Femanon here!
I'm almost 18, 5'6, and about 57kg.
I started losing weight because I realised how fucking disgusting being overweight was, at my maximum I was about 80kg and lost it all within a few months of leaving my fat fuck ex :3
I was told that changing my lifestyle would help my mental health but if anything it's made it worse - I changed my diet, I started getting out more, I work an active job etc. Is there nothing else I can do to help my mental state? How the fuck do you guys stay stable when surrounded by fat thots and neckbeards? Maybe it's just London but god help me
Fit / mental health
This is how I cope... Billions of people have existed in the span of human existence. I don't matter. My life doesn't matter.
Baby it Gonna get a lotta shitposts etc etc mfw thinking of u hurting pls be in London bread is fucking SHIT fight me u bread eating cunts prove me wrong pro tip u canr
>I'm almost 18
Come back later.
carbs are literally hitler
Post pics for reference
oh my fucking god that chick on the right
This. I add in a couple
>my thoughts and actions are the result of biological and cultural programming
>all obligations are illusions
just for good measure
>I started losing weight because I realized
You didn't realize anything. You read it in a magazine or saw it on TV or heard if from someone else. As for being insane, you could always voluntarily commit yourself to a mental hospital.
Listen to jordan peterson, start making your bed and exercise a couple times a week. You will start feeling better.
Yeah don't do that.
Shut up, retard
I know I don't matter and that no one else really matters, just makes it all a bit useless really
Sorry ;(
Hit me with those before pics, my dear hog.
Remember this mantra .
Look at the person of hate.
And think.
One day , you too shall die.
Preferably with a smile on your face.
Only pic I have really
I don't have any before pics, I was embarrassed around cameras rip
Describe your fat body in detail.
Jow Forums trap-posting.
>Those legs
It's a tarp
Rude, I'm not a trap
Well that's enough of this thread. Join your tranny friends as a statistic.
But I see lumps around the boob area that bear a striking resemblance to boobs.
There are traps that are more femme than you. lol
>you didn't realize anything
What a presumptuous fake intellectual incel
I have chubby legs which is gay, still not a trap tho
imagine this unit trying to ‘guard’ a cooling pie on a windowsill from dogs and levitating husbands.haha
Youre very nice looking femanon, don’t listen to these assholes. As far as your OP question, just try not to judge others and focus on how you can continue to improve upon yourself. You are entering the prime of your life soon, the decisions you make the next 5 years can determine how happy about yourself you are for a long time. Focus on your career, stay in good health and the rest will play out naturally.
And that neighborhood kid with a slingshot in his pocket.
Thank you! I think judging others is kinda just natural, I get it from my mum aswell honestly. Maybe with this new job and bettering myself things will look up, hopefully you're right but it's probably just bollocks :^)
im a guy thats lost 40 kg
if theres one thing i know, its that weightloss does fucking nothing.
losing weight has actually made my life worse, im more unhappy but at the pay off that my chances of dying or smaller.
before i could just use me being fat as an excuse, and cope by eating. thats gone and i have to face the reality that im simply a shitty person each day, day in day out, and that theres nothing i can do about it no matter how hard i try.
life's a bitch. get used to it.
Watch those birth control pills if you are on them. They can mess with your head especially if you are taking your before weight loss dose.
are smaller*
pls be in international space station
i want to fucking break you in bed.
I think I was just relying on weightloss to make my mental state improve. I don't think I've gotten worse because I lost weight, I just got worse in general over time and lost some weight to go with it which should've been a plus really.
I guess at least we're not fat
I have found a significant increase in happiness when i stopped judging others. Focus on building your own skillsets and learning new things. Don’t know what your career is but there are always things you can study to become more intelligent and well rounded. Once you’re consumed with something you love to indulge in and learn you can’t be assed to let other people effect you. At some point you can also change your environment, that usually is a big help to a lot of people.
And do high volume body part splits with cardio twice a week
urgh ur so pretentious
so what u lost some kg? what now? u can starve urself a long time?
Now u think ur better than others? If u want to judge people go to /fa/ and post ur basic bitch ass there. ur niot special for being another skinny basic thot in leggings and a sweater
get out of the lady’s room
yea, i definitely like the fact i can take pictures now.
but yea i have the same experience, i dont think weighloss is the definite reason as to why im a shitty person, but its connects to it pretty well.
but hey now i can ride one of those hoverboard things :DDDDD
Do this if you're retarded and want to become more retarded
I came off birth control a while back after a year and a half of being on it because I did some actual fucking research lmao - my doctor told me it'd help me lose weight and that was literally all she told me about it so I went for it.
Judging others is natural though I won't deny it probably doesn't help. Thanks for the genuine advice, not something I expected from this shit-fest of a site :)
also many people have told me how much weight loss has helped their lives in more ways than one and that they began to like themselves more and other people did as well and it makes losing weight seem like this magic thing that fixes all your problems. but as you and me both found out, that aint true at all.
no one here is stable all of us are fucked in the head, somebody more, somebody less
>I'm a mentally ill slut on birth control. Give me male attention
kill yourself, newfag
Shut up, retard
Honestly I used to think I was cute when I was fat until I realised it was quite repulsive so lost the weight - still not entirely happy but I'm just glad I'm not a fatty anymore. Still kind of shy around cameras but not as much
if she can judge others
we can judge her
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
It's what I was expecting definitely but when I started to lose the weight, there's always a feeling of "well shit, could be better"
kill yourself attention whore
not a slut on birth control, gtfo autist
hes moving house i that picture
yea i used to think i """"""looked good""""""" too, and all my imperfections i just counted as well lol im fat, only when i lost weight did i realize that my jaws weak and my hips are wide and all that fucking bullshit that shouldnt really tick me but cause of this dumb board it does.
and if it means anything to you, if the 2 pics you posted are of you, i think youre very cute, definitely should not be camera shy
You look good.
Now that you lost weight try to stay thin but never think about it again. Find something new and fulfilling to fill your time not weight.
that's why i hate skinny bitches
- they think they r the shit when they r shaped like a 13 year old boi and that they can judge others just because they starved themselves as selfharm.
also i felt as if i lost a piece of myself?
ive been fat for 16 years of my life, and its really hard getting used to the fact that im not and not being able to use it as an out for everything. ive been a normal weight for like 10 months now maybe (ofc i was relatively okay before that as well thats just the point where i stopped dropping weight), and i still make fat jokes about myself as a defense mechanism
No kidding. This slutbucket seems to be completely off the deep end.
Good advice actually,
I started a new job recently and it's been pretty good so far as I enjoy it but I am always still drawn to think about how the active job is helping me weight-wise. Just need to stop thinking about it 24/7 :^)
Stay off Jow Forums. This is the best advice you'll receive here.
Oof I know exactly what you mean.
Bit different for me, I was really fit and athletic as a kid up until I was like 11, then I became self conscious because my step dad jokingly called me fat and I ended up actually becoming fat.
Was fat for a good few years then this past half year I've gradually lost it all. Still definitely got used to making self-degrading jokes constantly though lmao
Post time stamp and bepis tshirt
>le meme hand sign
For fuck's sake. I sometimes forget how half of the fucking posters here are literal children.
>I was told that changing my lifestyle would help my mental health but if anything it's made it worse
How so? You need to be more specific here. What mental problems do you think you have?
Asking a genuine question on Jow Forums was definitely a mistake but I only really browse 3 boards, not too damaging
>>le meme hand sign
>For fuck's sake. I sometimes forget how half of the fucking posters here are literal children.
Yeah, it was the hand sign and not the "I'm almost 18" that gave it away.
I assume one of them is /soc/. What's the third?
ur fat af wtf.
go to thinspo in /fa/
Tbh "almost 18" is a bit too old to be doing le meme hand sign.
'im a sad skinny bitch :( how can i not judge people??? :('
yea my pops called me fat too
called me 4 butt boy. (my dad barely speaks english)
cause i had overflowing love handles and 2 huge ass cheeks.
worst years of my life i swear to god. he was like unstoppable. im at least glad he stopped now.
off topic why are you on here? this is like the worst possible place to be.
OP honest question -do you feel that you have any value aside from your youth and thotty looks?
Did you ever browse the fat hate threads when you were fat?
he still is.
Lmao okay
Nah. This one, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums
RIP that's not great, though I feel like having someone pushing you to lose weight by insulting you can actually work. I'm here for the autism honestly, it's a good laugh.
Nah, I was a fucking Facebook shitposter back when I was fat so was just surrounded by betas who pretended I wasn't fat.
hahaha no wonder u hide ur nose
looking like a little above average brit girl, better than looking like a slampig
>Facebook shitposter
Uh huh...
Women are useful for the three c's - cooking, cleaning, and conceiving.
I enjoy cleaning, I am a housekeeper. I enjoy cooking.I look forward to settling down and having a nice little family.
So my worth is pretty much as it should be I guess
Here's your (You), now fuck off to
i dont know man, insulting does the reverse for most people, it pushes us deeper into the hole were already in, cause we see food as cope, so we eat.
good choice, lots of that here, congrats on being one of the maybe 5ish people ive met here that arent absolutely retarded.
>That face
God, you look so pretentious for some reason
Yeah true desu, I never really ate food to cope - I ate food because I was just a fatty that liked eating. I think for a lot of people it makes them want to change to stop being harassed regarding it but I guess for those who do it to cope it does just push them further down
>Default smug
Yo it’s because you live in a first world country. There’s no chaos in your life. Everything is set out for you. Go to school get a job start a family blah blah blah. Travel somewhere and live it up for a bit. Give your mind some new things to look forward to.
>I was a fucking Facebook shitposter back when I was fat so was just surrounded by betas who pretended I wasn't fat.
>congrats on being one of the maybe 5ish people ive met here that arent absolutely retarded.
This place is no different.
That’s a respectable thing to aim to be. I want to be a polyglot calculus expert with advanced lifting numbers but probably won’t happen.
I have beef with women, putting that out there. How do you ethically deal with the fact that you receive 10x the attention of your own brother, or your future son? This is where my self worth questions stems from. I see that women hold an insane amount of power , but most are thirsty for yet more. And that’s my beef with women
Tbh* not desu wtf
go to tumblr.
Find a ugly bitch who has potential to be hot. Keep her self esteem low but work on making her hot.
Or just find someone who can take care of you and not worry about that stupid shit you just said
Let me put aryan children in you