Share Your Burdens

We must lift through our suffering.
Our chances of salvation are slim to none and yet we must still tread onwards.

Everybody out there is there to get you. People are not kind and people are not good. There is no hope for mankind.

This is our burden and these are the feels we must endure. Our burden is heavier day but day, however, this makes us stronger and we have to remain strong for it is our strength that helps us carry these feels.

It is a futile and endless cycle, and yet we still have faith. We are all sinners and yet we still hope for some sort of salvation, be it found in material or immaterial things.
I pray for myself and for you anons.

There is no hope and it is our duty to remain hopeful. What troubles you anons? What is your burden?

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I’m 5’4’’ manlet. Nough said.

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Do not let what you have no control over control you. Your only option is to make the best of what you have, and through this you will find the key to enlightenment.

There is always the possibility of moving onwards. Perhaps it is moving towards a dead end, maybe it is all pointless in the end but it is still movement. Movement is survival in this world and it always has.

Do not lose faith and remain vigilant. The next time you find youself full of worry, ask yourself the question if you can do anything about it.

If you can, then don't worry. If you cannot, don't worry.

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5'10, 6 inch dick

Im king of manlets in both aspects

I see you have a similar struggle to user Perhaps my advice to him might be helpful to you. Once again, you mustn't concern yourself with what you have no control over. Do not define yourself by nature's definition.

You may have been dealt a shit hand, perhaps you may not find women. But on the other hand, consider the alternatives.

Perhaps you are now safe from the very thing you might be tempted to chase after. Perhaps the very fact that you cannot do anything about your height might push you towards an alternative path, one that will put your willpower and discipline to a test.

Additionally, I suggest you might want to give this a read too Best of luck.

I was just trolling user, i dont mind being 5'10 or having 6 inch dick, hell its actually 6.3 inch so its not that bad.

But those were some very touching words. I hope you have a great day user. The world needs more bros like you, that take their time to feel over to others in need.

I lift in hope that the discipline and determination that I've learned will transfer to other aspect of my life. So far I've realized the weight that I'm lifting are no where near the burdens of life.

I appreciate it user. Not to worry, I still hope that no matter what your life improves in whatever you want it to improve. Prosperity and good spirits to you.
You are on the right path my friend. The improvements to your character and the virtues you will find shall show you that there is indeed reason to remain hopeful for yourself, if not for your faith.

Truly, it is ironic how the smallest things in life translate into everything else. There are always going to be hardships for life is inherently about suffering. And yet, these very hardships drive us to great things. Push us further than we would have ever went before.

Just as scarcity is unpleasant, gluttony is worse. You may live in scarcity and yet you will always be thinking of self-improving. A glutton will never consider it for they hold themselves at such a high level. They look down upon all others and that is indeed a false shepherd.

I pray that you find what you seek on your journey.

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I come from hell. My early childhood was not bad, it was purgatory on earth. I was born shortly after socialism collapsed in the east. I had to suffer hunger, and my dad hit me so hard once i got a hairline fracture above my eye. It was real fucking bad. I saw bad things happen and those things fucked me up mentally.

But all that is not so bad. You learn to live with a bad life. What actually is bad, is that I cannot get shit done. I just don't have the willpower to motivate myself to learn and other things. I hate myself so much for it. I tried killing myself once, didnt have the balls/willpower to pull through. I like what I enrolled for in University but I've been studying 5 semesters and have almost nothing done because I just cannot get myself to sit down and do things correctly. I lift but I can't get myself to do squats regularly and skip legday often. Also I'm too fucking lazy to cook so I resort to mcdonalds, and ready to eat meals as well as 2 litres of milk a day. Sometimes I feel the spark, sometimes I can actually get myself to not be lazy and do things for longer periods of time and I'm proud of myself aterwards, but this simply doesn't extend to the rest of my life.

I don't care what you think of me, but it was hard enough to finish writing this wall of text. I'm really running out of ideas by now. I'm also 23 so getting old

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I understand your feels and I have seen enough myself. There is truly nothing more daunting than knowing you have absolutely nothing to look forward to. There are always things that you see that will leave you a broken man, and it is the broken that often carry the heaviest burdens.

I myself don't have much hope for the future and I don't think there's anything in it. However, I don't know everything and I can't possibly claim to know that I know anything. As said, "the only knowledge is the knowledge you know nothing".

I cannot offer words of advice so instead I hope my words can offer comfort in your case. Something will happen. If you cannot make the change yourself, time will make that change. You might eventually realize that the reason for you to try is because there's no point in trying. That absurd way of thinking has saved many from walking the wrong path.

Those that deserve the best get handed the worst, but that may just very well be another lesson that life is trying to teach us.

I believe things will improve. Maybe not in the way you expected, but they will improve. The most suffering is often for the best.

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And can you help me with fighting procrastination?

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I can make no promises, but this may help.
Procrastination is considered the worst sin in the form of Sloth, embodied by promises of instant success and all the get quick schemes you hear of.

The only way to fight procrastination is by doing something. Do not let your soul rest and do not let your body idle, for it is at your idle that the worst in you begins shining through.

Do not give yourself rest and just do. Do anything and everything, try something. Look at the first thing, the first option you have to actually do something and do it.

Do things the hard way, never let convenience overshadow you. You have to actually search for suffering. Do not try and avoid pain, fight for more pain no matter how counter-intuitive that may seem.

If you want specific advice, I will suggest the following. You are from Eastern Europe and I am very familiar with it. It is traditional to perform a morning exercise routine, and that is probably what you should focus on. Every single morning do fifteen bodyweight squats and fifteen pushups. Do a simple stretch and just take a moment to reflect on your day.

Make a plan and stick to it. That is all I can suggest. Realize that by procrastinating you are simply making yourself feel worse.

You procrastinate.
You feel bad about procrastinating.
Your feeling bad makes you forget your plans.
This means you just procrastinated.
You feel worse.

But you must break the cycle. Rise above it. Do not fight the pain, fight for the pain.
I hope it works out. I hope I could help.

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I’m failing all my classes in college. Went from a 3.5 GPA to a 1.4, I don’t even know if college interests me anymore. It’s 3k/year so I can always come back, but still my only dream is to make music and I know it won’t be a reliable income for awhile if I even ever "make it", but it’s the only thing that lights a fire under me at the moment. I can’t focus on anything for more than 2 minutes except shitposting. I don’t know if I should try pic related to cure this. I don’t know which path I should take really to improve. I don’t know which way to go. All I know is that I’m depressed, I hate school and that I hate living in the burbs. I might need a change of scenery but I’m too retarded to hold down a job. Nothing makes sense, I just wish I could see somewhat of a light, but there’s only darkness around me. I try to avoid getting lost in thought but it’s too difficult.

Blogpost done.

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Yeah thanks man. That helped.

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>my dad's entire family is 6'+ lanklets
>my dad is a 5'8" obese manlet
>my fucking 15 year old cousins are already taller than me
It just isn't fair

I am glad. Good luck.
Hello user. I am not familiar with that, but I will still try my best to help.

The first thing you have to realize is you are your worst enemy. It is you that drives you to failure. You are doing this to yourself.

I do not want to echo any psychologists, but as a result you have to beat your body and mind back into submission before your self, your consciousness.

Start small. Clean out your closet. Clean up your belongings. Get rid of anything you don't need. It's unpleasant but necessary. You might doubt it's effectiveness but here's what will happen.

Any time you begin to feel overwhelmed, think back to that bit of your life that is already sorted out. You have to build a foundation and you must do that bit by bit. Perhaps you may want to take a break from the struggles but I believe a better alternative would be to slowly get bits of your life back in order. Do not think that you can fix everything in a week.

It will take months, but with every month your improvement will grow exponentially. But you must remain humble for it is your humility that drives you towards self improvement.

You must also learn the difference between drive and temptation. Temptation is uncontrollable desire while drive is pure motivation. You have to avoid sin and avoid others. Take a break from mankind for people will try to steal this newfound energy in you for their personal use. I do not mean magic, I mean they will begin making more requests of you. They will heighten their expectations of you. Ignore all that and remain strong.

Work on yourself before you begin working on others. Start small and progress onwards. When overwhelmed, think of the parts of your life you already got in order.

Step one, clean out your closet.
God bless you.

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It seems that many have been plagued with concerns over factors that they cannot control. You must not worry about that user for you cannot let nature control you.

It is you that is in control of yourself, and the last thing that mankind and the system can take away from you is your being. You are free and why would one waste all that freedom on worry?

I will quote my previous post.\
"Do not lose faith and remain vigilant. The next time you find youself full of worry, ask yourself the question if you can do anything about it.
If you can, then don't worry. If you cannot, don't worry."

Perhaps I could not give you enough to get by with, but maybe that might have helped nevertheless.

Do not look onto others and do not let envy take control of you. Envy will drive you to more sin and more temptation. Ignore this and realize that others have had no control over what nature shaped them as and you have no control over you.

Work hard, suffer and prosper.
I send my regards.

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Terribly depressed and hopeless.
At the same time I have noticed my cognitive functions have lowered in these past few years.
PTSD for 3 years and counting, haven't slept well since, not even once. What even is a good night's rest my man?
The onset of schizophrenia terrifies me as well.
Being poor and living paycheck to paycheck doesn't help either.
I'm unable to help my mom as she moved to another country and now has health issues.
My father disappoints me with his bullshit, it feels as if I am only a responsibility to him and not an actual son.
I have been alone for so long I don't really know how to make friendships anymore.
When in a low mood even X pill can't take me out of it, it's gotten that bad.
I joked with some guys that their down from that is higher than my baseline.
I'm trying so hard, but it feels like I'm fighting with all I have to stay afloat daily, not most days but daily.
And a few other things too.. 2/10 would not recommend this life

You must not try hard user. You must try, but you cannot overwork yourself. If you invest too much at the beginning you will burn yourself out much faster than you would if you just tried slowly but steadily.

Increase your basic mood until you are a bit better. Do not try to instantly go from despising existence itself to happy and jolly. Work at it, but have realistic expectations. Find a small hobby or look for a responsibility.

Here is your first step that you should take. Practice temperance. I have a feeling that if you partake in ectstasy you probably also enjoy a multitude of other altering substances. Do not and practice staying clean from them. Start with the least addictive and progress to the most addictive.

Once you are clean your brain chemistry will stabilize, you will feel better and more natural. It does not sound like truth and more like a sweet lie but alignment with nature is the first step to achieving a natural balance.

Focus on this for about a month. Next, you must realize that being alone does not mean you have to be lonely. Abstain from humanity. It is painful, I know. I have never been with anybody and I never will be. It in a sense is a sad lifestyle, but it has worked for me.

Of course you do not have to take a pledge to leave humanity. I am not trying to tell you to jump out of society for good. But take a breather and take a break. Focus on yourself and focus on your mind.

A good night's rest is difficult to achieve so you might want to try some valerian root tea for that. It will help. You have to work at it step by step and I promise to you that it will work out.

Do not overwork yourself and I cannot emphasize this more, work small step by small step. Read this when it comes to improving your material life For all other problems, they will begin to resolve themselves once you take the above steps. Unfortunately I am not a wealthy man so I cannot offer you any financial advice. Will cont.

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Continuing on my last advice.
Cognitive struggles are bad and a misfortune to happen to anybody.

For schizophrenia, I unfortunately cannot offer any help for while I believe in natural treatment I am no medical professional. See a doctor for the schizophrenia.

For PTSD however, you must reconcile with the memories. You have to take the edge off of them. Think of what is the worse in those memories and try to replace it with something. Perhaps that particular attribute of that specific memory taps into an unknown fear or predisposition to flee you may have. Come to terms with it.

The future and past cannot be changed. Trying to do so is sinful and unnatural, more to say, it is impossible. You must realize that unfortunately nothing can be done about it.

There is suffering to be had but unfortunately it is a necessary suffering. You must tread onwards and work at it, step by step. Eventually things will improve and get better. Work at it from the easiest and set the hardest for last for what is hard now will become easy once you have become stronger.

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I am empty inside
Whatever the sweet nectar the normies have
I have a hole in my heart.

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I shall leave for tonight, but I will return.
To all those I could not help, I am sincerely sorry.
To those that I could help, I am sorry I could not help more.

I wish you all the best and I will return. Best of luck and prosperity to all of you.

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You have posted before I left user, so I will try to help you before I am gone.

One must come to terms with the fact that there is nobody to make you content with life but you. Do not try to find happiness and do not fall to temptation that tells you you need someone else to experience joy.

You can only experience joy by experiencing suffering, and only after suffering can you experience joy. All of us sinners have suffered and will continue to suffer for we do not have the benefit of sweet blisful ignorance and blind desire.

We must stay strong however and realize that there is nobody and nothing that will make us happy until we put that effort into making ourselves happy.

Develop yourself, take a break from humanity and try to come to terms with life before you try to speak to anybody else. Master yourself before you try and master all else.

Fill that hole with what you believe in. Fill that hole with faith. Fill it with anything, even blind belief but it must be filled before the healing process can begin.
I shall lift and pray for you user. Good luck.

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How do I keep myself uncorrupted but still be realistic. When I entered university for engineering I was excited to learn how I could make the world a better place. Most of the people I met were wonderful even though they may not look so on the outside. Compare that wonderful life with today. My nativity got me exploited and now I seek to avoid everyone basically. I hate mechanical engineering now, I want to go away to work on acoustics and never go back. I still want to make the world a better place though but since it's physics it takes longer for things to become practical. I'm concerned I'm becoming more paranoid. I work in an acoustics lab and the graduate students and my PI are wonderful and respectable people but I think I'm becoming paranoid of even them.

I gained so much weight when my dad died. He would have been so pissed lmao. I still diet and lift for him.

are these the threads that discord faggots use to collect Jow Forums's insecurities so they can shitpost about them?

Never realized this before, but is that cig shooped?

Except you DID "already" (agree to) pay for it, or someone did.
And you may not get the chance again.
Get your bachelor's so when the music quest likely falls through you have a way to make a living.
Don't give up on your music dream, just make it a reward for after you do your work. And even if you never "make it" don't stop writing, recording, performing.
Just make yourself a decent base to have to fall back on, in case.

I fell to darkness. The suffering is gone. Everything around you is just as empty as you are. That is the final black pill. All that is left is stagnation or redemption and ascenscion.

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All I've ever wanted in life was to be a great husband. I had plenty of sex growing up, so I was fairly decent at it. My wife is really not into being given head or being touched very much at all either (weird spots, like belly, boobs, upper legs). Gradually this has just worn away at my mind. I feel like a failure who's wife is disgusted by him. She established these things early in the relationship, years before we were married, and I just buried them really, hoped she'd be more into it later. Honestly I feel disgusting anymore no matter how much I train. Anyone else had an experience like this?

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Hey man thanks for the long and sincere reply to my post. I guess I meant that the hole is “missing something” that normies have, that separates me from being a loser degenerate and them from a successful somebody.

I feel so unwanted by my "friends." I was homeschooled and lied to my mother about finishing high school and the guilt and anxiety creates tremendous pressure since she still doesn't know. My dad is an alcoholic but he's trying so hard not to slip up and relapse again but I just can't respect him or see him the same anymore after the last time. I need to leave home so I can relieve some of this weight but I have debt I need to pay off and even then I'm not making enough to live on my own right now and I'm not in a position to get a new job. My closest friend (not one of the people who makes me feel unwanted) apparently has a crush on me which is a foreign concept to me because I hate myself and my body and my face so for someone to appreciate something about me makes me feel like it will just die down with time because it can't possibly be genuine. I used to like a girl I worked with but she said we should just be friends and later she thought I was putting her on a pedestal and that I needed to forget about her completely for my own sake so we're not even friends anymore. I used to weigh 280 pounds, decided I didn't want to weigh 300 pounds which was probably going to happen if I continued to live and eat the way I used to, so I dropped 30 pounds over the course of a year, stalled for a year or so, then dropped another 30 pounds over the course of 6 months. I weigh 220 now and I've been struggling to lose more weight because of all the recent stressors I've been dealing with but I'm about to get a gym membership to help me get out of the house more and push myself to get closer to being the person I want to be. I feel like my health and my weight and my money are the only things I can control right now so by God I'm going to do it.

I wasn't aware of this quote until recently but it resonates with me now.

"The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

I want to make it.
