How do i achieve this type of body?

How do i achieve this type of body?

Attached: 1540751543732.jpg (600x600, 65K)

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ss gomad minus the ss

His torso is sad

Attached: 2018-10-28 23.45.25.png (335x324, 93K)

i dont get how a man could have nipples THAT big. its like they were destined to be fat

Estrogen 1xF

Attached: 5v433465456765.jpg (1118x759, 146K)

oh fuck

>thumbs inside fist

5 x Stone Ages
4 x Zapping to the max
3 x Troll killers
Absoulutely NO pickles.

genetic failure x 1

thank god Bob didn't live to see this day

>Regardless of my own emotions of some people

Attached: understand - Copy.gif (480x360, 3.69M)

Gallon Of Fanta and Cum A Day

I have nipples nearly that big but they are hairy and i'm not fat

It's hard to believe he's only in his mid thirties. He looks like a homeless 60-year-old.

legit no muscle mass stick figure arms.

just have bad genes

Quads of truth

Attached: 1540102725525.jpg (443x455, 96K)

Holy shit! I think I saw this thing working at a Target in Tennessee.

Tfw ordinary nipples but I have to shave them daily

5x10 Julaaaays
5x5 Navy Sips

I think you're a newfag

Vote democrat 1xF

Ian Brandon Anderson

He lives in VA, I’ve run into him at Harris Teeter multiple times, sadly.

I actually live close to the Ben Franklin speedrun tranny, works at my local kroger



What city?


Obviously everyone would choose to be born a lesbian if given the chance, but it doesn't work that way. Only a chosen few get to be lesbians.

snap city

Actually. I've been coming here awhile which is kinda more faggy.