Best at home exercises without equipment? Shit that works out all muscles if possible

Best at home exercises without equipment? Shit that works out all muscles if possible

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if you want to look like your pic
you wont do it with home exercise

if you have a backpack and some heavy stuff to put into it you can do all sorts of weighted exercises.
pushups, squats, deadlift, chair dips, curls, maybe shrugs, situps, lat raises

yeah for a starters you might wanna cut your nipples off

>hindu squat
>hindu pushup

truth. Couple of those rented $100 textbooks in each and you're G

Calisthenics. Just get a barbell and a squat rack, chump.

>get a pull up bar
>learn to do one arm push ups

you are basically set for upper body, legs can be a bit trickier

I know, I just had the pic on hand and it's Jow Forums related.

I only know what half of those are but i'll look into it. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to tell me right away but how much should I do a day? for reference i'm 6'0 275 roughly.

Don't think i'll be able to do calisthenics right away with my body man...I am trying to save up for real equipment but I don't want to procrastinate, I want to do something as soon as possible because I know I won't commit if I push it off more and more and make excuses.

>I only know what half of those are but i'll look into it. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to tell me right away but how much should I do a day? for reference i'm 6'0 275 roughly.
I also forgot to mention a bent over row would be good for upper back

if you wanted to do them all in one day then do them every other day or a schedule monday, wednesday friday or something like that. if it's too long of a workout then split them between two workouts and make it an AB split
4 sets (rounds) of 8 reps is optimal. if it's too heavy lower the weight

or if you wanted to workout every day then do an ab split where you do half of the exercises every day. that will give you a day of rest for the muscles. what you don't want to do is do the same exercises every day. it's over the top and diminishing returns and kinda a waste of time if you ask me

Sounds good but i'm a bit confused on what you mean by "4 sets (rounds) of 8 reps is optimal" and how doing half the exercises every day gives me a day to rest? Unless you mean I do A B A B A B and don't do anything on the 7th day of the week

>i'm a bit confused on what you mean by "4 sets (rounds) of 8 reps is optimal
that means you do the lift or exercise that many times. say, 1 set of 8 reps would be doing that motion 8 times.
if you want to speed up the workout you can do 1 set of everything cycling through it and do the 2nd set of every lift next and on until you get the 4 sets done

the options are all yours when it comes to how you want your workout to be split and timed up in the week .
1. all workouts every other day
2. you can do a b a b a b forever and do an A on day 7 and start again with a b instead of an a on the 1st day of the workout week.
3. you could do a b a b a b and nothing on the 7th day if you say want a rest day
4. or A (rest) B (rest) a (rest) b rest) but your schedule would be changing every week because that extra day
5. you could also do an a b c split one where you do A rest b Rest c rest rest. but splitting up such a simple workout between 3 days and only working out a muscle once a week is not worth it imo. your workout would be very short too. I'm not a fan of ABC personally but many big name workout schedules are based on it. usually in these workouts you do many different exercises targeting the same muscles. I'm not really sure if you really need more than 4 sets per muscle desu, but I might be wrong.
i'd recommend #2 to you if #1 is a too long of a workout

>1 set of 8 reps would be doing that motion 8 times.
8 times once.
2 sets would be doing 8 motions twice

if you want me to clarify anything just ask. i know it's a lot to read and is kind of confusing


have fun

>for reference i'm 6'0 275 roughly.
What's your goal? If you're shooting for aesthetics, I would focus all my energy on creating a diet plan to lose all that fat before starting strength training. Maybe even incorporate running (c25k for starters) once you're below 220 lbs to prevent knee injury

Wow, thanks a lot, i'm surprised I got as much help, anons typically aren't this helpful.

I'll check this out too.

My goal is probably around 170-80. I just want to lose enough weight to where I don't look like a complete fatass, I don't care about getting the physique of a greek god. After that i'll probably start doing weight lifting if i'm in a good position to do so though. I'm definitely looking into dieting too though, thinking of intermittent fasting since that's cheap and easy, i'm not in a position to go out and just buy a full list of the right foods to eat.

yeah get down to 15% bf before you do your first bulk. you can do these exercises still in the mean time though
you can buy bf calipers online for like 3$, it will tell you how much bf% you are. maybe check that every month while you diet

>Wow, thanks a lot, i'm surprised I got as much help, anons typically aren't this helpful.
glad to help a fellow fitizen :) i want to see everybody make it

Get a pull up bar for 15 bucks you can hang on your doorway. It is equipment but there is literally no reason why you shouldnt be doing this

You're 6' and 275lbs?

Your own bodyweight and a sandbag.

Look up strength and mass building calishtenics and look up sandbag training.
Also look into plyometrics and go for daily walks and swim.