Is there any point in doing incline bench press if OHP öötiterrally does this same ytihng?

Is there any point in doing incline bench press if OHP öötiterrally does this same ytihng?

Attached: incel jaw.jpg (1947x2560, 258K)

Do you think he's playing bo iiii?

he wars a t shirt so ouf course

Attached: daddy_long_neck.png (444x617, 353K)


(You) are gay

i'll fuck you in the bum if you say that again

Attached: Guy with no jaw.jpg (470x626, 133K)

someone post the call of pussy version

Attached: guy with a jaw 131.png (934x550, 839K)

fucking reply for fucks skae

Attached: bear slack jaw.jpg (1920x1080, 532K)


Incline bench is a chest exercise if you're doing it right.

OHP is a shoulder exercise.

there are 2 different heads of the chest.
incline works both. OHP works one. its kinda obvious if you think about it. OHP wont work chest as much.


Attached: 1529092883057.jpg (408x348, 38K)

(You) are not heterosexual

incline is more similar to flat bench than ohp

you are kanker newfag who doesn't even understand his body

but they don't, it's easier for me to incline bench than ohp the same weight, which means they hit different muscles

[spoiler]youre right that they dont but that argument is comically stupid[/spoiler]

Attached: you.jpg (211x239, 5K)

I was too lazy to formulate it better but obviously I didn't mean they don't overlap similar muscles like the shoulders

Just do both, fuck the flat bench press

probably bait but whatever

no user you barely work your upper chest with OHP

>tfw millimetres of bone is literally what separate Chad from incel.

It's not fair bros

Kind of disapointed nobody has posted this guys recent photos

Did anyone save them? He has posted some new updated photos and they are out there but i haven't posted them, he has a slight facial hair thing going on and he is older now

Someone find his pics...

is no one going to call him out on this?

Attached: ypvexrryn1b11.jpg (676x960, 126K)

no memes, that is the actual name of the game. go google it, its literally called black ops IIII

From the thumbnails, this is the one that looks photoshopped.

He's called St Blackopscel if you want to find out more about the meme

Attached: 1535407862243.jpg (960x960, 60K)

Why does he looks 50 and 20 at the same time

I used to do flat bench, OHP and incline. Swapped incline for decline and it's made a world of difference in mass

Don't neglect any of the big 4

Because he is clearly young but the shit hair and pornstache makes him look old.

First week on Jow Forums? Never post an image more interesting than your post