I fuck your girlfriend
I fuck your girlfriend
>this faggot fucks men's hands
Id fuck you.
Mhmm, your asshole is probably nice and moist too.
My how her standards have fallen...
i look like you but 6'5
i fuck your girlfriend
i fuck your momma
and i fuck you too twink boi
Are you a turk? Cause you type and look like a retarded turk
I don't have a girlfriend.
My girlfriend has a dick you stupid faggot
your abs are shaped like a zipper
looks like shit
Where to buy whey flour bag
same lol
>white boy with skinny fingers and a thin neck thinks
Doubful, you look like manlet bro. Solid arms though. Do you do a lot of high volume arm work?
nigga you are my girlfriend
why does he look so lumpy? your insertions look like a potato sack
this is what a program made completely of isolations does to you
Hahaha you're like 5ft op
nah she likes strongbois
I fuck you while you fuck my gf
yeah but you can't suck her dick like I can
How about you fuck me :3
So youre a virgin too?
nigga i am the girlfriend
>my girlfriend
>neck the width of a phone
>fucking my hand
My gf doesnt like twinks sorry
>big bicep and low body fat
>shit everything else
Yep, curlbros gonna curl
jokes on you dont have one
Not with those ab insertions
Madafucka u estupid ok?