Reformed lanklet thread

>be me 6'2"
>long limbs
>skinny my whole life
>weighed 170lbs from age 17 to 29
>finally ditched vegan diet for meat eggs milk
>started lifting instead of cycling and hiking
>year of hard training and eating like a mofo
>achieve relatively lean 220lbs
>finally look normal and dont hate my body
>do way better with chicks
>increased confidence

Now that I look normal, how much am I going to have to pack on to actually look like I lift?

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>Thinking your a lanklet
Your height is slightly above avg

>Your height is slightly above avg

Wrong, and point is, I was skinny as fuck. Tall and lanky. Still kinda am.

You're not that tall. Also mid teens bf% and looking soft, time to recomp. Also work on arms

No shit manlet, I'm working on everything. Have no desire to be lower than mid teens bf. I'd be happy with 10lbs of lean gains at the same bf percentage I am now.

I'm 4" taller than you. My arms are also easily 2" bigger than yours. Do more curls

Mine are 16.25" , working on it

Yeah, so my guess was accurate - don't forget tris too, as they make even more of a difference. You're all torso right now, hence the "lanky" look despite high bodyweight

Lanklet here, weigh about 191lbs/87kg, I guess you have something like my goal body. What are your lifts for five reps?

guys I have been lifting on and off for years and I make almost no gains. see pic related. that is over one year of consistent lifting where I made virtually ZERO progress. during that time I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week doing an upper/lower split. I try to lift heavy but stall out real early and then can never really up my lifts. Im a weak faggot and nothing seems to change that. I have since then completely fallen off the wagon and lost even the measly gains I had. what am I doing wrong? I see faggots on here who train for a year and look better than I have after years and years of training. I also had workout buddies who did the exact same workout I did and within 3-6 months were fucking blowing up and outlifting me while I wasnt getting anywhere. do I have low t and genetics from hell? Im also a 6 ft 4 lanklet
i feel like shit about being a weak skinnyfat pussy and want to get back into lifting but it feels like its not even worth the effort to drag myself back to the gym 3-4 times a week again

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I'm not that strong, still working on getting stronger.

bench press 205 x 10
dead 405x5
front squat 225 x 5

You mean you hopped on gear, just say it, it's okay.

Is this a copypasta? How old are you and how much do you weigh?

You need to cut first. You are way overweight for not being 1/2/3/4.

not a pasta. in the pictures I was 32 and about 190 pounds

If anyone blows up in under a year they've probably hopped on gear, in your case you need to eat a lot more and truthfully it looks like you aren't lifting much as you still look skinnyfat.

OP here, that's how I looked when I started. Fuck man I don't know. David Duke says eat a dozen eggs, a pound of ground beef, and a gallon of milk every single day.

This. Abs at that size under a year and still being under 1/2/3/4 is clear gear. Sad!

the guy was a friend of mine and definitely not on gear, just great genetics he looks semi-built even when he does nothing and sits on his ass all day.
like I said I stall out early and hit a wall and never seem to progress over girly weights. when I eat more I just get fat and bloated.

>I'm not that strong, still working on getting stronger.
>bench press 205 x 10
>dead 405x5
>front squat 225 x 5

Those stats with that body at 225? Im not buying it

Nah you can see he's flexing for his life but look at his chest and unflexed arm. He's just put on a lot of fat as well making him look bigger.

OP I tried that gomad shit and just got fat and disgusting. your pics give me hope as a fellow lanklet but I really belive Im just low test or some shit. I been lifting on and off all throughout my 20s and never seemed to make much progress at all. I would be ecstatic to get your physique desu

This, something isn't adding up. Im tempted to think a lazy test E cycle with half-hearted lifting.

Most retarded advice I've ever heard, and I'm already past 1/2/3/4 except that I don't back squat due to lower back disk issue, only front squat which is harder

1. You literally never know if someone is on gear, 12% of male gym users are at some point.
2. Stop being a whiny faggot, even with zero test you would have a better body than you do now if you ate and worked oit better. As said you are neither skinny nor big, you are skinnyfat. Start pushing yourself.

1/2/3/4 is for 5 reps, you are nowhere near. Lose that fat and start lifting properly.

100% this

I know for a fact I can do all of those except back squat, because I don't back squat. Reading not your strong suit?

>visible abs
>way overweight

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Nice gyno fag. Next cycle use an AI.

LOL had it since puberty.

lol at gaining 50lbs in a year while staying lean, having that body and not being able tot do 1/2/3/4 and having stretch mark on your delts.
You ain fooling anyone.

>roiding for this

You've stated you can do one of them. Doing 90kg bench for 10 is not remotely the same as 100 for 5. Sort your sad body out, im inclined to agree with this user . You're shaped like you are at the end of a cycle in which you ate like shit and lifted twice a week. Hence your bad stats for weight.

Look at the arms and chest, there's little definition. It's not too hard to carry abs through some fat, especially if you've just blasted them.

So, is it my bulge that you're jealous of? My height?

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I started from a soft 200lbs. I went from 170 to 200 in a few months just from dropping my shit vegan diet. The next 20lbs came after I started lifting.

Shut up, you clearly have zero clue what you're talking about.

That just means his arms are small, not that he’s fat. You cannot have a visible six pack without pretty low bodyfat you DYEL retard.

LOL we got a vegan in the house. Or angry manlet, one or the other. Perhaps both.

Yeah you absolutely can. I've had better abs at a good 5kg more fat than I've got now.

> "i started eating meat and put on 30kg of lean muscle as a result"
Im not remotely vegan, you are a sad idiot.

I wasn't even one of roid staters at the start but it's beyond obvious now.

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LOL how much longer are you insecure faggots going to be hanging out here?

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after a shoulder and traps workout

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This is desperately sad. Look after your hairline tintin and leave the fake nattying to people who are more oblivious.

LOL you have no idea how much your anger is exciting me right now

give me more pls

Then congratulations, you took yourself from low bodyfat to straight up anorexic.

You look the definition of mediocre

You look like you lift already, but your muscle is a lot less "popping" because you have a wide frame and core as well as underworked arms. You look like Chris Pratt in the middle of his transformation to movie star lean.

Attached: chris_pratt_dadbod.jpg (560x415, 22K)

Get leaner and work traps and arms, should get you to this or better

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post body

How do you eat so much? Weed, fasting, perfect timing of meals?
What is your go to lunch?
Do you do ab isolation exercises?
6'1" 170 lanklet here

Test E 500mg as established