How do I keep my motivation to lift alive...

How do I keep my motivation to lift alive? Stressful work always break my routine and destroy my desire to continue lifting.

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>The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses ... Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching howling bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones cannot bear it for long; only men endure.

Like always user, endure it.

If the only way for you to find white men under attack is a paintaing of a centuries old battle maybe she has a point

> last in line for every job, by law
> smeared in the news constantly
> universities preach we are evil
> every minority group wants to displace us
> not allowed to have our own opinions


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ur just mad about losing ur privilege sweatie

no but really I welcome the coming race war, white men btfo every other race at warfare

If youve been lifting long enough you will have realized lifting and or cardio is necessary for mental health.

whats that from?
>inb4 my diary desu

the race war won't happen, but even if it did, it would be like 30% of whites vs the other 70% and a bunch of nigs

Woowee not great odds for the white boys

It would be conservatives vs liberals and I’m pretty sure conservatives would win, they even have some brown skinned people like Kanye and Hodgetwins on their side

>other 70% and a bunch of nigs
So a bunch of flags, women, and pet apes. Plus when we win we get to keep the women.

>30% of whites
You haven't really been following developments in politics lately have you m8? When is the last time the Dems won the White vote in America do you think? What do you think is happening in Italy, Poland, Brazil, Hungary?

What percentage of white men even in countries like Germany or France do you think are happy about what is happening? When it comes down to actual warfare race will trump almost everything

you guys are forgetting about the massive US army which would willingly die for israel in a desert halfway across the globe. they've been doing nothing but dying for minorities since the civil war. it will be the army and cops vs rural and suburban retards. with no guns and no ammo, because all the cuck boomers with guns are bootlickers and will support the government no matter what

the army and cops are almost entirely made up of 'rural and suburban' retards Republican. Gl if you think theyre gunning down their own people

Women won't have the opportunity to complain about this shit if white men didn't make the sacrifice to preserve our way of life.

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they will tho. people who become cops and soldiers aren't very bright. the government will just make up some bullshit and run it on fox and cnn and those retards will gladly kill their own.


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History tells us that when racial groups clash, even "moderates" in the middle on either side get sorted into their racial affiliation.

e.g. If you are a moderate Serb who was always fine with Croats, hired Croats in your business, were friends with Croats, etc. when the bullets start flying, you WILL shoot back at the Croats because they WILL be shooting at you, Serb.

whites could literally 1v10 nogs in an actual civil war scenario

it's not really some that needs motivation, just becomes a habit.

Where is that from? Carnage.

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Lets be fair here. It would be whites and Asians.

The final Blackpill is knowing that even though the white race won't last another thousand years once we're gone the Chinese will eradicate brown people without any qualms.

the asians that are racist are the trashy cabbage stew kind tho. the "good ones" are still all white collar liberals

But they outnumber everyone but the exploding population growth in Nigeria and they won't stand a chance against the kind of orchestrated unified cruelty China can put out.

>asians aren't racist
this fucking guy