I'm 5'11" and planning doing Limb Lengthening, what's the ideal height?

I'm planning being 6'2" or 6'3".

Attached: height.png (1600x1090, 2.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>first pic
>happily married/together holding hands
>second pic
>no signs of affection, she knows he is mentally still a manlet and can't let go

>Limb Lengthening
??? Is this a meme? You're probably gonna be disapointed user.

You areonly going to do the procedure once so why not go for 6'5". Make it worth it.

Terrible decision

because I don't want to go to high, 6'2" or 6'3 is perfect to date all women and tower over all man and feel dominant and less insecure.

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OP in a few years

Attached: MrGarrisonsFancyNewVagina20.jpg (720x480, 48K)

You’re going to be in a wheel chair by the time you’re 60. Don’t do it.

Just wear lifts bro

should go for 6'0 or 6'1. the more closer to your natural height, the better the results will feel and look

>people can do lifting after 2 years of the surgery

Daily reminder that this kind of thread is bait for manlets.
No sane man does this kind of shit. The scars are terrible, the pain is out of the world, and you'll have fucked up legs by the time you're 60.

The only people doing that are those with leg length of different size, literal dwarves and people with severe complex about their height.

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Yeah and I have complex about my height 5'11" is manlet nowadays so I'm to get like 6'2"

the scars aren't that bad based on the pic.

Yeah, confirmed bait thread.
Congrats though, it works.

Even poos say it's retarded to do it.

What is the device in the pic? What does it do?

girls cant tell the difference between 5'11 and 6ft

if you are actually serious you are a dumbass and youre height is not going to hold you back at all. Shorter men have done greater things in worse situations than you are in right now. Focus on yourself and dont worry about such trivial shit

Once you become taller all your insecurity will dissappear as if by magic.
You will be amazed at how dominant yourspeech becomes towards women. But you won't even need it, Stacies will flock to you, they won't even notice or care about the scars on your legs.

Is 5'11" actually short nowadays or what? Is OP retarded? Why would someone do Leg lengthening at 5'11"? Isn't it the desired height?
seriously curious

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Manlet-o-meter, it beeps when you scan a manlet,in the pic it is beeping on him after LL surgery due to the fact that he is still a manlet on the inside

im dying user please stop desu
do if after you fix your delusion

It isnt the desired height, but it is perfectly fine. People that worry about height and are 5'8 and above are delusional

See it isn't desired height, so it's shit.

5'11" isn't tall, women want tall guys and 6'2" is perect height. Say whatever you want but 5'11" is short nowadays.

>5'11" is manlet nowadays
>Someone actually fell for it

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Dude, just hit the gym if you're under 6'' you lazy fuck
>from 3:50

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Just hang upside down every other day 20mins, lost my test a few years ago and fucking shrank!
Now on TRT and hang upside down got my lost 1inch back and my back feels great.

Who the fuck cares? Woah you added 3 inches to your life! Guess now you arent the desired weight so get a surgery for that too, oh and you are a brainlet numbskull so better get a brain transplant too. What's that? your face is asymmetrical just a tad? better fix that too! are you just going to waste your money until you are the """"""desired"""""" person? or what if you just put in work and be the best you can be with what life hands you?

Pretty weird seeing the girl I went to middle school with being posted all over Jow Forums


yeah but the thing is when you are in a crowded place and you are short 5'11" no one will take you seriously. Imagine having a business meeting and everyone is 6'3" and you are like a 5'11".

if you want to believe that delusion then sure. If you have nothing going for you but height then you have more problems to worry about

5 11 is not considered short by anyone
its perfectly average even in the tallest of countries (can testify since im from croatia)

you are super retarded. 5"11' is already fine and it will fuck up your legs if you do it. But eh whatever, if you want to fuck up your life forever then yea do it

I'm 6'2" and I'll be honest, if you lift as well it is a bit of a confidence boost around shorter, smaller men but it is DEFINITELY not worth risking your ability to walk.

>replies multiple times in his own shitty bait thread
if this brings you joy you're fucked in the head mate

It's not, how do you accept that a 16 yo is taller than you lmao

someone post the comic


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unless you are a genetic freak there is always a teen taller than you man, tallest person was like 8'11 so if you went to 6'2 how do you feel knowing youre mogged by that?

fucking perfect, lmao mentally ill tears are gonna flow at this shit

It is. You are just a fag sperging out on his perfectly normal height.
Here is your (you) I guess

If you're 5'11 you should be fine, right?
I'd only start to worry if you were 5'8 or under

Bait thread. Fuck off.

It's real. They break your shins and shove in telescoping metal rods. The rods force your bones apart as they heal, Causing you to gain a few inches of height. It's painful, expensive, takes months to heal, and leaves you looking oddly-proportioned.

Tfw 5’7”

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OP, 5'11" is literally the ideal height. Men are not considered "too short" until 5' fucking 3". You would not believe how much of a disconnect there is between Jow Forums and the real world. I have witnessed 5'7" manlets hook up with taller girls at clubs multiple times.

Attached: IdealHeights3-01-01.png (976x952, 59K)

You understand that at 5'11'' you should be doing fine with women right? Once you're above 5'7'' you have no excuse. Sure it helps to be tall but getting taller isn't going to make you any less of an autistic faggot. You want to be more successful with women? How about you take a shower and stop being a pussy.

Speaking as a 5'8" manlet there is something that is especially pathetic in getting leg extensions. Like the amount of cope is absolutely boundless with these people. It must suck having to have your life be so consumed over your height like this.

Not only that but if they are pathetic enough to go through with it, you will look worse off than before since none of your other body parts are the same proportion as your fucked up legs and you are more prone to breaking them if you try to lift heavy.

>its a 5'11 angst thread
just work with it lad its not the end of the world

>is on a chinese basket weaving enthusiast forum
>suprised that their view of reality is warped

Just buy a pair of timberlands

>tfw want a gf who's taller than me but I'm 5'11

Swap bodies?

I'm 5'11'' but that graph is retarded... 6'3'' and 5'3'' are not the same level of desirability for men lol

this, then stand up straight and up can add 3 inches.

Why are you making me sad like this, user?

maybe in iceland

You're in for extreme pain for the rest of your life, you insecure manlet fuck. You can't even fathom the agony you're in for.

The dude literally has his bones broken and inserted some sort of screw/rod in their place. Every so often you have to force the bones apart, so that new bone fibers can grow.

So basically the machine there is telling the screw thingy to pry apart X amount of millimeters, effectively breaking apart your bones so they can heal all over again.

dude just be yourself


Tell me how this isn't insanely painful.

It depends on the woman. There'ss greater varriation in female height than there is in male height and we have no idea who participated in the survey (5'3 isn't the lower limit for most women, making me believe the participants were shorter/average height women), so for a 4'11 woman 6'3 is probably far too tall. I'm 5'8 so 6'3 isn't too tall for me, but I know men that are taller than that and it's on the same level as 5'5 due to the odd proportions and lankyness.

aaaaaaaaaaaaa wtf

all that to look like a character from morrowind

Here you go.

Attached: HeightByHeight-01.png (976x629, 44K)

You'll unironically look so weird. look how unnatural he looks with his arms being this disproportionate.

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He's like "look at me, I'm towering over my wife, I'm the alpha male!" while his t-rex arms confidently flail about.

I'm an inch shorter than you and get mistaken for being 6ft all the time.
I really dont understand why you are so insecure.
Being this height has never caused an issue for me.
I cant think of a time when anyone has even cared to comment on my height, except a few girls who thought I was 6' and then said it must be the way I carry myself.

if you feel the need to do this you are already completely doomed

how was she like? all crippled and depressed the whole time?

this scale is so shitty what the fuck

>Being this insecure
You are pathetic man. Just play the hand you're dealt.

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You should measure your proportions before hand, depending on their dimensions adding a few inches to your leg could make you look like a rather interesting an unique specimen.

Further you will want to research PRECICE STRYDE™, a newly developed technique for Limb Lengthening that offers superior results and healing.

You can also forget squatting for like 2 years afterwards. Enjoy.

>5”11 is manlet
>fell for the meme

I am ethnically indian and I’m 5”11. I still get girls, I’m taller than a good deal of white dudes too like most English men and literally every single Irishman ever.

Getting that surgery isn’t going to fix your confidence issues user, good laugh tho.

>I am ethnically indian

I'm so sorry

6'1 in the morning is the ideal height, as 6'0 is the ideal height.

>just get on TRT and hang upside down

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>"grow, grow, grow!"

user, height won't make you less insecure. You need to work on your insides for that

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5,5 manlet here
Would never do this shit
it's over to practise 95% sports

tfw 5'6" wife is 6'0. I love my Amazonian waifu

true. I'm very open about my height irl and I've had numerous girls be incredulous when I say I'm 5'11 (and a half).

>omg no way you must be over 6ft.

Noep bitch

did she sleep around?

First off that's a tall ass bitch. Well above average. Why even choose her if you're this insecure?

t. 5'10.5

I'm 6'4 and thinking of doing limb lengthing to hit 6'7. Tired of very rarely getting height mogged.

Destroying your body medically won't fix you mentally. 6'2 or 6'3 won't be enough when someone that's 6'5 passes by you on the street.
Pro tip: no one actually gives a shit unless you are literally shorter than the average female height in your country

I am 5´7". Can confirm. There arent really much girls that give a fuck about height, they test you if you have manlet insecurities, but if you dont have them they dont give a shit too lol

>tfw 5ft at 18yrs old

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>these are the people making fun of trannies for being horrible abominations in the face of god

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are you retarded ?
look at the image again


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>make your legs longer

think about what you just wrote and how it relates to the thread at hand

lmao "too tall"
they are fucking retarded

please answer

So only amazons want dudes who reach 6'? Good to know. I'm more about about the girls between 5'5" and 5'3", 5'11" myself.

With or without shoes