do ppl actually ever enjoy squatting?
i fucking hate squats, they feel terrible on my knees and my back
im 5'7 with top tier squat genetics so huge ass tree trunk legs despite almost no legwork and i squat once every two months and maybe some leg press for the keks is there any actual reason i SHOULD do squats if they are the least enjoyable exercise in my entire program? i feel like my legs get enough work from overhead pressing stuff which i specialize in
Do people actually want to do squats
5'8" squat build king here. I squat thrice the week. i hate it every time, but I need those ass gains. don't waste your talents, slav-bro
I found that as my weight went up with squats it got much more enjoyable. Similar to deadlifting, there's an almost primal feeling when moving very heavy weight that I can't achieve doing other workouts like bench or OHP.
If you don't want to do them then don't do them, just don't expect to have an impressive squat
You don't HAVE to do anything, but my OHPs suffered when I took a rest from squatting because if reduced core strength + it feels great
haha i actually am slav
yeah i squatted 2pl8s when i squatted for the first time then got to 3pl8s in a few months then stopped cause i wanted my ass and legs to look more proportional to the rest of my body
maybe i will try to get into squatting again once i get a huge upper body, still it sucks having to either tailor every pair of pants or wear tight and stretchy stuff all the time
Squats are GOAT
>king of anything
top meme good sir! you win the internets today!
i hate back squats but love front squats dunno mang
>not pudzianpilled that slavs are the strongest race
wrap your knees and use weightlifting shoes. mix it up with front squats and overhead squats
>tfw I actually enjoy squats when my right knee isn't screaming in pain
>still can't even do 2pl8
I hate my weak bitch knees.
>not wanting to experience Ultimate Strength and to push even heavier people around easily
This is true, most slavs I know are strong as fuck, Myself included
if that's how you're feeling when you're doing squats you most likely aren't doing them right.
been squatting for like 5 years total, never had knee pain or back pain.
Thanks Rippletoe
Squatting is fun if your form is flawless.
I hated squats and skipped them all the time until I started doing front squats. Now leg day is my favorite
I love squats, but I can't do them for shit. Doesn't matter if I squat 40kgs or 170kgs it feels like ass and is grindy as fuck.
Front squat = goat tier
i've been squatting for 8 years
i hate them just as much as the first day i touched a barbell
You can squat without back squatting.
Do goblet squats, DB lunges and dB split squats. A 20 rep widowmaker set of goblet squats will put mass on you just fine and it's no risk to your back or knees.
Didn't enjoy them at first, but once I improved my flexibility, stance and form it became really enjoyable. I'm not squatting as often (did 5x per week just to get in the habit of it) but I get the same volume.
I dislike thinking about doing them, but the rush I feel doing them and afterwards is awesome
My current leg days is
5 x 8 squats (doing knee rehab so only 100kg)
4 x 8 RDLS (100kg and working on form and building to strict deadlifts)
4 x 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (10 per leg, holding a 20kg plate)
4 x 20 weighted(20kg plate) lateral step overs
I love the step overs for knee stability, really helps since I have shit knees from ACL injury and formally obese( was 300lbs, now 205lbs)
Also have to do a fuck load of warming up for squats, and wear sleeves when getting close to working weight. Typically its a set of 8 for BW/bar/40/60/80/90/95/working weight( and now doing 5 sets with this)
I also do the step overs on a bench, not some shitty step
Be a real Chad and do jump squats around the neighborhood instead.
I really fucking hate them as well. I am bad at them despite not being lmaonolegs mode. But I do them all the same because I want to be stronk.
How else are you going to be able to poopoo properly?
same bros. Nothing like actually getting the front squat form down correctly. Then you squat ass to grass and everyone mires because they can only do back squat parallel.
Being completely honest here the only the reason I even started working out was because I wanted a good squat.
I love squats. Maybe your body hates them because you never took care of it.
>im 5'7 with top tier squat genetics so huge ass tree trunk legs despite almost no legwork
That isn't what top tier squat genetics are