How skinny is too skinny to get a qt bf? What’s the max bmi to get a qt bf? Is it true that there’s a rise of feeders and chubby chasers? I like being a skinny girl and think skinny women are beautiful.
How skinny is too skinny to get a qt bf? What’s the max bmi to get a qt bf...
Skinny women are beautiful, but getting some muscle will make them even better.
Dont be lazy and settle for less than what you can be.
>implying these skeletons are even beautiful
this is fucking digusting
pic related is the skinniest you can get
>Is it true that there’s a rise of feeders and chubby chasers?
A few monts one of my friends told me abour r*ddit and how he read about such things there.
I hope it isn't a thing outside the internet.
Can you post some reference photos? It’s not about laziness I just have no concept of “the beauty of women with muscle”.
perfect body imo
this is thousand times better than
skinny women scream low estrogen. women should have thick thighs and wide hips ideally.
ITT: Brutal moggings
Don't listen to this troll. He's gay. Muscles don't look good on women.
Is his face shoped?
mogging 90% of /fit by being in the vicinity of women, brutal.
Kill yourself, OP don’t listen to this faggot unless you want a nigger or fat retard as a BF. The majority of people that post here don’t even lift weights and are severely unattractive.
but when you say qt bf you mean like a chad bf who has been lifting for 8 years, right?
lower your standards
You can just google "fit women" you know.
Or a woman body fat chart and pick what you wanna aim for.
Best of luck.
>just shave it bro
I love twigs t.b.h.f.a.m
Yes I only date Jeff.
In all seriousness: no, I don’t mean that at all. I mean HANDSOME, not-fat (as if fatties can be handsome lmao), and tall.
Skinnies are quite good fucks though, generally much tighter.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Pic related is a reasonable body expectation for a woman.