Why should I get fit?

Why should I get fit?

I feel that I would look better fit but to be honest I love myself the way I am and I'm not sure if I should bother. Is it worth it beyond egotistical validation and that kind of stuff?

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Nothing is really worth it

You will become stronger dipshit. Do it now you lazy Jack ass

I don't really care about being perceived as "strong"

You'll constantly feel better due to better health. If that's not a good reason then nothing will motivate you.

girls don't care if you love yourself

>j-j-ust be confident

is a meme created by those who have made it in order to prevent everyone else from becoming competition

t. will never make it

Is it really that good? I'm currently a lanky skelton sitting at 75kg 190cm I know I'm not as strong as I should but I don't really feel weak

If you don't like yourself, then you're likely an insecure party pooper that's insufferable to be around

You can't know what it's like to be strong if you've always been weak. Generally, you'd probably just feel more energized. It's also nice to know that I'm fitter than 90% of the world's population

Yeah but are you happier or a better person or you have any skill you're proud of?

I'm asking legit maybe looling good does feel good

Yes, I'm happier than I was before. It has improved all aspects in my life. Exercise will do that

OP has a point I have been debating since last night. If I get swole I will need to maintain that for life. It comes down to expectations. I am 22 right now. If I'm swole and shredded by 25 and that gets me a hot bitch I need to maintain that, because if I don't, she will cheat or leave. I got the idea from business. Customers are blown away when expectations are low yet you do great. If expectations are high they won't feel much different if you slightly surpass those high expectations.

So by lifting, you are sentencing yourself to the iron for life. Whereas if you did calisthenics for life you won't be as inconvenienced. Idk. So yeah once you start building a life you can't take a step back because it will likely collapse.

Thoughts? Thanks.

A strong man will be happier than that same man would be if he were weak.

>have any skill you're proud of?
You realize you can still develop any skill you want while maintaining lifting as well right? Lifting isn't that big of a time commitment

You should get fit if you want to do that.
If you don't want to get fit/don't "see a reason for it", what are you doing on this board? Just do something else.

If you dont know why then you never will be

Its a daily effort to improve yourself by building routine, discipline, maintaining nutrition, and expanding your physical limits. Simple as that

You'll feel better, the pain in your back will leave you, you will get random compliments sometimes, you'll get excited for breaking prs, you look better..
There are a lot of benefits for something so easy to do as going to the gym 3 times a week

I don't do any sport and I feel that my only reason to do it is for aesthetics but I don't know how to feel about it

It's not about being "perceived as "strong"", it's about actually being strong. Actually feeling healthy and good in your body is amazing, you might think you are now but you don't know what you're missing. Feel free to not lift though, idgaf and it makes me look better by comparison.

self respect, also mogging skinny brown manlets fills the empty void in my ever so vapid life

I started lifting at 29 which was pretty good imho. I wasn't ugly or autistic so I didn't need gains to enjoy my 20s, but now that I'm getting older (30 yo boomer now) and have a younger gf I need to up my game and stay attractive/energised for life in general.

Yeah that's the kind of thing I want to avoid

I'm autistic but I'm getting better at managing my power level, I'm 22 and want to start enjoying my age, getting fit would make it better?

If you want to be a weak fat loser more power to you OP! Your kind isn’t welcome here though so please see yourself out.

Working on yourself no matter in what regard doesn't mean you have to hate who you are and desire to be someone different.
If you love someone you want them to have a better life in any way possible right? So why not wish for the same for yourself