Advice on dealing with dopamine crash and feeling down when quitting all vices? I stopped smoking, taking drugs...

Advice on dealing with dopamine crash and feeling down when quitting all vices? I stopped smoking, taking drugs, eating sugar, jerking off, and caffeine. I feel so miserable, sad, and angry now. Advice?

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Stoicism you pussy.

Who cares how you feel? you're not going to die.

suck it up you fucking faggot

your problem is not with dopamine going down but cortisol going up

be strong

Great advice, shit on a guy when he's down!

this. do deep breathing exercises.

this is good advice tho

>you're not going to die.

Except we all are, sooner than we know
Memento Mori

Oh yea don’t react to anything and be void of any emotion. That’s healthy

>Day one no caffeine.
Want to see if my sexual performance improves.

it is natural, just accept it

Yikes stop reading Tim Ferris faggot

stop saying memento mori in all your posts. are you the faggot that has that tattoo?

stoicism is only good if you have a healthy range of emotion and choose to control it. a lot of faggots at r9k, Jow Forums and reddit have shallow breath and/or low vit D and/or potassium and/or eat bad table salt instead of rich mineral salt, and their emotional issues are chemical. stocism would only make shit worse, cortisol levels by the stratosphere.

what do you propose instead then

>Oh yea don’t react to anything and be void of any emotion
That's not what being stoic is

Don't stop all your vices at once, or find something to replace them

Emotions are the flow of the river and the mind is the vessel, I may feel driven one way or another by them but I am ultimately in control. I beleve this to be an apt metaphor.

It's entirely temporary. Your body is an amazingly adaptive machine, you will feel better, power through it.
Don't quit all of your vices all at once together, that's unrealistic and near impossible. Drop them one by one.
I have quit a lot of shitty habits I used to have. Stopped smoking, ingesting retarded amounts of caffeine, fixed my diet, stopped being a lazy couch potato, etc.
One thing that helped me immensely in quitting anything I wanted to quit was the realization that doing that bad thing was essentially only pushing away the symptoms of withdrawal. When you are addicted, getting your fix of something is just prolonging your misery. It's not actually improving your life. It's an ephemeral substitute of good feelings for an actually healthy, rewarding life.
When I was trying to quit smoking, I would get over urges by stopping everything I was doing at that moment and sitting for a few moments in silence. I would imagine what a cigarette felt like, what it smelled like, and what it would feel like afterwards. I realized that after having a cigarette when I'd told myself I was quitting, I would feel shitty. I would feel pathetic from breaking my own vow. At some point I realized that the few moments of satisfaction after a cigarette are not worth the hours of regret afterwards. So over time it just kind of stopped.

Heres what you do to get your rush:
Look it up on google/youtube. Do 2 rounds then get in a cold shower or bath for a few minutes on or after the third round. You will barely feel the cold and feel amazing after.

wait it out

accept the truth of Dorian's painting OP

Fix your shitty diet, you fucking junkie

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Wrong links in >

You need to find a purpose for which giving up your vices is worth it. If you give them up and replace them with nothing you'll find your life is just empty. You've been filling it with degeneracy, but now that you're not doing that you should fill it with worthwhile things. Go develop a skill, read, make some friends, have a good life.

inb4 the fucking 12 steps of triple A batteries