What made you take that final leap and commit to getting Jow Forums?

First greentext so be patient with me bros
>be me
>19 y/o beta fag
>230~ lbs. loser for most of high school, first few semesters of college
>Bullied for being fat from a young age
>Adopt defeatist attitude towards fitness
>Would be NEET if not for school
>been lurking on Jow Forums for a while now
>ffw to earlier this year
>meet this girl in one of my art classes, try to initiate friendship
>trip over my words a lot, seems cold at first, but turns out to be pretty chill
>Some things in common, music tastes, art (ofc), some nerdy stuff
>talk more about our hobbies
>She’s really into trail running
>”So, what do you usually do for fun user?”
>Only remotely active thing I do is hiking, there’s a lot of parks and nature preserves where I live, so there’s no shortage of trails
>”Oh uh, besides video games and stuff I usually like to go hiking.”
>”Maybe you can help me find a place to go trail running”
>Actually know of a great place, it’s a really flat area and the woods around it are pretty
>She actually invites me to come with her, says it’s ok if I’m not up to her speed yet, she’ll keep pace with me
>ffw to the day we decided to meet up to run it
>struggled to keep up with her the whole way, but she never left me behind
>helped me set small goals for myself
>”If you can keep pace with me the whole way, I’ll buy you dinner.” and “You just have to keep running and don’t slow down from here to there.”
>Starts asking me why I want to get fit
>”I don’t know, just to be healthier I guess.”
>She brings up diet, and suggests I let her start dictating my food little by little, i.e. no soda, etc.
>For the first time it actually feels like someone wants me to make it, like I can make it.
>She wants to make this a regular thing.
So yeah, share your stories on what inspired you to start running, lifting, etc.

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I'm gay by the way

Nothing specifically happened to make me get Jow Forums It just clicked for me, I literally work up one morning, caught a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror and thought “god that’s fucking disgusting” and that was it, haven’t missed a workout since, lost 50 pounds and still got another 50 to go

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and fake

ive always liked exercise, i used to do pushups for fun in the lving room at home for fun. i loved running, cycling. the only thing that stopped me was not learning the actual science behind training. it clicked when i got a job and could afford a gym memebership when i was 17

is this a humblebrag or some shit

>>Some things in common, music tastes, art (ofc), some nerdy stuff
>>talk more about our hobbies
how do you talk to girls?

w-what hobbies do you have?

>listen to music
>can't talk about it tbqh
>don't understand art
what do?


just be genuine, talk about your interests. Imo the only people worth talking to are the people that can at least try to be invested in what you have to say. That said, if a legitimately good friend isn’t interested, know when to stop bugging them with it. Test the waters with new people, find out what you have in common, and go from there.

Being a raging alcoholic for years and giving myself alcohol poisoning so bad I couldn't hold down any booze without instantly puking. I was forced to go through a nightmare withdrawal and I told myself that if I didn't die of a seizure I would change my ways. I did. 2 years sober, lost 80 lbs

>some faggy user decides to come onto a board full of socially awkward lonely autists tocbrag about their biggest dream happening to him
>causally mentions he’s an actual meat loving faggot
You’re fucking cruel, heartless
I struggle with this too.
I’m taking up bass guitar and running more just to have something else to talk about :/

Oh yeah, my reasons have always been rooted in anger to an extent. Just angry at everyone so I want to improve myself and break barriers they never will dream of. But I’m also angry at myself for allowing myself to become so unhealthy and be such a beta loser

It’s ok that wasn’t me. I don’t really think about people like that until I’ve known them for a while. You’re not saying you’d bone every woman you meet, are you?

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good 4 u m8

Also one thing to help with talking to people is having a healthy sense of identity. Know who you are, what you’re about, that kind of thing. I’m working on that rn too. Don’t focus so much on your interpersonal relationships that you neglect your personal growth. You’ll get there, imo being Jow Forums isn’t just about lifting and dieting, but I think mental health has a lot to do with it too. If you’re lifting, you’re already halfway there.

Damn hope you’re ok, glad you’re doing better now.

>>She brings up diet, and suggests I let her start dictating my food


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> be me
> 17 y/o beta fag, 5'11 and 120 fucking pounds
> always wanted to be army but never even had the self confidence to try to make myself able to achieve that, always assumed id never make it off the ground
> beta walking through school, head down
> walk into table
> wtf.jpeg
> "how are you this fine day, son?"
> army recruitment station
> "do you have what it takes to join the greatest assemblement of soldiers in human history?"
> autism.exe has stopped working
> "actually yes, ive always thought about joining but never thought I could make it"
> "nonsense son"
> talk for solid hour, despite my clear beta-ness, he seems like he thinks me getting in shape to prepare for army physical tests is no issue at all
> "anyone can make it, son. just not everyone wants to try."
> get number
> visit him later that week, gives me mock apft
> fail miserably
> 11/71 pushups, 5/78 situps, above 30 minutes on two mile (stopped counting bc it was taking so long)
> fucking 17 out of 300 possible points
> recruiter doesn't even skip a beat, goes into what I can do to improve my scores, dietary advice, workouts, etc.
> improvements.wav
> long story short, im now 180 pounds, same height, scored 278 out of 300 on my last official PT test
> ended up signing up for ROTC in order to get first generation college education and get to serve active duty afterwards as officer
> went from poor beta fag with no future prospects to superfit chad attending one of the best universities in the nation, set to fulfill my dream of serving my nation
> thank you recruiter, you changed my life

Anyone can make it, son. Just not everyone wants to try.

Underage, liar and military shill. Now that might just be the new low for this board

what an absolute based recruiter, this is a very good story. I'm glad you made it, user. Make our country proud!

I don't like people. I believe human beings embody hipocrisy in it's purest form and as a result I want to prove nature itself wrong.

If the rest of humanity will be fucking garbage, that doesn't mean I have to, so I am focusing on self-improvement instead. The worst realization is that helping people is useless because people are naturally ungrateful.

I lift not because I have something to lift for, but because I have nothing better to do.

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someone got disqualified for asthma

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Begome an ordodox monk.

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He’s probably atheist

Alot of great people out there.

I just wanted to be stronger

>have some health issues with Ulcerative Colitis and ended up in the hospital in 2013
>was 6’3” 180 lb out of shape lanklet
>used to browse leddit, learned of Jow Forums and browsed /b/
>bored in the hospital, so I venture here cuz I saw lots of funny green texts from here
>start browsing progress threads and mire threads
>I then realize I am an ugly sack of shit who can’t cook and dressed like shit and it’s no wonder why I can’t get any girls
>read the sticky
>started SS a week after I left the hospital
>learned how to cook, dress decent, make my hair and beard look good, and overall better myself in any way I could
>had better luck with girls, but I wasn’t very good at talking to them cuz of self confidence issues, and I’m shy and awkward
>eventually stopped being a sad sack who was buried in debt, living paycheck to paycheck.
>now my job is going great, I love life, I have a loving girlfriend, and I’m closing on a house on Monday.

Pic related is my peak fitness. Since then, I’ve gotten a little doughy and my lifts aren’t quite what they used to be, but it’s ok. We’re all gonna make it, bros.

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> always chubby growing up
> from 6 yrs old to 8 practice swimming and water polo competitively
> quit before starting hs because of stress
> 4 years later bloat up too 100+ kgs
> was already dealing with depression
> spiral out of control
> no drive, no purpose, no direction
> just sign up to a college
> go for the first 2 weeks then never come again
> become neet/hikikomori
> cut contact with my friends for the better part of a year
> sign up next year for another college
> repeat previous year
> third year
> this time i go to college for the entirety of the first semester, then completely vanish.
> all the while bloating up to 120kgs
> one day speaking to friends
> one of them is a bloatlord like me
> talk about weightloss and our previous attempts
> tell him i can beat him hands down
> nobody believes me
> bet on money that i will lose more percent body mass than him
> i fast omaw for about 3 months and lose ~35 kgs
> beat him hands down
> the fucker doesn't pay up
> take a break for 2 months
> my hikikomori lifestyle had greatly atrophied my muscles
> decide to go to the gym
> been going to the gym for the past month


Same here brah. I feel kinda bad about not having a moment where I wanted to get Jow Forums. It would be nice to look back on. On the same point I have no before photo to show how far I've come. Though getting ripped is its own reward I suppose.

based US military recruitment advertisement


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let's go to war anons

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keep it up niggy

No, I am Eastern Orthodox. I certainly still have faith in God for if I didn't I would've become an hero a very long time ago.
Is that really so user?

Or perhaps, it is much more likely that they are not great people but they simply have done you no evil (yet). Human beings are despicable creatures the likes of which haven't been met by any other organism. Of course, it is our intelligence that makes our atrocities that much worse.

We are all sinners and I want nothing to do with that.

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Literally today. I lost 40 pounds in like 6 months last year and I've already gained like 15 back. I was right at the beginning of feeling confident about myself before I started gaining it again. Realizing that I've started to be less social because my self esteem has hit rock bottom has been the impetus. Helps that there is a girl I'm interested in, and that it may be mutual but I lack the confidence to pursue it while I feel like shit about myself. This will sound retarded but seeing all the Ricardo edits on wsg also got my mind back on lifting and stuff.

Getting up at 5 am tomorrow to go running (hate doing cardio when there are people about) and gonna start lifting again monday. Would start tomorrow but I have a project that I need to make headway on. The hardest part will be the food though. I'm thinking of just going back to counting calories. If I can't start hitting my goals by the end of the week for that I'm going to start significantly changing the composition of my diet to make it harder to overeat.

I was tired of smoking pot all day and being 250lbs

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I started by wanting to become a trap but now i'm getting big so i can be the one to impregne a trap's butt

>be me when 17
>grandfather ex soldier
>"jesus user, you look like a little girl"
>my mom: "dad, stop it, user is a very sensitive person"
>"i bet he is still a virgin, for fucks sacke. user, do you know what did we use to do with guys like you when i was younger?"
>"we beated their asses until they realized they have to be a real man"
>"here user, do you know what weightlifting is? its time for you to become a man"
>gives me a card with the addres of my first gym

at the begining i was so angry with him, but now i realize what he did for me and i cant thank him enough

Keep it up user. You already hit a huge milestone, each one gets easier and easier.

You have the best dad ever

>be le me
>just turned 19, New Year's Eve
>at my parents' for Winter Break
>watch the ball drop
>feel genuinely happy
>this'll be a good year
>New Year's Day
>total mental breakdown
>existential depression and constant anxiety attacks
>can't get out of bed
>spend next 6 months in bed, barely attend uni
>don't take any summer classes
>just spend entire summer in bed depressed
>August comes around, actually feel better
>decide I never want that to happen again
>losing weight is easier than seeing a psychologist
>lost 35 pounds so far
>tfw I'm going to relapse in 2 months

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>tfw im going to relapse in 2 months

Dont you dare motherfucker, you can do this

>tfw I'm going to relapse in 2 months

no you're not you fucking jackass. you fucking got this. go kick some ass motherfucker

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thanks bros

Mines pretty simple
>Turn 23, 186cm ~72kg
>Was always pretty healthy, low b/f but didn't play any sport
>most of my exercise comes from helping out on the family farm on weekends
>Realise that I'm supposed to be at my physical peak right now
>Don't feel very strong and I'm sick of being skinny
>get a membership and book a PT to give me a 3 day per week routine
>Sore as fuck after ever workout
>4 week later
>notice my recovery time has improved dramatically
>notice I am developing more healthy habits as a result of going to the gym
>don't get exhausted during sex now
going Jow Forums was the best thing I ever did

I've been fairly fat for all of my life. Weight fluctuated a lot due to working a lot of manual labor jobs (construction) throughout college but was always on the pudgy side. At some point, my older brother started counting calories after getting a bit on the heavy side to some degree of success. That prompted me to also want to lose weight, and I committed to it. I have also been a kissless virgin all my life, and I figured that was probably linked to it. Figured it was about time to give it a shot.

Losing weight gave me a bit of confidence so I started lifting again. I hadn't since high school football. Was a bit intimidated by gyms, as I gave too much thought to what other people might think. Realized no one really gives a shit.

>Bullied for being terrible with women
>Dedicate my life to achieving a seemingly impossible feat: Have 52 one night stands with hot girls within 52 weeks
>Started grooming myself, working out, working hard to get a nice apartment in the city
>Current record is 17 girls within 52 weeks but every year my seduction skills increase...

I'm 22 and this will probably be my main focus for the remainder of my 20s

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Stopped drinking flouridated water

ill rape u if u relapse u faggot

brb, relapsing

good for you user, keep it up.

I bought a BRRRRAAAARRRRPP collector and started going to the gym to find a thot onto whom I could attach the device

>older sibling is the only muscle head in the house
>our family always used to bag him out for it, think it's a waste of time
>start going with him to gym from time to time
>I was so in awe of seeing a clean and jerk I get him to teach me how to lift
>he teaches me to lift
>I don't have any clear progression or goals in mind
>but I can see he's excited to have someone in the family that understands
>he ends up having a medical emergency for something
>in hospital for longer than expected
>loses his gains
>the weakest I've ever seen him
>broke my heart to see him like that
>during that time I start going to gym and tracking progression regularly and take his dogs out for runs
>so that when he was discharged he had someone to go to the gym with till he got back to full strength again
He eventually did regain his strength, and sometimes we still lift together
We never really had much in common growing up and I feel like lifting is what made me get to know him better

>summer right before college starts; start going to the gym to do basic cardio stuff and what not
>college starts, realize most of the people I've known were fake as fuck
>Lost interest in girls, no point
>Then eventually decided I'm going to lose weight and become Jow Forums
And here we are 2 months later


Dude keep going while you still have a chance. After college your access to young girls/friends will dwindle.

Nice, where do You usualy meet your one night stands? Tinder,clubing, mutual frieds?

>be 6ft 50kg during high school
>did martial arts every day until I slipped a disc and doc made me take 6 months off
>never got back after that 6 months without back problems a week in
>start drinking really heavily and eating shit every day
>one day measure my weight for a giggle
>gf doesn't deserve a fat sack like me
>realise that only person to blame is me
>every day I wake up enraged I let myself get this bad
>sign up to nearest gym even though its expensive
>quit drinking
>lift angry every day
>lifts are improving
>gf and family noticing gains
>I'm now down to 89kg 17%bf
>long way to go but seeing improvement is fuel for more improvement
>I will never let myself go back to what I was

>childhood friends
>dated each other since high school up until college
>we cut it off, she also moves somewhere more than 10000 miles away
>5 years later, she comes back for a few weeks
>reunion with common friends
>she didn't join the after party
>get a text message
>bitch wants closure
>I'm drunk as all hell now
>I go to her hotel, talk at the lobby
>out of everything we talked about, the one thing that stuck to my head was the phrase 'omg you're fat now'
>3 years later of lifting and some 50+ vaginas later, I still have bits and pieces of feelings for her

Last year 15 were from bars/nightclubs, 2 from mutual friends. I’ve never bothered with online dating, social media doesn’t sit right with me

I pissed away my college years oblivious and lonely because I committed to some chick back home who I’d known a long time. Looking back on all the quality, young pussy I had thrown at me in college and disregarded is one of the most painful recollections of my life.

Jettison those feelings with no remorse. I dated a girl in a situation almost like what you’re describing. There’s better out there, and they want you. Make sure you don’t have blinders on just because of this one chick.

>please be patient, i have autism.

when my crush hugged me and called me skinny

>anyone can make it son. Just not everyone wants to try.
based recruitment boomer

>be me
>19 y/o
>304 pounds
>kissless virgin
>overweight since I was a kid
>was bullied throughout my school years
>lonely doesn't talk to people much
>can't go out in public for fear of being made fun of
>people look at me weird when I eat
>get laughed at alot
>final straw was when a teacher at my college asked me why i was breathing so hard when i walked up and down the stairs

>Started going outside more
>Starting exercising

Lost 25 pounds so far. Gained five back, but I'm working on it.

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>be me
>summer of 2016
>dropped out of college, had no friends, living 6000km from home
>excessive eating, virtually no exercise
>normally very outdoorsy, lots of hiking, did a 700km bike trip just before I started college
>lowest musclemass and most fat I've had up to that point in life
>get accepted to a year long outdoors skills and leadership course in Sweden
>read my acceptance email in the middle of watching an episode of One Punch Man, while he's revealing his secret of exercise.
>Realize I'm totally out of shape and won't be able to carry a heavy ruck or climb frozen waterfalls with ice axes without lagging behind or panting like a dog the whole time.
>From then on minimum was: bike 20km, 100 pushup, 100 situps 100 squats a day, lots of free weights for 3 months, look and feel better than I have in my life, actually have ABS

>3 days before I leave
>haven't gotten laid in 2 years
>talking to this 9/10 red headed ballerina on tinder who just got out of a 5 year relationship
>comes over next day and we fuck like rabbits for 8 hours
>say bye and haven't seen her since, moved to Vegas

Was very fit the rest of the year, then got some minor injuries and slid back into depression, haven't been quite as fit since then but haven't gone back to my level before that, slowly working my way back to a good fitness baseline in preparation for lots of back country ski trips this winter pulling a supply sled for 2+ weeks at a time.

>be narcissistic as fuck
>body looks like shit
I also like it and it's cheaper than practicing a sport


man it was fucking years ago and i still think about it often

>would be NEET if not for school.

Well yeah, that's kind of how it works.

To fill the emptiness and loneliness of my life between work and university. Weekends are the worst.

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