I’m in the marine corps infantry and I was wondering how I can maintain lifting gains while also living an infantry lifestyle. Any advice from other military bros on here?
Military Jow Forums
tacticool barbell
I hope you choke on your crayons and die for Israel
You can bulk all you want during garrison but the moment you deploy have fun coming back looking like an emaciated lanklet.
>t. 2 tours and 8 years Ranger Regiment
Don't worry he isn't deploying anywhere. He is a boot.
>8 years
Why the fuck would stay in regiment that long
I’m scheduled for a float soon
Thank you for your service
to jewish owned corporations you faggot
That's not a deployment boot. That is a vacation. I did one too in the med.
Listen here devil [knifehands], getting strong in the Marine Corps is the same as getting strong for nasty civilians. You need to lift heavy ass weights and progressively overload. Keep going to the gym, or start going. Second, you need to shovel more food in your face during chow time. Your regular PT schedule should already be teaching everything you need to get your endurance level up, and if you feel like that's insufficient, HITT is pretty solid.
Finally, you need to head on over to Amazon.com and pick up a copy of Tactical Barbell 3rd Edition, erah?
Nice job creating a thread just to brag about once being in the military. Go die for Israel
Fuck you Itagaki. Doyle deserve better
A good soldier isn't muscular, he's lean. Also when you get out be sure to never brag you when were a golem fighting for Israel.
>Nice job creating a thread just to brag about once being in the military.
Imagine being this insecure about your masculinity.
Rangers are faggots
>A good soldier isn't muscular, he's lean
none of this is true
literally pick one
>A good soldier isn't muscular, he's lean
Ok, cool, now strap on this 100 lb main pack and hump it up that mountain. Oh yeah, and you're carrying the radio. Don't forget your weapon either.
>lifting gains while also living an infantry lifestyle.
Have you asked the Saudi or Israeli for permission first? You are, in their words, their "american slaves" after all.
Based and redpilled
Just have to get out, thee're push for functional fitness wrecks any chance of bodybuilding
I would have said it's impossible based on my experience as light infantry where we were constantly out in the bush carrying absurdly heavy loads and nobody had the time to build muscle, but apparently other militaries (including the US) are a bunch of pussies who think walking around with 15kg is hard work and just drive everywhere so you can probably manage.
No one likes you.
Your juniors don’t like you.
Your staff doesn’t like you.
Your C.O. Doesn’t like you.
Your wife doesn’t like you.
Your son doesn’t like you.
I don’t like you.
God doesn’t like you.
You don’t even like you.
Kek devil I like it
Badass over here
Apparently I am, I always thought we were standard unremarkable soldiers until I heard what passes for hard work elsewhere.
Lift weights and abuse the chowhall. Most base gyms are legit and roids are everywhere.
What about Air Force Pararescue?
Pjs are pretty chill dudes. Pretty funny guys
The only ones who would think a 35lb ruck is in any way hard work are non-infantry types
To answer OP's question it's going to be difficult. During garrison there will be many days where you will work too late to want to go to the gym afterwards. And of course there will be times that you'll be wilting away out in the field. I don't know how the marines work but what I do is right after PT I go lift. It's not ideal since you might be a little worn out from PT but the on post gyms are basically dead during that time and most days you know you'll have that free time to do it
>15kg is hard work
Dude what? Even recruits carry more than that. Fuck Poolees probably carry more than that
Short answer: fuck no.
Its all cardio and exploding your knees from rucking fag. And what do you get out of it from EAS-ing not a damn fucking thing.
Good luck loser