>in college in burgerland
>go to bed at about 1:00 after working part time job til 10
>in state where I'm half asleep
>hear door open
>Think: Oh great, roommate's back from party and now I won't be able to fall asleep with the noise he makes
>Hear girl voice
>Uh oh
>They come in and then leave
>Nice, I thought he might try to do her or something
>he hasn't done this in the room while I was there (as far as I know)
>They come back
>Hear them get into his bed
>Fuck fuck fuck they think I'm asleep
>Hear kissing
>No way
>"Bro no! Are you kidding me? Don't fucking do that while I'm in here"
>Expect them to leave, instead he just says "We're cool" and kinda pauses then starts talking and texting, probably trying to find another place to fuck
>I'm just laying there hoping they'll leave
>They finally do
>He says "you first, and the girl walks out"
>Then he yells "Hey thanks a lot, you're a great roommate, have a great night!" and slams the door
What the fuck was I supposed to do? Lay there and listen to them fuck? I have been extremely easy to get along with. I use headphones, I'm not a slob, I don't do anything that could annoy him, but I'm just the worst because I didn't want to listen to him fuck a girl while I'm in the room.
I'm so glad I'm not returning next semester.
I posted this on Jow Forums and got a lot of "you shoulda watched and fapped" responses, so I wanted to see what you guys think.
Last Night
>What the fuck was I supposed to do? Lay there and listen to them fuck?
>>>>He says "you first", and the girl walks out**
I haven't talked to him since, cause I just left the dorm probably for the day. The library on my campus is actually super comfy, so i'll probably go back for my mouse and water bottle so I can stay here.
Confront him about it. If he says you two should be allowed to fuck while the other is sleeping, arrange a huge gay orgy next time he's asleep
I thought that telling him to fuck off was enough confrontation. I was thinking about bringing it up, but I'm just not gonna say anything cause I think I made my point. I yelled at them too, I didn't say it in a beta way.
confrontation ends when you both have solved and talked about the issue, you still need to face the issue of "is it allowed to bring people to have sex without checking with the roomate first?"
this, huge gay orgies as a joke is best way to teach roommates, its pain in the ass tho
That was solved at the beginning of the semester.
It was obvious from the start that he was a Brad, so I was worried, but he said something along the lines of
>Yeah don't worry about me bringing girls back or anything I'm never gonna bring them here, I'll just fuck them in their dorm lol
And that was true (as far as I know) for the entirety of the semester before last night.
Why not just pretend to be asleep so you don't cockblock him? What exactly is the big deal? Be a friend
>its pain in the ass tho
>muh cockblock
I refuse to lay there and listen to a guy fuck a girl five feet away from me.
>Be a friend
No, he pisses me off, I don't want to be his friend.
Should have waited for him to start fucking and then done some night terror screeching then
I thought about this afterwards. I will definitely do this if this happens again, or just do some other weird shit.
OP you are a huge beta
I say let them fuck
how entitled can you be? dick move OP. its just fucking
if you are too anxious to handle someone fucking next to you then tell him, if he does it again then you confront him like you just did because then he will deserve it. he had no reason to believe you were awake
you people are too selfish
>Being a beta
>Refusing to let people fuck right next to you while you have to lay there and listen
Choose one.
Shit like this is why I was totally thankful that everyone gets their own room in Bongistan.
Yeah, it's pretty fucked how Amerifats have to spend a shitton for college, and get shitty rooms that they have to share.
Have an honest talk with him, lay down some ground rules. Either you headphones and deal with it or tell him to fuck off. Is it literally in the same room or are your walls super thin?
Your roommate is an asshole. Seriously, imagine how selfish you would need to be to think fucking someone 5 feet away from your roommate is a normal, okay thing to do.
I'd be more worried about the passive-aggressive bullshit that he's gonna do in days to come, considering his childish behavior when he left the room.
your roommate's a bitch and if he tries that again you should throw him out yourself
>not cheering your bro on while he pounds some ass
You're a shit roommate
this poster is a huge fag
I thought you were in different rooms but yeah fucking someone in the same room is a dick move
Same room, five feet away from each other.
Welcome to America.
>I'd be more worried about the passive-aggressive bullshit that he's gonna do in days to come
I'm not. What's he gonna do? Give me looks? We already don't talk ever, so none of that will change. I think I'm gonna break my mirror or something, cause he uses it all the time.
Tell him to fuck off. Stand up for yourself and you’ll be less miserable
I did stand up for myself by telling him to fuck off. Did you even read what i wrote? Or do you mean for me to go up to him now and tell him to fuck off?
Okay, there are plenty of blog posts on this board, but at least you can get a message from it and learn from them.
OP, what you just posted is genuinely the worst post ever on Jow Forums. The biggest, most faggiest blog post ever to be summoned on this board. Even brap-posting is better than your pathetic thread. Please leave this boa- no, wait, actually, please leave this website.
then he fucked up, also because he didn't warn you.
you did good OP
The message from this blogpost is to stand up to fags who want to fuck in the same room you're in. This is teaching people to be more alpha.
this poster is also a huge fag
I mean personally I would have just put headphones on and listened to music.
I grew up in a 1 bedroom flat and had to listen to my parents do that every night. I'm used to it.
A lot of people are saying this, but two things:
>My headphones were on my desk, which is under my bed (we have loft beds) meaning I would have to get out of bed, go down to my desk, grab my headphones, and get back in bed
>I will not allow him to fuck girls while I'm in there. If I didn't say anything, he would think it's ok and do it again and again
Well if that's what you signed up for then this is a you problem. Either get better living arrangements or start brining your own girls home.
Its your room user, don't let them fuck in your holy space.
Unironically good job asserting your dominance and kicking him out of his own territory, guaranteed she picked up on that and they didn't fuck.
this. never acquiesce on shit youve already agreed on
he fixed his problem, which was wanting to sleep and not listen to retard sex. you being mad about this is a you problem
>not being bros with your roommate and going out partying with him and picking up chicks
>past 1am
>trying to sleep
>get woken up by your roommate with a girl
>just put on headphones and listen to music to drown out the sound, stay up even longer until they leave
OP did the right thing
I think he thought I was a beta pushover or something, so I wonder if things will be any different now (even though we never talk anyway).
>tfw bros with my roommate
>even after long days of work, if one of us brought a cute chick then the other will crash somewhere else
It's called empathy faggot lol
He never invited me, and I have no interest in going. Actually, one of his friends invited me once, but I said no cause at that point I was starting to really not like my roommate.
If my roommate was a bro, then I would, but he's not.
t. doesn't know what empathy is
retard lol
>being a whore who has fucked upwards of 100 guys
Choose one
If you weren’t such a beta you’d have your own girl dumbass.
Your virgin race has caused you to alienate one of the only people in college who probably even know you exist. Lol at being so mad about pussy. This retard autistic shit is exactly why you dropping out to go earn goodboy points in mommy’s is the only end to this story that makes sense. Don’t even think about re-enrolling. People like you don’t deserve the opportunities that a higher education provides.
Nice cockblock fag