Test raising?

My testosterone levels were at about 585 ngs at the time I last had a blood test. I'm pretty sedentary overall, only workout maybe 2 or 3 times a week, for a half hour about at a time. Don't have the best diet, I don't eat too bad but I definitely have too much sugar.

I know 580 ngs isn't "low T." But I know it's also not a GREAT amount and that some men do need higher levels to function best. I'd like to get my levels to 700ish, if possible. But whatever makes me feel better, really.

If I fix my diet, work out once every 2 days for an hour at a time, and make sure I'm getting enough sleep, how high might my T levels go? I'm 21 if that matters. I've been experiencing very low libido for the past year or so but I think that's more because of my depression/general anxiety disorder. Just thinking maybe if I raise my T and become healthier physically itll help me out overall.

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Accept what you have. I would kill to be at 600s natty.

I have to pin myself with 100mg every fucking monday for the rest of my life and I'm only 21. TRT helped only with muscle gains, not much with energy levels, libido and anxiety.

My test has been at 900+ 3 times at age 18, 21 and 23 (23 now), lowest ever got was 600 and I was sleep and food deprived
I don’t look like I lift and I’m not chad so I’m pretty sure you could get near 900

Fuck man, that really sucks :/ what was your T level before getting on TRT, if you dont mind me asking? I hope its helping you and isnt too much a pain to have to do...
What's your typical breakfast lunch or dinner look like? Workout at all? 900 seems awfully high though I know "high t," is a meme and it really varies person to person what's high and what's not.

Pic related is my body, I'm thinking im gonna focus on losing weight for a month or so, doing OMAD; then focus on weight training. I know I'm not HORRIBLY out of shape but ughhh... I should've kept up with my body years ago. Used to weigh like 50 pounds more though.

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No worries. Kinda got used to being shat on by life.

I was at 140/300 ng/dl since High School, I imagine. Sometimes I felt better so it was probably higher. I felt bad, gains were minimal even though I killed myself at the gym, had no desire to meet with anyone, no actual desire to party and fuck women(even though mentally I felt like shit for not doing it), dick was dead most of the time. Such is low T.

Gains improved on TRT. I made more progress in just a few months into TRT than I did in 3 years of high school natty. 100/120mg of cyp, once a week puts me somewhere around 900 ng/dl on day after pin and 500/600 4/5 days after pin.

Ironically I feel better with 500/600. But it might be estrogen related, as I have problems with proper AI dose.

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Your problem seem to be more diet/sleep related rather than Test.

>accept what you have
why are you giving him shit advice
if he switched his diet sleep and workout
he can totally get up to 700
more heavy compound lifts
more proteins and fats, not too much saturated fat
but it is necessary for Testosterone, cholesterol too. and minimum 8 hours.

>nct is a death senten-
fucking lookism niggers btfo

Raising your test levels will not fix your depression and anxiety. Becoming active and more fit is going to do you good but most likely not raise your test to any significant degree. Taking high doses of testosterone might give you sick gains but will not fix your depression and anxiety.

Im pretty sure men with low test have those problems
and then the problems are alleviated when they start
raising there test levels
it does help their anxiety and depression
why wouldnt it? higher test boosts confidence
and makes you more confrontational

Well I mean, I look higher T than you do, body wise at least, hairy chest, some musculature in the chest and shoulders, but my frame looks shitty to be honest, or at least I think it does. You haven't been lifting for a few years though; I have. You'll make gains.

I don't usually eat an early morning meal, my breakfast is around noon. I probably fast about 12 hours on average.

I eat plenty of sugar and fried stuff, honestly, but I eat an immense variety of stuff. I eat lots of vegetables, greens, onions, burgers, sweets, several servings of meat per day, alsways some kind of bean or whole grain or ethnic cuisine like mexican food every week. Usually 5 eggs a week or so. One thing I don't do is snack on snack food all day (like cheetos and shit is rare for me). I don't drink alcohol or do drugs or smoke- alcohol is something I have like a handfull of drinks a year, idk if it makes my T go down when I do drink or not.

Mentality wise I'm an asshole and have mood swings and a lot of sexual frustration, but then again so do most people on this site.

I get a good amount sleep and supplement stuff like vitamin D3 and ZMA intermittently, occasionally I'll take maca root, omega-3, creatine.

300? God. In high school too, shit dude. I was so introverted I didn't really get to do any of that but not even having the urge to, that's fucked. So you're at about 600 ngs on average with TRT? That's crazy, months ago I thought I might need TRT lol, but uhhh.... yeah now I know that ain't the case.
Feel better with 500ish as opposed to 900? That's because the higher your test the higher your estrogen as well, correct? I know I'm probably wrong, not sure.
That's what I'm thinking, but it's kinda weird. It could be all mental, when it comes to my lack of libido, and I really can't rule it out. Soon as I started having really low libido I started having anxiety and occasional panic attacks or just bouts of feeling sorta sick for no apparent reason.

As to my lack of muscle and everything, well, as I said before; usually only lift for a half hour or so at a time. Not often either. Annnnd well my diet isn't terrible. I eat sugary shit too often, probably get, if I had to guess, about 90ish grams a day? It's hard to say. I know there's like 40 grams average in a can of soda or so. Don't eat enough fruit, could use more veggies, that much I know. I feel like I get enough meat. I used to only get like 6 hours or so of sleep, been like that over the past year most nights. I've been trying to get at least 7 recently, 8 if I can. But I'm still sorta stuck in that stay up late wake up late phase I guess.
I hear sleep can affect anxiety levels alot so I really gotta kick myself in the ass and get to bed earlier especially if i wanna deal with that.

I know it won't, even when I was more active I still had depression. The anxiety n low libido actually started just about a year ago though, (I believe it may have been started by pot use,) so I quit that for good. I'm seeing a psychologist on a bi-weekly basis and probably will see a psychiatrist next week about an SSRI temporarily or at least anti anxiety meds.

>Im pretty sure men with low test have those problems
Yes, men with test levels so low its a medical problem have those problems. Helping them with getting their test to normal levels will solve those problems. When you have test levels in the normal range, adding more is not some magical bullet that is going to solve your depression, anxiety or confidence issues.

Yes. The higher test, the more conversion to estrogen. At least that's the case with synthethic Testosterone. I feel much better at the end of the week, rather than after injection. But I'm afraid to go lower than 100mg a week.

>He has a Monroe poster.
I hate this faggot, even if everything else he ever does is based.


negative canthal tilt

The guy inquestion, Joe, doesn't have NCT on account of a weak bone structure, which is why he's still good looking. Paul Newman also has a good bone structure with NCT.

They both have broad faces, strong brows, strong cheekbones and forward, broad chins and good soft tissue features to boot

well obviously since depression is usually based off major events in life
but I dont see how it wouldnt make a difference
going from the lowest of the average T levels to the Highest.

pic related is NCT

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Lack of hair always was a thing with me, can't really grow a beard either, just a little more than peach fuzz. I guess that's just genetic. My dad isn't overly hairy like a lot of older men are, so, I have to assume its genetic. I swear I used to grow more pubic hair in high school, but, maybe that's just my imagination? It is reassuring hearing someone say that I can still fix my body, muscle wise though. I really just haven't put much time at all towards body building like I should've been all these years.
Snacking is definitely a problem for me. It isn't even always something unhealthy, I just feel tempted to grab a bag of almonds, chips, have just a few bites of a chocolate bar, hell, I'll even have some leftovers from dinner as a "snack," sometimes. I'm surprised I'm not gaining weight to be honest. Its why I think OMAD might be the best for me to lose weight. Easier to just say no to food altogether than to have a little spread out. Sounds like you don't eat a ton much better than me, but, you actually work out regularly I assume so... you're still better off.
I think depression and anxiety plays more into my problems than I'd like to admit, but, can't really figure it out right away I guess. Hence why I think I might just try an SSRI for a year or so and talk with a psych so maybe i wont need it eventually.
Don't think I've ever heard of ZMA. I regularly use D3, and take maca root on and off myself, creatine only if i lift that day. I'll look that ZMA stuff up.
What a pain in the ass. I read a little about TRT when i thought i might need it, seems like hell, all those different dosages and things you need to be on or go on and off, fuck lol. I'm sure the difference makes it all worth it though.

One last self bump before I go to bed, any more tips besides having a better diet and sleeping more, taking care of my depression would be appreciated. Thanks everyone who gave a response.