
Caught the cardiobug, ran 8 miles yesterday, fastest mile was 7.12 seconds.

Cant stop thinking of running, didn't eat all day because of running.

Theres something so primal and functional about running that puts it above every single exercise I've done, and I spent 4 years powerlifting

dont let Jow Forums fool you, cardio is great.

dont train to be a statue, go for a run lads.

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>fastest mile was 7.12 seconds

nigga you fast

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I used to run a mile in 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Now I do not run. I only agility ladder and box.

Running is fairly dangerous.

Running is great, good job user

>one mile in 7.12 seconds
Damn, that's fast

started running 4 years ago, Ran 100k ultra 2 weeks ago. i think the years of squats and deads gave me the ability to do endurance events!

Running is boring and painful

Cardio is what humans are built to do. Why just do what youre supposed to?

well the whole idea of "supposed to" in our realm of understanding is subjective and loose, we're not naturally inclined to lifting in gyms but to slight that lifting is something we're "not physically supposed to do" is a little silly

some suggestions are, if you have injuries take care of them and run at your own pace, and try to run with music preferably on a trail or something other than concrete.

It's a really good way to free your mind,

to stop viewing it as a chore is to enjoy it so much more

I think my background in lifting definitely helped build a solid foundation of strength and knowledge that I could apply to my running!

having a strong core, good form, a good pair of shoes makes a world of difference!

Will running for 30 minutes 3 times a week give me decent legs for ottermode ? I hate bodyweight leg exercises with a passion

>25,632 mph
Color me impressed, Based Barry Allen user.

at that point you should just stick with powerlifting

in mommy and me marathon prep i was running a mile in 0.72 seconds and i wasnt even the fastest tyke there

Running is great, but you should still lift weights. It's a different feeling when you get a good pump vs runner's high. Try to get both those feelings everyday.

running is good
everyone who says it's bad for your knees are either fat and/or have shit form
10 years of distance running and not a single knee problem with only a couple minor overtraining injuries on the feet

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what a load of roganesque drivel

not breaking the sound barrier on your runs

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Yeah Goy do powerlifting and get nice and fat, watch your testosterone levels drop as the diabetes kicks in.
>rubbing intensifies

>Mach 33.4
Now you're just showing off

>10 years
My wrestling coach had blown through 2 sets of knees by the time he was 60.
Still runs

subsonic detected

shoot it down if you must, but atleast tell me where I'm wrong

I want to say no, however I used to be around 160ish and 5'11 in highschool and was definitely past ottermode, but I started running recently and doing lots of yoga and sports and I've obtained an "otterlike" physique at 6'1 and 150

height / weight?

Genuine Kek
t. Hypersonic

Please help Jow Forums
Been running for about a year, but have hit a plateau @ 725mph
(~1166kph for you Eurocucks)
Really trying to push past that barrier to rub it in my exes face
>Fuck you Kat, you lying drugwhore
Should I just adjust altitude?
Already shaved off all my body hair and tape ears for improved aerodynamics
Any ideas?

bane mask while sleeping inside an altitude tent
5'8" 140

Holy shit why does Jow Forums have such an issue with having a well-balanced workout routine?

Lift 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week, easy as that. This makes you a far more well-rounded and capable individual who can beat all of your friends and people you know at anything. HIIT, swimming, running, rowing, and fighting are all good options for cardio.

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try activating your almonds and upping your dose of super male vitality

What are good headphones for running? Mine constantly fall off

Do cable rows count as cardio?

any over the ear headphones, get a good pair so you dont look stupid + solid sound quality

based and cardiopilled


What do I do if my Easy pace is super slow?

I can only run/shuffle my feet for 4 miles right now at a snail's pace of 14-15 min/mile without my heart rate passing the "aerobic zone".

Should I go faster even if I can't run as far and my HR is higher?

All of you are so fucking stupid. Skipping about, posting comments here and there, shit like that. But the icing on the cake? You let words slide and go the extra mile, trying to piece together only what you see on the outside. You're too idiotic to dig deeper into the crevice of truth. You lack the determination, you always throw your heart's desire to the curb, and say "Fuck it! I know what the hell I'm doing, time to pack my thoughts into a ball of laziness and let it rip!" Just another chip of the old block for you stupid bastards.

Keep running slow, you need to enlarge your heart. Consider doing some other cardio alongside running.

Get on nofap and use a girl as motivation. I have a setup like pic related

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this kind of style is great
never fallen out + you dont get the headband bounce of headphones

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wireless bluetooth headphones you can pick up at any 99 cents store

How do you guys record your distances and mile times?

bought a Garmin watch and use Garmin Connect on phone


>run on average 2 hours per week since 2016
>weight still roughly the same
>still haven't lost the 10 pounds I need to lose
what am I doing wrong?

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you should run more than 2 hours a week and reduce your caloric intake

I work part time as a delivery boy 3 days a week.
On a manual bike, in NYC, uptown in an area with LOTS of hills. I have to try and manage constant HIIT cardio, and then SS 3 days a week, this shit feels like hell. My lifts have suffered, I've lost weight and have stalled.
I'm still trying, but it's definitely much much harder. And strength training is already fucking hard.

>fastest mile was 7.12 seconds.

you are fast af boiiiiii

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How do you progress when you are plateau'ing?
I'm basically alawys running at 4:50 for 1km all the time now

in 2nd grade i got put onto this little-league football team with a bunch of my classmates.

i was out of shape af, just a pudgy little kid that liked video games and had 0 interest in sports

the coach was a complete douchebag who never let you play and had an actual first-second-third string setup. treated it like we were playing an actual game that mattered and not just doing shit for enjoyment as kids

he ran us half to death, laps around the park until we puked and then we kept going until we were done. i was like 7 or some shit, was fucking traumatizing.

ever since, i've not been able to run without feeling absolutely terrible. my whole body locks up and i get stiff as fuck, my heart rate doubles before i'm even jogging.

at least there's lots of exercise that i don't hate doing.

Include me senpai

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Increasing distance is the key in running. Speed is secondary.

>Cant stop thinking of running

We you hit your running high aka third breathing level it's amazing
I used to be a cardio hater, now I love it

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>third breathing level

I just started doing step mill today because pianoman said to, did an hour at 55 steps per minute.

It's some shit I heard people talking about the human body have three levels of breathing, if you arent morbly obese the second breath should kick around the 4th or 5th mile and the third around the 7th or 8th mile.
I'm not very documented on it, but the other day I believe I hit the third level, I was fucking tired around my 6th miles but i felt a quick cold feeling in my skin and all of the sudden I was like new and kept running like I just started.
But then the treadmill stopped automatically and when tried to run again i had lost it and couldnt run anymore.

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>Boring and painful
No pain no gain user. Just put some music on and hit the pavement

Do you mean rowing on a rowing machine, like a Concept 2? Do you mean doing the strength training exercise against a weight stack? The former, yes. The latter, no.

You're eating too much, you fat faggot.

Could you be speaking about second wind?

Us lifters don’t run from our fears. We stand in place and take them on

What do you do when the enemy flees? What do you do when your enemy is not a big heavy metal thing?
What do you do when you're a fag who doesn't realize that use and looks are both important?

I prefer cycling as its a little easier on my knees. I am planning on waking up early tomorrow and doing a 40 miler.. probably not to much climbing though... I totally get the runners high part where you stop focusing on what your legs are doing and its just automatic and your brain can wander.

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dont let that dumbass troll you so easily

It's not that. He remembers me of a friend of mine who only cares about lifting. He looks good but he gets fucking winded by walking 1 or 2 miles. It fucking irks me

Running alone won't give you enormous legs unless you focus on a sprinting routine. I would also suggest get into minimalist/barefoot running. It forces you to land on your forefoot. At first you will run slow, but overtime your calves and tendons will grow stronger.

I was in the same boat as you desu, i fixed it by changing my form to pic related

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nigger we aren’t even fully evolved to walk upright that efficiently yet.