Friday night

>Friday night
Why are you here?

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Its literally 11am fuck you

>Friday night

Are you some sort of Ching Chong?

It's not even afternoon yet.
I'm getting lunch and browsing in the meanwhile.

About to leave to work. Also, the hardest workout I ever did was one hour of wrestling with some really experienced fighters. I feel like my whole body was hit by a train but it hurts so good.

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browsing for brappers in between work breaks.

It's not friday night bane

We cant do this every friday bane

Shitposting between sets

Literally 9am sitting at Starbucks you goof

1pm here, /workposting/ rn since this has been a slow day, my plans for the night are lifting (biceps + back + some core), buying some groceries for ext week, reading (Lord of the Flies) and if I get bored of reading I'll watch something (heard Castlevania season 2 will be released today), good friday for all of you frens

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Why are we still here?

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Going to BevMo later on. What should I try, /fit?

To get buffer?

all my gains...


Any preference?

Ita 5:45pm. Im going out with the boys later i promise!

>It’s already Saturday in Bangkok

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>got home from meeting up with some friends
>was always looking for her car to pass by
>at my place i started to think if she misses me
>that we're going to text in a couple of day probably
>that i need to cut her out of my life even though there's a strong attraction from both sides
>she broke up a month ago

it sucks, the whole concept of "love" sucks so much
if there are two people who get along great, have fun together and feel attracted to one another, why not just take a leap of faith and get together?

Why did you guys break up?

her reasons were superficial i.e. "don't see you at the dance floor with me", "not that extrovert", "no common interests"
so there's that
then again, she's really attracted to me still

It's 10a. But my soon to be gf works nights so i can't be with her. Im trying to send her a bouquet of flowers at her work to make her feel appreciate but kinda scared, I've only known her for 3 weeks

7pm halloween party at 11pm dont wanna go ruin gains with bad sleep and alcohol, wanna be comfy inside with videogames but im already socially retarded so im forcing myself to go fuck

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Waiting for RDR2 to come in the mail. Anazon said it might be late.

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I think she means you have a small wee wee

exact opposite user

Because I went out last night and am looking forward to watching a film and playing vidya over going out again just because it's Friday.

Because I'm about to go into work for some overtime. Only a half shift though

i have no real friends, never had a gf, only have my mum and my dog left
when she retires ill probably off myself, no point in living

some /fitlit/ for you

holy shit are you me bro? Same exact scenario. I try to like going out more like her but it's hard. When I go out I like to go to bars and chill instead of clubs.


Aye man, have fun

It's gonna be a good night

>tfw shitposting at work for the next two hours before the weekend while avoiding my boss

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I live here

Why the FUCK is this thread always posted in the morning. It's not night you dumb faggot

Heeey bro, right here wight you.

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Life goes by incredibly fast bro. Try digging into your mind and just thinking and learning for a few months and then imagine potentially never doing that again. Enjoy the simulation while it lasts. If you have no friends, get into some comfy friend like podcasts for those lonely nights

2 parties to go to, stayed in because i have the fuckin flu

got sorta dumped by a girl i was dating so now i want to go bootyhunting which is impossible if you sneeze all over everything

it's night time in most of the world, faggot

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dunno user, hows the situation with you two now?

in the shit hemisphere. Come to the bright side, commie.

Coz alcohol is my friend

im underaged (cant drink yet) and have no freinds i actually want to talk to

I have no friends and live alone.

I am following the ascetic dao of the whey.

My flatmate went to a Halloween party and didn't invite me

I am here today, in a friday night because this is my 11th day without smoking cigarrettes, 4th week without alcohol, 6th week without smoking weed, 8th week of gym and 3rd day of nofap. All my friends are the oposite, so if i join them i will lose all my progress, because i am very easy to influence, so i am spending some time isolate until i have changed my life gor better, then i will see my friends and you them the difference. In the meanwhile, i am here on a friday night

I dont know whats going on with me man. I always want to be the person that goes to parties and have fun with friends, and meet girls. And i do get invited, but when it comes to it i never go. Like today, i got invited to this halloween party, but for some reason i didnt go. This always happens. I wish i had the energy to go to parties. So while my friends are having fun, im sitting here bored to death on Jow Forums. i dunno man

I would just rather be locked in my bedroom doing nothing. I have literally been doing this for 3 weekends straight, only going out for a workout or grocery shopping.

Know I should study but at the same time semester just started and thinking I can relax a bit before going ballsdeep. Still, I know it would be the wise decision to study right now instead wasting time here but it's kinda a struggle.

You know this feeling all to well too.

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That's fucked up.

>overhear classmates talking about a halloween party
>reminded that I haven't had plans for halloween in 6 years, let alone Friday plans ever
hurts just a little bit

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tfw saturday plans

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I just want to look at cute buff guys desu..

That and have a laughor two, Jow Forums always has very comical threads

Well I know this bloke called alcohol and a Bluetooth speaker

Im having fun #internalhappiness

Im procrastinating

Getting ready to go out have some hamburguer without bread with my GF after our gym session.

We are chubbyfit bastards but at least we try to get leaner.

actually going to my friend's house in an hour or so
we'll probably just get high and do fuck all but damn it's better than being alone

I enjoyed this picture

I just got back from a 24-hour horror movie marathon and just want to sleep for 12 hours.

Lads, my best friend is moving 250 miles away.
>known each other for ten years
>since we studied Mechanical Engineer

We've done all the impulsive stuff together and now I got no one to call.

>it fucking hurts bros

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Talking with my friends and enjoying myself ;-)

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Because I still haven't gotten a white gf yet.

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I'm an alcoholic and trying to quit drinking and the only hobby I have is getting drunk therefore I cant hang out with anyone or go anywhere

Waiting for a qt to come to my apartment and take me to her house, then going out and probably having a great time. I think I finally made it lads

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25, married, making $110k/yr, and just feel like having a chill night in



With my girlfriend about to buy some coke. Good shoulder day. Quit smoking a few days ago. Clean diet. Down in bf% but maintaining at 245. Little award in order

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I haven't thought about suicide in about 10 years but the urge to end it all has been growing for the past week.
I don't even know why, nothing has changed for the worse. I should be even celebrating because my boss agreed to pay for my further education, which is my golden ticket out of my wageslave life. I've even found a few good friends after spending my time from 2011 till late 2015 in almost complete neetdom isolation.
My confidence was through the roof for the most part of the year, it didn't even bother me that much that the first girl I've been infatuated with since I was a teen totally broke my heart.
Now here I am, on vacation visiting my older brother and trying to hold it together so he doesn't notice how shitty I feel.
I'm 26, closer to my 30s than to my 20s and I've never been in a relationship let alone intimate with a women while my peers are having kids and are getting married. God I wish I were dead because I know that it isn't going to be better but I also know that I will pussy out if I try to kill myself again.

Young robots take my advice and change your ways immediately. I always said to myself that I've still got time, which is still true, but I never thought about the fact that changing oneself becomes harder the older you get.
Sorry for venting but I just can't take it anymore.

I need break from leveling my priest in WOW

Hey bros

I have my gfs iPad and went in her Email. Msg from snapcha saying she logged in w her iPhone two days ago. So that means she logge out of h snap or deleted it. I mention it, she says she deleted snap and redox loaded cuz she is trying to quit social media. I know she deleted her ig.

It feels like bullshit. In my gut it does. Cuz she went on some tirade bout how she deleted snap every 3 weeks but the email sent now.. Am I being cucked? Secre snap account right? Rn I'm playing dread game and ignoring her

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hang in there, remember mindset is a fundamental part of making it
stop feeling sorry for yourself, you're only 26 dude. stop. go and make the changes you need to make and start TODAY. come on user, I want to see you make it.

doing what? money help me im 30 and broke.. what do u do how did you do ot

I'm watching JoJo, drinking cheap rum, and listening to Bones

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Here cause I need advice during workout. Started SS (or at least, the version in the sticky) 6 weeks ago. Found out my butt winks on squats, and found out because hurt my hip on Monday during my set. Feel better on Wednesday, but proceed to make it worse.

Worried about deadlifting like this, so going to hold off on it till I feel 100%. What can I do in the meantime to replace squats and DL?

Starting a new routine tomorrow, just ate and now watching all of romero's of the deads, even the bad ones, and making cosplay. I'm rather content boys.

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I decided about two years ago to stop interacting with anyone I meet or run across. Works pretty well unless a new co-worker thinks I'm willing be there friend so I quickly fix that. Have no reason to change so I wont. Its ok Jow Forums Ive still got squats and you.

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may I ask why?

Unfortunately I'm an American, so the overwhelming majority of people I'm subjected to are empty headed morons whose beliefs and basic perceptions of the world are based mostly on lies and misinformation. Simply interacting with other people makes you susceptible to adopting the groups beliefs and outlooks so I make that impossible purposely. I do not want to be associated with the failed American cultural experiment before the fire or the individuals whom claim any allegiance to the lie.

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>quits cigs
>does coke

I live out on a ranch and sometimes I'm just tired, it's just not worth the effort to go into town and hang out with friends or have them come out here

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Waiting for my gf to get ready

>Friday night
>Why are you here?

Because I'm getting ready for this Tinder THOT I'm fucking to spend the night on Sunday. Letting my man juices recover for a night.

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Just got back from a successful date with my ex
>feels good man

My girlfriend is being a cunt so I'm sleeping in the guest room. Can't sleep because took last dose of EC stack too late. Just jerked off so watching hulu and talking to you joocy bros.

I have a valid reason
>be kissless 20yo virgin
>working a halloween party as a frat pledge
>Smoked and drank a little bit
>One of my fellow pledge bros gets extremely sick less than halfway through the party
>I regularly let him sleep at my place anyway
>Thicc bitch is interested me and my other bros are pushing me to slam her
>Too autistic to make a move and care too much about my bro, take him to my place
>Hes sleeping rn and im keeping the bros updated on how hes doing
bros before hoes

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>successful date with my ex

If successful means anything other than pumping her a few times and leaving, you're a GRIDs tier faggot.

what fraternity?

i've been watching baseball for 5 hours

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My gf told me I couldn't go to the gym until doordash arrived, since she has social anxiety.

Now I am just going to the gym.


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>needing to talk about his salary for no reason

computer programmer/engineer autist confirmed

Its best I dont say since I would probably get fucked up for it somehow

I'm an SAE at Alabama. Nobody gives a shit.

>SAE at Alabama
jesus christ what do you do there, rape your sisters