Ask a man who is 12% bf, cutting, and taking a weekend diet break anything

Ask a man who is 12% bf, cutting, and taking a weekend diet break anything.

Yesterday I crushed over 7500 calories. Got a dozen donuts from Tims and three breakfast sandwiches from McDonald's for breakfast. Honestly ate until I hated myself, had a PR lift session a few hours later, and continues to straight binge. The plan is to eat today until I honestly hate food, and then not break my diet again until Christmas.

Attached: donuts.jpg (720x480, 67K)

Don't trick yourself into thinking you can do this every week. Take it from me, you'll regret it. If diet is given you trouble, try the same foods in different ways or new foods that fit within the parameters of the diet. Variety is the spice of life; eating the same things every day, even if you like what you eat, will curdle your taste eventually.

He said until Christmas which is reasonable.
I do a cheat day once a month where I normally inhale 5-6k calories, the rest I’m doing OMAD at 1500.

I recently discovered the true purpose of a cheat day. A cheat day is not so you can give yourself a break, but rather it is a way to punish yourself and feel guilty the next day in order to put in more effort back into your workout.

Are there any benefits in cheat days once month or is it just to help keep you on track for the rest of the month? Serious question

This is exactly it. This was my first proper cheat since starting my diet (been on 2300 cals since August) and I was at a point where all of my free time was focused on fantasizing about food, which I felt to be unhealthy mentally. So the plan was the have both a mental break and punishment, a way to refocus through both reward and shame.

You could achieve your goals sooner by not being a glutton.

Cheat meals/days dont do anything for me besides fuck me up and make me gain noticeable bodyfat, the only positive being that I look temporarily better for about 24 hours, then the fullness leaves and the noticeable bodyfat gain appears after a few days.

Not worth

It helps keep me on track, like, a lot. I’m keto with a 1500 calorie intake daily, I don’t have a broad range of what I can eat and I try and fit in some meat with fat/vegetables and a small snack sometimes of 90% cocoa chocolate.

On my cheat days I can be a fat pig and eat a greasy hamburger and oily chips with a chocolate milkshake. It’s almost like a reward system. If I can stay faithful to my diet and excerise then once a month I can eat all the foods I’m normally not allowed to. It probably does harm to my body... but I think everyone has something, right? I don’t smoke/drink/drugs, so the one crutch and reward I have is my end of month pig out.

How were the donuts though?

I don't remember the last time I ate a donut but Tim's one look so shitty.
When I travelled in Asia, Dunkin's and Mr Donut looked 10x better.

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If you're claiming to be 12% you're probably around 17, post pics of abs or fuck off.

Favourite Tim's Donut? Mine is the Honey Cruller.

Nice, on roughly 1500 myself and so far I've not been having cheat days but feeling that it might keep me powering through until the end of the year.

Do you know what's better than cheat days? Losing weight.

exactly this, cmon op lets see ur 12

I’m 5’3 female so I’m eating at maintance for 1500. Been doing it for years along side some cardio and small weight lifting, I work from home so apart from any gym work I’m a potato.

Hope you at least reward your hard work at Christmas! We all deserve a little something for our hard work. :)

Honey cruller is fucking legit, that and apple fritters and classic chocolate glaze are my jam.

They were okay, Tim's is trash but I hadn't had sweets in 3 months and was craving donuts so that's what I went with
Won't post abs cause I don't have any pics on me but here are my legs, 12% is an estimate but fairly accurate given my definition

Attached: Screenshot_20181024-115458.png (1080x1920, 2.19M)

How do you manage 1500 calories in one meal? I'm 5'5 and my maintenance is around 1700 and I tried omad but I just couldn't eat nearly 1700 calories in one meal alone

If you're eating at maintenance and also rewarding yourself once a month, aren't you going to slowly gain weight?

I was on keto for a bit and would eat a dozen eggs for lunch and a 1700 cal dinner. 650g ground beef, 500g fried mushrooms, 160g cheese. Easy.

Don't think I'll be able to stop myself over Christmas.

Is omad worth it do you think? I tend to have something small late morning, then a meal at night.

Tonight I had T-bone steak with a side of vegetables, some butter and oil to cook and add as juice/sauce. A little bit of salt/pepper as seasoning. 4 square pieces of 90% cocoa chocolate. It was ~1330 calories, I’m not super fussy if I’m under.

Nope, I normally fast for 2x 72 hours during the month if I notice any weight gain.

You dumb cunt.

Personally OMAD is 100% worth to me. I’m practically a potato when it comes to life. The only time I excerise is my hour at the gym and hour that I walk my dog. Other than that I’m sat at my computer chair working on my business. It took me awhile but I was not happy eating 3 meals spread @ 1500 calories, it made me miserable and I was never satisfied, so a huge meal at 10pm and then asleep at 11pm is the best thing I’ve ever done.

Gonna crush a bench PR today and go out for fried chicken to celebrate. Then back to oatmeal, egg whites, and chicken thighs for the forseable future lol

I can see that, something to get you through the day.
Knowing you're going to be satisfied later on rather than just 'less hungry' and certain times throughout.

Pls post leg routine. I beg u

Twice a week, once with a squat focus and another with a deadlift focus. Main lift, then a squat or hinge accessory, then a glute, quad, ham, and calve iso. I will rotate assistance every few months, but this is what I'm doing right now

Squat focus:
Squat 5/3/1 5x5 FSL
Trap Bar Deadlift 5x5
GHR 4x10-12
Leg Extention 4x12-15 SS Calves
Leg Curl 4x12-15 SS Calves

Deadlift focus:
Deadlift 5/3/1 5x5 FSL
Leg Press 5x10
Hyperextention 4x10-12
Leg Extension 4x12-15 SS Calves
Leg Curl 4x12-15 SS Calves

Main thing is just getting strong in your squat and deadlift. Some days I'll only do my first two exercises and then fuck off if I'm not feeling it, the accessories are just gravy volume

>You dumb cunt.
Why is he a dumb cunt? Because he can have a cheat day and not gain weight? Is it because he's not a loser autist like you who comes on this cancer board and buys into the bullshit the rest of the autistic losers spout out of their pieholes?
Do yourself a favor user, stop talking. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. The advice on this board is a joke.
Just because you are a lazy fucktard doesn't mean anyone else is

Only 7500 calories? I used to call that a Tuesday.

Attached: 8000 calories.png (795x614, 30K)

Jesus and I thought my "cheat" days were bad. Thanks for giving me some solace user.

So you starve yourself (fast), heavily restrict what you can eat (keto), and regularly binge eat ("cheat day") until you "hate yourself".

Doesn't sound like a healthy relationship with food t b h

"Ay Tone. this guys got a pyramid for a hat"