What does adolescent love feel like?
What does adolescent love feel like?
It feel good until you develop a codependence and you will literally yourself if she leaves.
Back when I was young and had my first sexual encounter I couldnt find her vagina, so I got blue balled and she got the female equivalent of that.
Once you get the hang of how to sex, its fucking non stop
Its great.
Lost my virginity at 16, am now 19 and I still miss that feeling
and you will literally kill yourself if she leaves*
you didn't have to correct that it was perfect before why did you do that
whats wrong with correcting it
you didn't have to correct that it was perfect before why did you do that*
like big bags of sand and salty milk-coins
Like a bag of sand lol xD
Beats me I have no idea
Great because it's mostly "innocent", you like each other because of one band, or anime, or whatever the fuck, and you're both above average in looks so you fall for each other in every single way. If this does happen, and it's the only one I know of, you probably stick together for a long time, at least for teens anyways (my first relationship lasted close to 3 years, starting at 15). The sex is amazing once you figure everything out, are less nervous and more passionate, but such a love was created very early, and so you will both grow up, and possibly with differing opinions, which wouldn't be bad in itself, but if just one person in the couple takes themselves way too seriously then things start falling apart.
You couldn't find her vagina? Are you a fucking retard? You never watched porn? It was 2015 ffs.
Had my first gf when I was 16. It feels super good, I didn't love her much I only liked her cause she had a interest in me. We dated for 2 months and within that time frame we had sex about 20 times. We both loved it, you would just cuddle in bed and sleep t ogether, then having sex again cause both of you guys are horny. My 2nd relationship was when I was 17 and we dated for 1 year. We loved each other and we cuddled and did all of that stuff and I honestly thought I was gonna spend my life with her (as cheesy as that sounds) but life events took place and the relationship was hard (her parents were very strict they didn't know I existed) we couldn't see each other much and I fell into a 6-7 month depression because of our breakup. Really its a double edge sword, because you know what it feels like and one day it dissapears
>watch porn
maybe that's why you din't have the same wholesome experience
a shitstorm
like salty milk bags full of coins
It doesn't feel fitness related, that's for fucking sure
Back to faggot
Lights off and being nervous because i was about to lose my virginity.
It was pretty dumb
Nothing described in this post concerns love. Only lust
>What does adolescent love feel like?
It feels great, i loved it.
Having someone there for you, not having to worry about external shit.
>Nothing described in this post concerns love. Only lust
Young love is mostly about fucking
Jow Forums - fitness
Its confusing and fake. The emotions seem genuine until she decides to not like you anymore and monkey branches to your friend. Then you lose you gf and on your friend, which stings even more.
That wasnt a real friend bro
It's so fucking overrated i'm "18" now, and holy shit these girls are so fucking annoying, Literally she was so in love with me but it's just so immature and if you incels think your're missing out you guys are blinded and like to blame everything on missing out on adolescent love.
like bags of salty coins and milk
When I was 15 I started dating a girl I had had a thing with since I was 13. We were together until last January, when I was 19.
I know a thing or two about adolescent love. Until the moment she called me to tell me she had cheated on me I had been under the belief that we were gonna get married.
I have made it through though, and I don't regret any of it. It's truly a magical feeling.
Your dumb teen brain tricking yourself into thinking you've found your mate for life when in fact your relationship is only really tied together by your proximity.
Some couples are lucky enough to find somebody they grow into very good compatibility with, but they are outliers and you should NEVER assume you are one of them.
damn bro thats fucked up. What did you do to move on faster?
Shit was an extremely embarrassing wreck that took like 2 years to recover from
Now that the dust has settled I'm still very happy that it happened despite everything because it let me experience the beauty of young love.
Now the pain and embarrassment have faded and all I'm left with was the good times, when it felt like the world was just her and I.
Thanks for everything, Mik.
Pic entirely unrelated
I feel nothing and adolescents are degenerate parasites. There is only suffering. Kill 'em all.
You know what they say.
The First Cut Is the Deepest.
It's intense going from nothing. To Sex all the time, to first love and losing it. While shes moves on quickly cause she is high value hot and young and you are still an insecure teen.
I went through bout a year long depression after that.
Life is a roller coaster my man. I'm 32 now and it's still up and down and up and down...
I dont know if I can take 70 more years of this.
ProTip, if you are bipolar you should prolly medicate instead of being bipolar and saying shit to your self like " This is the way I was made, I meant to be like this and conqure like this"
Get help dont go through it.
Why did it end bro?
fucking pussy
bipolarity is a thot meme disfunction and isnt real
Cringe. Those thots dont really have bipolar.
>and isnt real
found your problem, it's retardation instead
From my experience/observation:
The only ones that had good relationships were the Chads. Everyone else was playing games with each other and once in a while you had 2 people who actually like each other and went out
i dunno nigga
never did a teenage crush reciprocate my love.
but i had the guts to ask all of them out
i did kiss one of them tho lmao.
Retard. What are you gonna deny next, schizophrenia? PTSD? Just because there are larpers, doesnt mean it isnt a real thing. If some people larp as a russian online when in fact they're american, it doesnt mean russians dont actually exist.
no idea
i don't know what adult love feels like either
there was a dude in the near by town that hanged himself after the girl left her.
i was 16 , he was 17.
now he'd be 23 but he was soooo in love
can you guys even image in it? killing yourself at 17 over a girl? and the dude wasnt even ugly was above average in looks LMAO
ah, Jow Forums, where we all understand the effects of all hormones related to bodybuilding, but none of the hormones related to mental and emotional well being.
except bipolarity is just having bitchy mood swings because you have no self control and discipline
sort yourself out, bitch
delete this pls
na bro real bipolar is like you quit your job, burn bridges, take out all your money put your self in real risky situations, dabble with life and death.
Hit rock bottom, look around and say what the fuck. Rebuild and do it all again. Sometimes the down swings can leave lasting damage that can take a year or more to recover from.
It's no joke
I believed like you for most of my life.
But as I've aged Ive started to understand, normal people dont do shit like that and it is probably a chemical imbalance.
Bipolar people really are narcissistic too and then you think you dont deserve life when its down.
It's sick dark shit..
There's lots of people that get diagnosed with "bipolar" just because they get sad sometimes. Being bipolar is the new "anxiety" and (((doctors))) use the opportunity to sell (((pills))). Are there actual people that are bipolar or have anxiety? Yes but half the people saying they're bipolar or have anxiety don't have it to a serious degree
Because I was/am an autistic sperglord lord and it was my first relationship so I had no idea how to handle things
Thought Id marry her. I didn't. It took a while to get over her but I look back and am glad i made the mistakes that I did and learned from them. It's gonna sound really gay but the song by Garth Brooks "Standing outside the fire" explains it pretty well.
>I eat like shit, don't exercise, rarely socialize, have an unfulfilling romantic life and feel sad most of the time. I must be depressed
>I'm in a shitty living situation, struggling financially, have many responsibilities I'm neglecting, I'm going nowhere with my life and I feel anxious. I must have anxiety
A sugar rush.
Sickly sweet, causes cravings, ultimately empty and not good for you.
Same with ADHD and autism
>You're kid doesn't have an illness, you're just a shitty parent.
My first gf was 16 and a virgin when I was 18. She had got a bondage fetish from tumblr and fifty shades.
We would cuddle, go to movies, lay in bed watching comedies etc
Then when we were home alone I’d tie her up and stink my tongue in her ass.
I miss her, she does pole dancing/fitness now and her body while amazing when I was with her has only gotten better
Where do I find bondage teen?
Good at the time, but you'll look back and think about how stupid it was
you know that shit teenagers call "Anxiety" these days and are on like all types of medication to prevent feeling
take that, but like extremely positive feeling for the first 6 months and then reverse the polarity at drop of a hat and then feel like absolute horror for 3 years when it ends
then once you're through the thick of it you understand it all and love never really feels the same because it's no longer an unknown entity that you thrust yourself into because of hormones and other brain chemical influence.
you understand that it was just an immeasurable need to breed masked and suppressed by being civilized.
what does love feel like ?
it feels like go back to Jow Forums
i had more experience with "love" as a preteen but i had different gfs at these ages ( 7, 8, 10, 13) and the relationships lasted like a month or two.
Was just a overly sexual experience (lots of tongue kissing, hugging, *touching*) desu i wish i never had the experience
i no longer taste for attention from others and the experience (along with a bunch of shit that happend later on) fucked
my perception of people more than deepen it.
Anons saying "young love is special" are full of it.
No one is going to post the 15 and in love copypasta?
If I knew that feel I would not be here
I dunno
but judging by the crushing feelings of regret and jealousy I feel when it is brought up it must be pretty dope
>12 year old me
>cute slavic friend tells me she likes me
We can't all be winners bro
I wouldn't know