and i guarantee it.

So now i really do feel like a dick if you have cancer.

However, ignore the shit posters aand do what i said and you'll see the results. Don't worry about getting fat if you're adding muscle too.... lift like im saying and you will. Cutting fat is EZPZ dude.

never gonna make it

I still don't understand the point of bulking.
Why just not keep a healthy diet and stay active year around? How is eating a ton of shit that is terrible for you just to get kinda fat in the winter better?

Gotta lean bulk. It's really a test of willpower. I gotta ask myself how fucking bad do I want this

I....I guess

just dirty bulk retard

>be me 26 nearly 27 year old "man"
>emaciated faggot, 5'9" 135 lbs
>so miserable about my godawful life that i really don't eat a lot and don't care and honestly if normal people saw how little i eat they would wonder how i function

im hungry all the time, i just dont care...

>fill plate at uni dining hall
>don't leave until i've finished everything
>vomit a little
any skelly bros know this feel?

>feel a pit in my stomach
>so fucking hungry
>go get lunch
>take one bite
>disgusted and appetite is gone
>force myself to eat, get halfway through
>feel sick to my stomach
Reminds me of Saya no Uta desu. I can't stomach anything more than a small meal without losing it minutes later

not vomiting, but i remember graduating high school at 5'7", 115 lbs. started college in late september with an all you can eat cafeteria that i would eat lunch and dinner, and by going home for thanksgiving i was 5'9" 130 lbs. literally grew 2 inches and gained the "freshman 15" in 2 months

unfortunately when i started living in an apartment i basically reverted to my emaciated self and now 7 years later i'm 5'9" 135 lbs. god i ate pasta pretty much every night for like three years

Eat better food

>150kcal shake
>cup of milk is 150kcals
>I rounded up.

>I could eat doughnuts all day in bed and never put on weight.
Everyone can do that and not gain weight. Now try laying in your bed all day and eating donuts until you get 3000ckals a day and see what happens.

check thyroid. honestly


if you're on chemo you probably should not focus too much on gaining weight because that's kind of a losing battle

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I will get fat wating one meal a day because i can eat 1.5kg pork bellies in one sitting, with dessert on top

Eat more burgers

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Post body though..

any weight gain on chemo is ace keep up not dying.

Whats your bodytype?