What can i do to make sure all weight i gain goes to my butt/hips and i don't become manly?

what can i do to make sure all weight i gain goes to my butt/hips and i don't become manly?

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Nothing it's all genetic

Read the sticky you mentally ill piece of shit

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Take estradiol valerate via intramuscular injection, faggot

But god damn op id stick it in your brapper , mmmm


Raise your estradiol


post more

Do heavy squats and diddlies, can also throw in things like leg press. Do sets of 8 for hypertrophy. Maintain >12% BF

swallow my cum x 4, seven days a week.

Should trannies be banned on Jow Forums?


I have some tips... but first post some underwear pics so I can fully understand the situation.

Then we’d have to ban 5-10% of everyone on Jow Forums

OP this needs to be you bro

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inject some sodium hydrochlorite to get some sik natty gainz

Love it when Jews fall for their own tricks.
You go, (((girl)))!

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Holy shit 11 people just died today because of this kind of unhinged rhetoric you're spreading. Can someone please ban this guy? He's going to get more people killed.

If jews were people you'd have a point

if only that kind of shitposting was all it took to accomplish that lmao

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Just do starting strength while taking estrogen

You can't naturally select where fat tissue can end up, men store fat naturally around there abdomen and women store fat naturally around there hips. But if you want more muscular hips and glutes I recommend doing exercises like barbell hip thrusts, back squat and some deadlifting with activated glutes should help you get bigger glutes.


jews are trying to destroy western civilization, they want whites countries to be taken over to be taken over by muslims. They are a mortal foe and only one can survive


C'mere twink, Imma fuck that dumb boipucci and call you a bunch of girl's names that irrelevant, I should have my DOMS after we fuck so thats why Ill cry alright? Now just hop on this dick already

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Boipus-c or gtfo

Only the unsightly hons.

Lol based. I would face fuck this retard