Hooking up with friends ex?

Long time lurker and need some advice on a situation.
My friend dated this girl for 1.5 years then broke up with her about a year ago.
This girl is now making some moves on me and i really want to get with her but i dont want to ruin my friendship with the friend (we're friends and talk but not close bros)
Do i throw away my friendship and cuck him or do i go the "bros before hoes" way.

Attached: The Chad Wojack.jpg (600x600, 43K)

ask your friend if it's okay you fucking idiot.

Talk to your friend about it.

Also consider the situation as a whole. Did they breakup recently? Does he have strong feelings for her still? Is he seeing another girl? Is there a possibility she's doing this just to hurt him?

If answers are no, no, yes, no, then go for it. Otherwise ask yourself what's more important: your morals or getting your dick wet? If the answer is "getting your dick wet" than go for it as well.

Ask him
Also, how long ago was this? She may be using you to fuck with him.

>My friend dated this girl for 1.5 years

You don't date someone for that long. They were gf/bf.

You are an absolute loser for considering this. Hope you get cancer.

Your friend isn’t going to be your friend after you pull shit. Hope it will be worth it. Only you can decide

Gf/bf is referred to as dating.

>She may be using you to fuck with him
This. Got used like that by one my best friend's ex. She made it so easy for me that she made me think I was finally a chad.

The whole experience made me understand the woman psyche better and how easy they can get sex if they want to.

>we're friends and talk but not close bros
Honestly, I think it should be fine then. People are going to have overlapping social circles; you can't rule out every girl who has dated someone you're not even close to.

OP here
How can I know if she is using me to get back at him?

you're a fucking rat mate, grow up.

She's doing it to drive a wedge between you both and to hurt him can't you see the black magic this thot is weaving!

come back in six months and post when you have neither the thot or the friend.

Dont do it
there are plenty of women out there, you dont need to have one of your mates ex. Have some self respect for yourself and dont stoop to that level.

OP as someone who dated and was with an ex of my best buddy

talk to him about it
ask if he feels uncomfortable or has still feelings for her

best buddy was kind a mad at me for a while but since she broke up with me, we're cool again

Holy shit the suicidal advice ITT

Immidietly stop all contact with her. Do not mention anything to friend.

Do not become the rat friend.

He'll say he doesn't care but don't expect him to trust you ever again. As someone who has seen this situation unfold a few times I'd advise you leave well alone if your friendship is valuable to you.

you know the answer user

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You already know something is fucky in your situation, OP, otherwise you wouldn'"t ask us.
Listen to the advice ITT : talk to your friend first, unless you don't value your friendship with him that much.
Ask yourself : is he seeing someone else and how long have they been broken up ? This should give you hints as to if he'll be more likely to be cool with it or not.
I'm not saying you shouldn't consider wetting your dick, but you already know you shouldn't be a roastie enabler either.

This is a terrible fucking idea OP, don't do it. You are thinking like that scummy friend that no one really trusts.

based. he's not a close friend, he'll never find out about it unless you listen to these whiny babies and tell him

On the topic of fucking an / your ex-gf

Anyone here ever tried fwb with an ex and got back together?

t. crying myself tosleep cause fwb style with ex-gf and feelings are killing me

nice blog emo fag

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Why the fuck is it a problem if they broke up a year ago?
I don't understand.

dont fucking do it you sack of shit, if youve got a shred of respect for yourself and you friend you wont do it

or do it and youll be known as that guy for the rest of your life by your friends, my gf did it before i got with her, shes never lived it down.

Do it but ditch her after and never speak of it again. If anyone finds out, just reply with, "who haven't I fucked lol" then smack them on the ass, give them a wink and pull a hectic dab

these fucking degenerates

Lol the whore will fuck you and then never speak to you again and you’ll lose your friend in the prcess. How gullible are you?

>whore will fuck you and then never speak to you again
Sounds cash. Dudes pay for that shit

I mean you can ask him what he thinks about this, but even if he gives a green light, it still would probably wedge the friendship. Just be ready to lose your friend if you choose to fuck some thot.

Why would you do that? I know my ex had sex with other men since our breakup. And thinking about fucking her again now overhelms me with pure disgust.

>cuck him
That's not cucking him and you look really stupid and insecure when you connect everything to a weird alpha/beta dichotomy.

Talk to your friend, stupid.

Because i'm a faggot who is still in love with her and she's treating me like she was in the relationship
Intimate kisses, cuddling, deep looks, my brain's telling me "she clearly can't do all of this if there's nothing left for you", even if we don't have sex every time we meet up

You wouldnt even think about hooking up with her if you had any dignity. Not only does it show you're a bad friend but also that you would actually take someone's leftovers. There are other women out there you know...