No carbs after 7pm, meme or redpill?

no carbs after 7pm, meme or redpill?

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You should almost never eat carbs.

you shouldn't eat after sundown. now THAT'S a redpill.


It's carbs ONLY after 7 pm, brainlets

post body

I don't know. I always ate it even after 7pm, but I'm not fat. I'm hitting the gym in november

It's just a heuristic that when followed, curbs overeating, nothing magic to it.

Same with OMAD, whatever.

You can be knowledgeable but dont apply the knowledge to yourself
How your body looks is irrelevant in this context

t. jason blaha

So don't take your advice is what I'm getting from this

What if i work night shifts

Yes, but pretty much any restrictive eating discipline you follow whether no carbs b4/after 7, OMAD, IF etc... will give you long windows of time without sugar... which makes you more insulin sensitive.

Fatties who eat themselves into diabeatus effectively do it by constantly flooding their body with sugar.

Doing the opposite makes you mentally sharper, physically healthier, less prone to weight gain, more disease resistant etc... etc...

A lot of the benefits people claim from any of the above disciplines boil down to improving insulin sensitivity


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The real redpill is not eating while the sun is still up. Take a page out of the muzzies' book.

I eat 400g carbs a day and I'm not gaining weight because I'm not a lazy fuck who sits on his ass all day.

omad is good, omad is life
but more importantly it fucking works. I don't have to worry about eating all day, plus I get 22-23 hours of fasting. I don't gain weight and I can eat a lot.

Depends on when you want to go to bed desu

Not eating carbs doesn't necessarily make you more insulin sensitive. Some carbs increase insulin sensitivity, some fats cause insulin resistance.

Carbs are carbs before and after 7pm.

Biggest thing is not eating carbs when your glycogen stores are full, because that turns into fat (mostly abdominal fat for men). So aim for eating carbs after cardio/workouts.

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>that turns into fat
Everything does if you eat above your TDEE

It's easy as fuck to go over TDEE with all the refined carbs and bullshit these days.

So don't eat refined carbs and don't go over your TDEE

Yeah, bulking just comes naturally to me I guess. I'm on a cut right now though. Went from skinny fat to built fat and I got to lose 40 pounds.

Well yes obviously, point is you can still gain abdominal fat while under your TDEE if you cram all your carbs in, say, before bed.

No you can't

Depends on when you wake up’s always after 7pm

>you can still gain abdominal fat while under your TDEE

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would you take financial advice from a homeless man?

Maybe that matters if you're a fatty. And if you are a diabeetus fatty then a lower calorie, lower carb diet overall is going to help.

Whether eating the same shit on a time restricted basis is actually going to matter idk.

The validity of the advice is independent of who gives it. Unless, I suppose the basis of the advice soley rests on someone's supposed success from following it.

>The validity of the advice is independent of who gives it
Might be, but the recipient of any advice might not be aware of whatever data the advice relies upon.
In this case, the advisor stands as an example - a fat PT might be all-wise, but a fit PT will be a lot more convincing.

Consider this, brainlets:
why 7 pm, whats so special about this hour?
What if you wake up at a different time of the day?
What if you only eat a meal a day?
What if it's daylight savings time/hour change?

Exactly. Don't get caught up in Jow Forums, these broscientists are pathetic.

>after 7 pm
Is that before or after dinner?

It depends when you have dinner