Do you arch your back on bench? How much? What would you say to convince someone who doesn't arch to start? Vice versa?
Do you arch your back on bench? How much? What would you say to convince someone who doesn't arch to start? Vice versa?
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This is exactly the shit they taught us not to do in high school weightlifting.
But I've learned a lot of shit that coach told us was retarded
I've always been told to not. But recently I was Broscienced by a friend to just slightly arch and it'll improve my bench
I can keep no more than my phone with a case on under my arch when I bench, albeit Im still at lmao2pl8
Yes. Only a slight arch. I won't say anything to convince a person who doesn't arch, not my problem.
Arch your back but keep butt on bench and feet flat in floor
Arch your back but it's not so much your back but retracting your scapulas and sticking your chest out to maximize ROM and minimize injury
This. The arch should mostly be coming from the upper back and not the lower back
I feel like arching your back is sort of a cheat to decrease the angle at which you are pushing the weight away from your pecs e.g. Decline press. Unless I'm missing something, I feel like the point of flat bench is to hit your chest at a 90 deg, not for boosting numbers.
I've started rotating my shoulders back to help with that's never really given me much arch though
Nice exorcise
butt has to be on the bench and flat feet
Rate my arch
Do you not know how math works wtf is with your plate distribution
I arch a lot because it keeps me tight, otherwise everything is unstable
barely any arch and 6'1, set a 160kg bench pr this week as well lol
Whats wrong with my plate distribution?
damn dude insanely close grip, are you specifically trying to target tris or is this just how you bench?
He's at the rings.
Don't think about arching per se. Think more about keeping a tight back and engaging your lats to form a platform. That will give you an arch that's just right.
Its not very narrow, i always bench like that. I was considering gripping it a little wider, but will have to test how my body reacts to wider grip.
Why don't you just use two plates and then go from then why did you ladder down that looks ridiculous
>believing the arch meme
A little but that looks retarded
A) hes got no range of motion so hes basically cheating himself off of reps and gains
B) if you did this correctly your butt should be touching the bench and you drive backwards with your legs, and its painfully obvious hes not doing either
C) see opening statement
you are an idiot who has no fucking idea how to properly bench, safely, your form is shit
You are laying on your back when youre supposed to be laying on your traps/neck. So you are basically doing a flat back bench here. Also feet way too close i would spread them more.
Leg drive is amazing for bench press. Made me progress like crazy, very predictable and consistent gains. And if anything i can always drop 20 pounds and do it flat with feet in the air for people bitching about it. Double their bench anyway.
Arching is very safe too and using a bounce has given me confidence to try new weights.
I honestly feel these arch memes were a troll so people never get good at benching but it seems some guys are really butthurt about it since they cant figure it out.
i do it completly flat. I lift up my legs to stay 100% flat.
Always arch your back. It’s the only correct way to perform a bench press. If people laugh about the way you arch you know you arched too much. A slight comfy arch is all you need.
why not just do decline bench instead? arching doesn't feel right to me and neither does being completely flat.
>Do you arch your back on bench? How much?
If you roll your shoulders back while setting up for bench your back will naturally arch
>What would you say to convince someone who doesn't arch to start? Vice versa?
Keep your feet planted roll your shoulder blades back make sure you lats are flared
>What would you say to convince someone who doesn't arch to start?
I would say that this is Jennifer Thompson
She benches 325lbs as a 132lb woman and is probably the best bench presser alive, and you should follow whatever instructions she gives.
Mayhaps he doesn't have a larger plate, Mr. Suckscockforpl8s
>best bench presser alive
lmao men bench 3 times their bw, this bitch is nowhere near that
>b-but it's a woman
not with the amount of gear its taking
>listening to a roastie about lifting
But you can literally see more plates in the background.
I don't see any larger plates than the largest on the bar. I'm shy of 2pl8 bench so I have to use one of each plates to get to the weight I need.
Maybe you need to learn basic math.
Nothing. I like to make a little cone of plates too. More aesthetic than just 2 pl8
I think his humorous is just long, or the rings are too narrow or something. Maybe try widening it a little, or lower the bar more towards your waist as you go down.
Doesn't arching your back take pressure off your shoulders? I've heard flat back benching can cause shoulder injuries
Doesn't he have a 15 and a 5 on???
>arching doesn't feel right to me
You aren't doing it right.
>those shoes
That's an 18
What's the one on the end
dam i thought we were gonna get trolled with that freestyle dance video
I arch slightly less than pic related. Arching helps me pin my shoulders back and activates my lats.
Kilos are stupid
>these arch memes were a troll
nah, its a fundamental disagreement about what the bench press should be:
a) a technical exercise where you hack the movement as much as possible to move as much weight as possible
b) a raw static strength exercise
It's blurry, but looks like 2.5
18 and a 2.5 is 20.5. Just put on another pl8
See this is what you're not getting. In practicality you're not just putting all the plates on. Your warming up to working weight by adding plates. After you get to a point where you've added a larger plate, you continue to work up to your weight by adding small plates instead of pulling everything off just to increment a few pounds.
But since you don't actually lift, I can see how this concept may be foreign to you.
From this angle it looks like you are in a weak position because your elbows are flared. Could just be the angle.
This guy lifts
She's a genetic anomaly but very good bencher. I don't know how much of her advice I'd take.
Men bench 3x their bodyweights either as twinks with massive arches or in shirts.
Of course I arch.
Retracted scapulas
Elbows towards your body as much as possible
Lowered shoulders
Chest up
Butt down on the bench
Feet flat on the ground
If you don't do all of these you're a dumbass and will be injured sooner or later.
I'm not the faggot you're arguing with, but I like the satisfaction of putting on larger plates and will take off smaller weights to increase to a larger plate. Quick example: if I'm squatting 295 and then do a set of 315, I'll reset the bar to 225 and then add two 45s. Plus it gives me something to do between rest periods anyway.
This is the normal way to do it
Im the guy from the pic, i warn up by doing bar/+20/+15/+10 and then add weight for working set. I dont see the point if replacing plates just to have 1 plate less on the bar.
>ywn muscle worship jen thompson
no reason to live anymore desu
>resetting the bar for ego is the normal way
No it's not, faggot
Get out of my house