I'm a fatass that just built the courage to get a gym membership. im going there for the first time this week...

i'm a fatass that just built the courage to get a gym membership. im going there for the first time this week. i have zero self-esteem and very awkward. will hot, slim girls and chads point and laugh at me when i walk in? what's the normal etiquette at the gym? do i just go and use any equipment i want? what if i sweat? can i just wipe it with a towel? i'm going alone without anyone to show me any of this shit.

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nobody even knows or cares you exist, don't worry about it.

Gym doesn't matter, stop eating so much.
No one can see your muscles under the fat.

God those are some glorious biddies.

No, no one will notice you. Yes, bring a towel and wipe it down. Most gyms have a squirt bottle with cleaning fluid mixed with water too, use it too.

You'll be right bro. Keep it up.

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> will hot, slim girls and chads point and laugh at me

This will 100% not happen. I'd be willing to bet real money on it. I've seen people do completely ridiculous things in the gym, and unless they are about to hurt themselves nobody cares at all.

>do i just go and use any equipment i want?

Not if someone is already using it obviously, but otherwise yes.

> what if i sweat

You should only be concerned if you don't sweat.

Honestly, Chads and Stacy's are usually really nice. The real redpill is that nobody liked us or invited us anywhere in high school because WE were the assholes

t-thanks guys

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gonna need a sauce on this milk truck


Hey OP im just like you

Don't worry about it
I even watch anime on the treadmills and no one gives a fuck
Just do you and sweat the fat away

Yes, hot people will point and laugh at you piggy. If I were you I'd stay away from the locker room unless you want to get stripped naked and whipped with a resistance band for ever %body fat you are over a healthy range.
And if I catch you sweating on my equipment I'm gonna shove an ez curl bar up your fucking ass. But I bet you'd like that wouldn't you you fat faggot.

Go away


Just don't smell really bad (like bad BO) and you'll be OK.

No one will give a shit about you. Their only thought will be "here's another person who will stop coming here after 2 weeks."

Prove them wrong you fat tub of shit. I believe in you.

I proved them wrong by stopping after 2 months.

Chads are usually bros, while Stacys are usual total cunts.

Nobody cares. Don't even try being friends with the gym thots though, they're all there to do bodyweight exercises and talk to hot guys.


>recovering fatass here
1. No they will not laugh at you, and on the minuscule chance that they do, FUCK EM. You aren't there for them you're there for you.

2. Use whatever equipment is available, if you see a bottle or towel on or near a station, someone is probably using it, so either wait at a non-autistic distance or look for something else to do.

3. Take a medium sized towel for sweat, to wipe off yourself and the equipment you use.

get a beginner program and look up right form on the moves

I'm a bloater who started going to gym in June. Usually go alone. Only been laughed at by 3 literal fags for squatting like a fag. My gym has towels for you to use, proper etiquette is spraying and cleaning off equipment after using. Don't worry about grunting, don't worry about sweating, only focus on your workout and your safety. Don't lift without warming up or knowing you can handle the weight. People are used to seeing bloaters and will be happy to see you trying to stop being a bloater.

this, minus the sarcastic hate

pervmom are so good, the way they release videos is a bit different but I don't mind it


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>will hot, slim girls and chads point and laugh at me when i walk in?

No. They will not notice your existance. Gym thots are too busy finding the optimal angles for their IG shots. Chads are too busy leaving humanity behind.

>what's the normal etiquette at the gym?

Put the weights back in their places after you are done with them. Since you are a fatass I also imagine that you would sweat a lot, so wipe it off if necessary. Don't take creepshots.

>do i just go and use any equipment i want?

Yeah obviously. Don't use them if someone else already is.

And read the sticky faggot.

nobody gives a shit about you at the gym. nobody. they're all focused on themselves.